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ehavlor Interventions that Work

Whofeels like achampion inYOUR

, Charlotte County Schools
" August 26~2014
ArnieDean, I\4.Ed~NBeT
Follow onTwitter @behaviorqueen
Questions toConsider
1..What strengths do you feel you bring to your classroom
management system or your position of supporting
2. What was the most challenging student behavior
you faced in your setting fast year?
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Behavior Interventions that
Whofeels likeachampion inYOUR
Charlotte County Schools
August 26, 2014
Arnie Dean, M.Ed, NBCT
Follow onTwitter @behavtorqueen
parUc- !pa- ns- wiI?- B_ J _ E_ 1 C_ T_ I_ V _ E_ S_ '_ ~
Identify YOUR management strengths & needs
Review Purpose of Behavior
Discuss Foundations for Success
Review Pyramid to Promote Positive Behavior
Learn Prevention/Positive Intervention
Review Instructional Strategies that Engage
What do you hope to gain from today?
What do I want to accomplish in
this seminar?
Please answer these 3 questions.
1. What amI doing that is successful?
2. What amI doing that is NOT working?
3. What is my#1 GOAL for my students
this year?
Please share 112with people around you.
C - " 1 e . S+udeo rec~dy
~C i'C +\'\e Fce~eclScbaol
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tDC l O~ ccfj' elf- nee.

CD T s\ot> ~~\YB p,n- h \
T GP:\: hes-kIdecls' (}rd( v r c k
o....- \1enboo a
@ 5\-DdevJ ts ccJ \\'Dj c;u..t
Q\"\c\ be ::'no\ C:W+c1.SK .
Gude~ r r e e s +be new
~rdo.~ ~ be SL tcesst4i
I h mlj C\aS5
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y_Questions to Consider ....
1. Where do we learn about "respect?"
2. How do you TEACH a "disrespectful" student to
show you respect?
3. Where do we learn about how to deal with
disappointment or failure?
~~- .~.~.- .- - - ~~- - .- - - ~- .- ~.~- .. ~. -~.....,...,
.. Courtesy Contract' - '
1. (2- 3) non-negotiables (what teacher needs)
2. (3) Replacement Behaviors (Bx)
3. In this we agree* _
*Solicit from students what they need to feel
CD Schco\ ~H ome
&::\'l~\ or\. tb::>tn t t\haJ -
15 y~~c- \:- a.cd di.srl}S"S
'~1 ~G..- ~ bel:r.\.u tov- s.
~A+ home (J J 'Y1 b i-
ct\rI(?'C ?D?\e l0e
Use. t?ro~ioryd k:ek\I1cY
;,f\. the. c\Os.st{ytYl ~
L~\L\. be veSt d intb- .e-
~eccl: 4:hem uJ .J :b _
Y:7st?:?c ~4".- denot 9e+
emo+ionoJ .

Statistics About Behavior
90% of students
do what they are supposed to do
1-4 "Richards"
5 .
6+ .
Foundation 1
o Students will accept discipline - Not
What are some ways teachers exhibit
disrespect? !
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
Discuss with Colleagues
Foundation 2 ( r . \
e ~; d,
RELATIONSHIPS: OUf influence lasts only
as long as the relationship lasts.
'They don't care what we know until they
know we care."
You can mean business without being mean.
*Identify ways we can buildlretain relationships with
our students.
De.c,c\e... r'J oW App
w) C\.~- \- oyn ~heBI
t..Oheel c\ecide, COm
'1 < 01 2\0(9 roe.rA- - betn\f~OV:S
m\\ you'\ :- yfS oJ - yre
~. cAkO- - \21ece 0+:
-fL' ~ (l00- wcc\- e 0r
(~~n)J .d aX\--L-\-- \ +bRn riP
1\- U'\? ~~'Ce... )Lou- \-E'CLve.
CD Adress 1ac oo+ o
- EPr- S,
@ S:AtCdSm
(])hetl.\hl{') SMB\'\t
( 1 b b0- \\J Teo.J ll LUG'lL.
()) It\te.nJ &-uexrts ,
( J g ; Fol\6W-U,? on (bt\\J e'God-i()V)s
Relationship Builders
Team Time (on pg. 19)
"Facebook" - new kind of journal
Partners in LearningfTribes - books for
Conversation Circles
10-10-10 10 days, 10 questions, 10 min
o Responsiveclassroom.org
o Capturing Kids Hearts - Social Contracts
Kelsoschoice.com - conflict mgmt
Meet and Greet -Take Temperature

c ~. Ou..,+
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\ \\ l0o,l\ = - ~'~ ~~
~I rntu.rrO:::;Srr8n +
I L\ l L o...cl 0- \- - CoidfiAlCa s .
Foundation 3
\ )
. ------------~~~
Wjlat we Do is moreimportantthan how
we Feel.
- Ask yourself these TWO questions ....
1 . Is mynext step going to DE-ESCALA TE this?
2. ts my next step going to maintain teaming
or all?
Foundation 4
Students need to know 3 things .
#1 Whe r e the v stand. .
>E Y~tJ have to teach,
demonstrate, and
(procedure manual)
~The best discipline
is effective teaching.
#2 The teacher WILL follow through
If you tolerate it dayafter day ... you teach it
day after day. (p.34)
# 3\The teacher is on their side!
Discipline decisions need tobe basec/on rules
and goals not on feelings. -Ask
yourself ... What is mygoal here?
Teachers need to give themselves petmissior: to
be less then perfect - not less than professional.


Preventative Discipline
"Life is change. Growth isoptional. Choose wisely."
Change is hard. Think about your management style.
You can always change your practice without changing
your passions.
List at least 3 components of any successful
behavior/classroom management plan.
Level One Infractions in Classroom
#1 Reminder 1-Non-Verbal Warning
P01>t- it . '_ ,- - "Tholook,- - N6CI1C[~rd
'~,~~, ~:c~, _ _ - :~~J ~~:si;n.._
#2; Reminder 2- Verbal Warning-
.~,' Pllsitivelyrem:hd~ent''aty.:;uwat'".ttoSol!"_ rTJ '1a"lcyQUfu:Q~~'NQfk"}
,:,; -U)'O\l~fp_miIirntG__;fC'o1~'__:
- - _ ~_ lodlNm_ kroO'>'<'bnaxtirt.r'= 5::ln ilr~"~
#3 . Reminder 3-ConsequenceMenu- Teacher Discretion
1.ocaofprt~- ~thecatd- pu."'Chthec.rd
Last to luve.
_ 0 SlIlntL ndl - ."
- J .~fS~- QI'"Eet:.erChci .. '"'ftShe.t(!l\~l
- - TuneOutin:.~t:b.~Sloom &com~t'lReIIoeu.:.nForm'
Partrnt Conbct - 3- - 5d;~y e.havi~ Contra:t { O?W-"'.3!}
#4 :~Conseguendi Office Retarrat-doss points
':l~T'-~~:::j{.~~~}P.:~"::'2'-c:"Y~>~:?;P-:~~~1r }:" - " ~'T~~'~;:~~4~:c :;~:1 ~;:~::':- " - i
;:.~ _x :~_,;;,~"'''A~~ ~O:~~~,:~,:~- " " ~~,- - . . . j~ ,_ :;,:kf:- '~- ~1
o Wholebrainteaching.com
o Newmanagement.com
tnic)c\ IeI~\'cl\\. .,
. I eosr'I \= O- ,- \- \c\~,n
-"~ -. -, - -"'-~". '" '-'- -' - -'. - -------""--- .~-""-, ,_. - . ~ ." ~""'---"",--=--'- --~-,--,-,"""""-'- .'.- .
Post the rules (by the ciock)
EXplain it then expect it.
Proximity control (room arrangement).
Be organized.
Call To Attention Signal. (C2A)
Hand on a Stick - Raise hands/Answer freely
Positive tone - ASK A QUESTION

-.---.--.. ~,~"-,-.
If ltro" duc ing .the'Tally Sy stem:: to
;g " "yourstudents! .
1. Ask these 2 questions:
- \.~! is y our g oat in this c lass?
- Vlihat do you think my goal is?
2. Solicit responses about goals, then ask what
BEHAVIORS do we need to achieve those goals?
3. When they mention "talking, noise, or raise hands" -
share your data about interruptions.
4. Ask what they feel is a "fair" number of disruptions.
5. Start with 5 in a 60 minute period. (Will vary by age)
6. Decide on a visual way to keep up each day.
7. Decide on a visual to keep up with long-term progress.
8. Generate list of rewards &vote on a class reward.
~:''- -
> ".~ .-J?q sitive Instruction"
...:-::'::~~ ... '. ~ !. > '.::~2i-::_- ... __ __ _

'0 Teacherneeds h~lpk
.: Student hurts himself
-Student hurts another
=Student.destroysproperty worth more,
than $5
'.o~:_.. '- .
,Mistakes to avoid:..'
6_ .ln~~_ t.?t~:? . . - >"._ .
~ -; Ex Ct1ssiveWarning s " . ,._ -
",5 E~~ss!~~ pubij;;'v~rbaldiscipli~e
:.::'~8:;, M?jorir;g~in.lhe~lD~fS.- ~ :- \. f~~'c ,~':~
b: :'i~;C ; l( el distracti; ns"
6,:'~u';:. e ~~i I Pcwe~struggles. ;:
""'~ Not- ~e~CQingp.~~~~. -
~ Being.!ootoleranl: .'<'"
a . Erii;'h~';- ii!ng the neQ;!iive: ~
.,!" o.js~- 2~iUi !nterYent~.
~ ~gsing~t~oVB?havjrig-
. !IDprofesi; ionalfy_
,'~ Dis2??oiDg lhepla~\~hen~do,,:0't 920
,.~;;'~~yci~e~Pect~q, ~~-~_~~~oi .
",> '-'-.
'p'revent Witti'~N.on.werbaJ c ues. '
Handsignals .
-Whisper Club,
Bells/timers ,-
,- Mis~ry,Motivator
,;', A~~.Yoitinviting~tll~~nts.to le~rr1?
;~,Ple~sefTti"a'nk youtalli- .. . :=;: .
:Have student as~istan.ts Gobfor EVERYthi!1g)
~ Of: - - :;. :- ; ~

Techniques to build "SELF CONFIDENCE"
~ & promote engagement:
Answer all questions with a question - What do you
think? Are you proud of yourself? How does that feel?
Chunk assiqnmsnts-. cut pages/pick small numbers
Pre/Post charting - Student Growth Chart
Success Box - students put names in box for random
Give students choices whenever possible - creates
bU,-inand self belief
Examplesof Choices/Options
1. Put your desks incircles or wws!
2. Whisperort~lkquietly!
3. Cl~por snap (or l1- iends!
4. W<tlkdown this h<llior th<lt hqli!
5. H avelights on or am MUSic on or oFF!
6. Re'ld on the Aoor or inyour 5e.1:i
7. P<lSSyour p<lpersinto the 11- 0ntor to the back?
8. Stop re'lding now or 5 minutes From nowl
9, WOll!d YOll liketo put th'lt qWqYat would you likeFor
meto put it <lW<lY!
10. WH Y DOES THIS WORK ! Deposits <lndwithdrqw'lls ....
. .~;- ~.-,..
0'"<,,,,- _ ..,, Exam~le~c>fChOic~~!Opfion5
y~,,- '- :!:."~ '.
1~-Options/or hb~~ud~nts't~nd~mo~sttate J .ih'lthei
know'" the s_ evenp's; ,_ ~>c:_ . .cc . '.

" c "
. - - . - ..
Allowstudents to~evelop theirown project k!eqs"
'!~long 'IS it meetscriteria. .
6. Givestudents option of cre<1tingone 3x5 stuqy
card 1:0 beuseqquring 4 test. '
'By cte~tin9 thecardtheyh~vernadealotoFeFfcrtto learnthe
conte(lt: ' '.'
' . ' ~--~~--~~~~~----~~---,
I -
, Discuss with q Pqrtner ...
What.rethe2 main reasons the dtsruptlve student acts
""hy give choice;?I/
I> Choices ~ _
Instr;Uction~ITr:ichniqL iestopromote- active
, ',' "- 7engagemehf~ ',"
", ,Row R;"lays.'..w<iik{hiiei~passedbackin a timed rilay
"Trishketball" :' Use~baned up paperS trashcan. Stu,dents
. who raiseJ land fo"participateappropriately may take a 1,2,
or 3 po.ijlrsho! in the~n:_ " ", '
'conversation Circles:" inner/outer circle: . r= .'
'L earriing:CarciL isef- ':':;~pp~ters around the room; groups rotate
':;/anq ao,swetqliesticih's;complete problems; list iriformation,
c-:-\discuss; or fevieiN:2,i'6tate'i.v/music,,' '.><. '
jig~a~ .'..~ert grbup's-ra'view materiai~ Regroup so each,
new grouflhas a.neiipert for each section '
Orv erase'boards or SO[d"plates -'one per student:
,_ ,People Search .: use.'grid with info in'each box - students
walk aroundand tradepapers to gei answers

Strategies for Elementary
o Success Chain- explained inworkshop- positivegroupcontingency inwhichthe class earns apaper .
link/letter/word towards anestablished goal/ privilege. Manyvariations canbeused: Principal'slink, buddy
fink, academic link, visitor's link, lunch- linelink, etc...Onceearned, linkscannot be taken away. Youmayalso
havemorethan onechaingoingat once. Ex. Inside chain& lunchlinechainfor in- class versus outside
activities. Eachday they meet their daily behavior goal, they earnonelinkonthe chain. Whenthe chain
reaches established numberof links, they earn their privilegeonwhichthey voted.
o CodeSystem- Code"0" = Zero talking, Zero movement, Eyesonspeaker; Code"1" - may onlytalk to
teacher; Code"2" - mayonlytalk withpartner; Code"3" - mayonlytalk withgroup.
e Correction Cards- H avelaminated index cards withcommonverbal statements madeby teacher. Please
Stop., Thank youfor Silence., Thank youfor being ontask., etc. H andout discreetly to deal with
behavior. If youwant to giveapositivenote, write it onapost it and let students keepit. L aminatednotes
shouldbereturned at the end of class.
o Whisper Club- Teach students H OWto whisper. Write WH ISPERonthe board and erase aletter each
timethe class/individual student istoo loud. Must haveoneletter left to earn privilege.
BehaviorBracelets - (Individual or group) Use3 colored stretchy key rings- removeonebracelet each time
the "behavior to workon" isdone(blurt out, out of seat, etc.) The#of bracelets left isthe numberof
pointsearned for that period. Predetermine the gool/#of pointsfor privilege. EX. 25 points = homework
pass. Alsoused inplaceof the V elcronumbers onaboard tally sostudents cansee where they stand.
YesCard - (useindex c ar d) K - 2 should have6 sections; 3- 6will have9 sections. Usea3- 10 minuteinterval
dependingonhowoften student disrupts. Increase timeinterval gradually. If at the end of specified time,
student has not disrupted, youinitial ONE "yes." If the student has all "yes" initialed, privilegefor the
CL ASSisearned.
o DeskPad Barometer - Useonepost- it withastamp or 3- 5 small post its. Eachtimeinfraction occurs
removeasmall post it. - If goal isreached (has onepost it left or only2 stamps) the wholeclass benefits
withextra poin+s/Iinks. If goal isnot reached, apredetermined individualconsequenceis earned.
Behindthe L ine- Used whenstudents are seated onthe floor. Teacher puts apieceof tape right behind
seating area. Whendisruptionoccurs, teacher says, "Whenyouchooseto be out of line, yousit behindthe
line." 2- 5 minuteinterval isappropriate.
() Success Box/BonusBox- used to reinforce positivebehaviors, but alsoto minimize#of rewards given. If
student complieswith/reaches goal he/she puts nameinadrawingbox. Namescanbedrawnby period,
daily, weekly, etc to earn reward.
o Courtesy Chair- used as time out - create ashort courtesy questionnaireto becompleted whileinthe chair.
Makesure ageappropriate.
o TeamTime- 5 minutesevery Friday. Set atimer for 5 minutes. Tell students they may onlysay "kind"
things to each other duringthe 5 minutes. Put sentence starters onthe board - Thankyou for....I
appreciate youfor I'mproud of you I noticed that.... I start it off by makingafew of the statements
myself. After afew weeks, youmaynoticethemdoingthis unprompted!
Strategies for Secondary
Succe~sChain- explainedinworkshop- positivegroupcontingencyinwhichthe class earns apaper
fink/letter/word towards anestablished goal/reward. Manyvariations canbeused: Principal'slink,
buddy link, academic link, visitor's link, lunch- tine link, etc...Onceearned, linkscannot betaken away.
Youmayalsohavemorethan onechaingoingat once. Ex. Inside chain& outsidechainfor in- class
versus outsideactivities. Oncegoal isreached - wholedass reward.

Correction Cards- H avelaminatedpost it notes withcommonverbai statements madeby teacher.

PleaseStop, Thankyoufor L istening, Thank youfor not talkingwhenI talk, etc. H and out discreetly
to deal withbehavior. If youwant to giveapositivenote, writei'l-onapost it and let students keep
it. L aminatednotes shouldbereturned cr the end of class.
L ast In - L ast Out - Tardy management. Placedesk(s) closeto the door. Thelast oneinisthe very
fast to leave. Reiterate this isa"choice" they havemade.
NeonClipboard- (Disc. tracker) nameonthe clipboard = predetermined consequence.
BehaviorBracelets - (Great if youare onthe movc.) Use3 colored stretchy key rings- removeone
bracelet eachtimethe "behaviorto workon" isexhibited (blurt out, out of seat, etc.) The#of
bracelets left isthe numberof pointsearned for that period. Predetermine the goal/# of pointsfor
reward. EX. 25 points= homeworkpass.
YesCard - (useindex card) 3- 6will have9 sections. Usea3- 10 minuteinterval dependingonhow
often student disrupts. Increase timeinterval gradually. If at the end of specified time, student has
not disrupted, youinitial ONE "yes." If the student hasall "yes" initialed, reward isearned.
TeamTime- 5 minutesevery Friday. Set atimer for 5 minutes. Tell students they may onlysay
"kind" things to each other duringthe 5 minutes. Put sentence starters onthe board - Thankyou
for I appreciate youfor I'mproudof you ! noticed that.... I star+ it off by makingafew of
the statements myself_ After afew weeks, youmaynoticethemdoingthis unprompted!
Success Box/BonusBox- used to reinforce positivebehaviors, but alsoto minimize#of rewards given.
If student complieswithlreaches goal he/she puts nameinadrawingbox. Namescanbedr awn by
period, daily, weekly, etc to earn reward.
CodeSystem- Code"0" = Zero talking, Zero movement, Eyesonspeaker; Code"1" - may onlytalk to
teacher'; Code"2" -mayonlytalk withpartner; Code"3" - mayonlytalk withgroup.
100%Club- Set agoal and AL L students must comply. Ex. All arrived ontime, completed hcmework.
brought all materials, earned at least a_ _ onquiz, nooneinterrupted the speaker, etc *K eep
record of whengoalsare met. Chart the data 81 useto discusswhat needs improvement. 10pts can
beearned each timetoward 100 pts which= reward.
My Time/Your' Time- Predetermine howmany'minutesyoucanspare at the end of the class (upto 5.)
Put tally marksonthe board at the beginningof class. Tell class each timethey take "my" time(you
haveto stop to correct) they loseaminuteof "your" timeat the end. 5 minutesat the end of class
couldbetalk time, homeworktime, choicetime, etc.
www.behaviordoctor.org - my favorite website for discipline ideas for EVERYONE and working with
at risk or special need students. Many.free books under the "Booklets" tab on the right.

www.newmanagement.com - download the ClipChart e-book for free! LOVE IT!

www.wholebrainteaching.com - amazing management techniques - check Chris Biffle out on
youtube to see exactly how to do it! I watched an 8 min video & had 5 strategies down pat.
www.classdojo.com - FREE software for tracking student behavior -dean, simple, runs reports!
http://hill.trov.k12.mLus/stafflbnewingham/myweb3/ -Beth Newingham's site on a Classroom
Economy with free downloads, pictures, and video
www.skillstreaming.com - Packaged social skills program for 3different age groups - simple to use,
inexpensive, and research-based. Iused it & loved it.
www.iigsaw.org - explains J igsaw method
www.teach-nology.com (rubric maker &tons offree rubrics!)
www.kaganonline.com (Teachtimer, Hallway Pass, and Team Timers)
www.eduplace.com and www.readingguest.org- free graphic organizers
www.lnternet4c1assrooms.com - AMAZING -lots of activities for evelY standard you can. imagine
www.interventioncentral.org - many academic and behavioral strategies
www.PatQuinnResources.com - more resources for RTI than you could ever dream of!
www.terryalderman.com - great books that explain several of today's strategies plus many more!
http://www.ig.net/-cmorrislinventoriesonmi.htmllist of online multiple intelligence inventories
A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby Payne
e Teaching with Love and Logic by J im Fay
o The First Days of School by Harry K. Wong
Do You Know Enough About Me to Teach Me? A Student's Perspective by Stephen Peters
Rational Discipline by Terry Alderman
Partners in Learning: from Conflict to Collaboration in Secondary Classrooms,
by Carol Miller Ueber
po1\ e\J exy WY'"'ere \ COn,

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