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Howard High School Course Syllabus

English 9 Honors
Ms. Mitchell 410-313-2867
margaret_mitchell@hcpss.org B122
http://englishithmsmitchell.ee!l".com #lanning #erio$s:4%& 4B

English Learning Goals
Students in English 9 will fulfill Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards for
Reading literature
Reading informational texts
Speaking & listening
Language use (e.g., grammar)
riting (argument, explanator!"informati#e, narrati#e, resear$h)
%emonstrating independen$e
&uilding strong $ontent kno'ledge
Responding to the #ar!ing demands of audien$e,
task, purpose, and dis$ipline.
(omprehending and $riti)uing
*aluing e#iden$e
+sing te$hnolog! and digital media strategi$all! and
+nderstanding other perspe$ti#es and $ultures
-aking sense of pro,lems and perse#ering in sol#ing
Reasoning a,stra$tl! and )uantitati#el!
(onstru$ting #ia,le arguments and $riti)uing the
reasoning of others
.ppl!ing their $ontent kno'ledge from other
+sing appropriate tools strategi$all!
.ttending to pre$ision
Looking for and making use of stru$ture
Suggested /rgani0ation
. three1ring ,inder (23143)
5 ,inder di#iders
6ote $ards
7ens (,la$k or ,lue), 84 pen$ils, highlighter
Loose1leaf paper
7ost1it notes (suggested for annotations)
. (omposition &ook
. folder
9lash dri#e (suggested)
arm +p Sheet
Grade Sheet
Re1do 7oli$!
/n all ma:or 'riting assignments, in a$$ordan$e 'ith the riting 7ro$ess and ;<2 guidelines, English tea$hers
emplo! a =do1o#er= poli$! 'hi$h in$ludes the re#ie' of outlines, multiple drafts, peer edits, and tea$her $onferen$es and
Grades 'ill ,e a#eraged ,! total points. Students should tra$k their progress in the $ourse on a regular ,asis
through .spen and their grade sheets. See ,elo' for an interpretation of s$ores.
>no s$ore3 ?he assignment has ,een handed in,
,ut is not !et graded. ?his $ode
does not affe$t the student@s grade.
-A -issing. ?his s$ore is a#eraged as
a 0ero and affe$ts the student@s
>B3 ?he 'ork 'as su,mitted ,ut earned
no points.
a,"EC ?he student 'as a,sent and is
ex$used from the assignment.
.& ?he student 'as a,sent and must
$omplete the 'ork. ?his s$ore is
a#eraged as a 0ero and affe$ts the
student@s grade.
C9 ?he student has earned a 0ero due
to plagiarism"$heating. ?hese
assignments $annot ,e re1done
under an! $ir$umstan$es.
. Represents ex$eptional 'ork.
& Represents $ommenda,le 'ork.
( Represents a#erage 'ork.
% Represents a lo' performan$e",asi$
understanding of the $ourse.
E Represents poor
understanding, and is a failing
Pride Pact
Ea$h $lass 'ill $olla,orate to de#elop an indi#idual 7ride 7a$t that 'ill $ontain guidelines that ea$h student must follo'
in order to $reate a safe and su$$essful $lassroom en#ironment. Ea$h 7ride 7a$t des$ri,es the $onditions under 'hi$h the
$lass $an ,est fun$tion and rea$h su$$ess. ?hese 7ride 7a$ts 'ill ,e signed ,! the tea$her and the students to ,e
displa!ed in the $lassroom. /ur $lass 7ride 7a$t is as follo'sD

2. ?he tea$her stri#es to ,e respe$tful and relia,le to sho' the $lass she is trust'orth!. At@s )uite important to
demonstrate responsi,ilit! 'hile engaging the $lass.
4. ?he students demonstrate good $ommuni$ation skills ,! ,eing fo$used, hard'orking, prepared, and respe$tful in
,oth 7eriod 4 and in their e#er!da! li#es.
E. . good 'orking relationship should ,e fo$used and open1minded, and e#er!one should sho' mutual respe$t for
one another.
F. . proper use of te$hnolog! in the $lassroom 'ould ,e using ele$troni$s 'hen dire$ted ,! the tea$herG
furthermore don@t a,use !our te$hnolog! pri#ileges ,! using !our de#i$e in an inappropriate mannerHto ela,orate,
!our de#i$e shouldn@t ,e seen or heard.
Scholarly Habit

2. %$here to 'ormatting ()i$elines *or 'inal +ra*ts
Iou 'ill ,e re)uired to t!pe most of !our important assignments in this $lass. +tili0e resour$es in the -edia
(enter if !ou do not ha#e a$$ess to a $omputer and"or printer. Remember that last minute work usually
encounters last minute roblems! Af !ou ha#e a legitimate reason for not ha#ing !our 'ork in the proper
format, ,e sure that reason is 'ritten do'n and signed ,! an adult.

4. ,ate -or.
Late 'ork, in$luding ma:or pro:e$ts, 'ill re$ei#e 5BJ $redit the da! after it@s due. At 'ill re$ei#e 0ero $redit if it
is t'o or more da!s late. 9ull1da! ex$used a,sen$es ma! $ause ex$eptions to this rule. Remem,er that if !ou are
in s$hool at an! point on the due date, !ou must turn !our 'ork in to a#oid late penalties.

E. /)tsi$e 0ea$ing %ssignments
-ost reading 'ill ,e $ompleted outside of $lass. %e$iding not to read an assigned text 'ill affe$t the student@s
o#erall grade $onsidera,l!.
F. 0espect an$ 1i2ilit"
.ll students ha#e the right to $ome to $lass 'ithout fear of ,eing teased or alienated. hile in $lass, all students 'ill
maintain a positi#e, $ooperati#e nature 'ith one another and keep in mind that the! are >in it together.3
+nits and -a:or Readings
Coming of "ge
Sele$ted 7oetr! & .rt'ork
Sele$ted Short Stories & Essa!s
3o 4ill % Moc.ing!ir$ ,! Harper Lee
#maginary Worlds
Sele$ted Short Stories & 7oetr!
3he 5ll)strate$ Man ,! Ra! &rad,ur!
'ahrenheit 461 ,! Ra! &rad,ur!
Reflections$ Past to Present
Sele$ted 7oetr! &.rt'ork
Sele$ted 7rimar! %o$uments, Essa!s, and Spee$hes
7ight ,! Elie iesel
%ramatist as Social Commentator
Sele$ted Short Stories, 7oetr!, & Essa!s
% 0aisin in the 8)n ,! Lorraine Hans,err!
A ha#e read and re#ie'ed the information $ontained in this s!lla,us and agree to meet the demands of this
$ourse 'hile adhering to the stated poli$ies.
(-r." -rs." -iss" -s.) 7arent"Guardian 6ame (7rint)D KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
(onta$t Anformation
7honeD KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK &est time and 'a! to rea$h !ouD
LL Email is the )ui$kest means of $ommuni$ation. 7hone messages do not al'a!s rea$h the tea$her in a timel!
manner. .l'a!s use first name and last initial 'hen referring to !our $hild in an email.
.dditional (on$ernsD
'or Ms. Mitchell9s :se /nl"
+ate 5ss)e 8po.e to;

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