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Distro Astro

Distro Astro Packages

This is the official binary and source apt repository of Distro Astro, a Linux d
istribution for astronomy.
To use, add the following apt lines to your sources list:
deb http://packages.distroastro.org/distroastro/ stable free non-free deb-src ht
tp://packages.distroastro.org/distroastro/ stable free non-free
and import our apt key:
wget -qO - http://packages.distroastro.org/key | sudo apt-key add -
After that, you will need to update your apt cache:
sudo apt-get update
If you are running Distro Astro 1.0.2, you can update to the latest versions or
your packages using dist-upgrade.
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
If you are running Ubuntu 12.04 Precise LTS 32-bit or Linux Mint 13 Maya 32-bit,
you can install the entire Distro Astro desktop through a metapackage.
sudo apt-get install distroastro-desktop
If you are on a 64-bit system or a Debian-based distribution that is not based o
n the Precise LTS repositories, and wish to install a package from the Distro As
tro repository, you can create a Debian package for your system by rebuilding it
s source packages (replace packagename with the name of the source package you w
ish to build):
sudo apt-get source packagename sudo apt-get build-dep packagename cd packagenam
e-[press tab] dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b cd ..
You will now have a binary Debian package in your current directory. You can ins
tall it either via command line or by double-clicking.
Distro Astro is a Linux distribution for astronomy created by Bamm Gabriana and
Rochelle Derilo. It is open source and freely redistributable.

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