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Congestive Heart Failure - Ayurvedic Treatment for Congestive heart failure

Ayurvedic Remedies for Congestive Heart Failure

Chronic hypertension leads to this problem as the blood pressure keeps on putting load on heart. It is just like your
heart is not able to pump sufficiently to irrigate distant cells, which leads to breathlessness ( especially when lying
down ), edema in feet or whole body sometimes, fatigue and difficulty in walking.
The remedies explained in Ayurveda give excellent results in Congestive heart failure. These can be consumed along
with the ongoing lanoxin ( digoxin) or lasix tablets ( diuretics)
These ayurvedic medicines are meant to provide strength to the heart and do not cause any side effects.
Punarnava Mandur tablets 2 tablets thrice daily
From Ayurvedic Point of view, I would recommend the mixture of the following.
Jawahar Mohra Pishti(Swarn Yukt)2 gm
Swarn Makshik Bhasma 5 gm
Mukta Pishti - 2 gm
Praval Pishti 5 gm
Kamdudha ras 5 gm
Swarn Sidh Makardwaj 1 gm
Prabhakar vati 5 gm
Nardiya Laxmi Vilas Ras 5 gm
Akik Pishti 5 gm
Hridyarnav Ras 5 gm
Rajat Bhasma 2.5 gm
Navrattan Ras - 2 gm
Nagarjun Abhra Ras 5 gm
ShothKalanal Ras 5 gm
All these are mixed together and made into 30 packs of equal dosage.
1 Pack is consumed twice daily, with Honey + 3-4 drops of Almond Oil ( Its ok to consume 1 teaspoonful of honey
twice daily, even if you have diabetes)
3.Rencure formula - 2 twice daily
Total Heart Support - 1 twice daily
ARJUN TEA 1 cup twice daily ( download the presentation at the link - www.arjuntea.com or
www.planetayurveda.com ) -
CAP. Arjuna capsules 2 capsules twice daily
You can read about all these supplements and about Dr. Vikram at - www.planetayurveda.com

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