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Full Journal Name Month (abbreviated) Year, Vol. * Iss. *, PP.

Paper itle
!ubtitle as needed
First "uthor
, !e$ond "uthor
, hird "uthor
First-hird 'epartment, First-hird (niversit)*"++iliation
"ddress In$ludin, -ountr) Name
Abstract-This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the journal. The authors must
follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set
and as a template into which you can type your own text.
Keywords- Initials in Capitals; Separate with Semicolons
I. IN01'(-I1N
his do$ument is a template. "n ele$troni$ $op) $an be do2nloaded +rom the 3ournal 2ebsite. For 4uestions on paper
,uidelines, please $onta$t the publi$ations $ommittee as indi$ated on the 3ournal 2ebsite. In+ormation about +inal paper
submission is available +rom the 3ournal 2ebsite.
II. P"56 7"Y1(
"n eas) 2a) to $ompl) 2ith the 3ournal paper +ormattin, re4uirements is to use this do$ument as a template and simpl)
t)pe )our te8t into it.
A. Page Layout
Your paper must use a pa,e si9e $orrespondin, to ": 2hi$h is %#;mm (<.%=>) 2ide and %?=mm (##.@?>) lon,. he mar,ins
must be set as +ollo2sA
op B Cottom B%Dmm B;.?<>
7e+t B 0i,htB#Dmm B;.D?>
EeaderB Footer B#%.DmmB;.:?>
'o not use t2o-$olumn +ormat.
III. P"56 !Y76
"ll para,raphs must be indented. "ll para,raphs must be 3usti+ied, i.e. both le+t-3usti+ied and ri,ht-3usti+ied.
A. Text Font of Entire Document
he entire do$ument should be in imes Ne2 0oman or imes +ont. )pe & +onts must not be used. 1ther +ont t)pes ma)
be used i+ needed +or spe$ial purposes.
0e$ommended +ont si9es are sho2n in able #.
B. Title and Author Details
itle must be in %: pt 0e,ular +ont. !ubtitle must be in #: pt 0e,ular +ont. "uthor name must in ## pt 0e,ular +ont. "uthor
a++iliation and 6mail address must be in #; pt 0e,ular +ont.
"ll title and author details must be in sin,le-$olumn +ormat and must be $entered.
6ver) 2ord in a title must be $apitali9ed e8$ept +or short minor 2ords su$h as FaG, FanG, FandG, FasG, FatG, Fb)G, F+orG,
F+romG, Fi+G, FinG, FintoG, FonG, ForG, Fo+G, FtheG, FtoG, F2ithG.
"C76 # F1N !IH6! F10 P"P60!
Font Size
Appearance in Time !ew "oman or Times#
"egular $old %talic
table $aption (in
!mall -aps),
+i,ure $aption
Full Journal Name Month (abbreviated) Year, Vol. * Iss. *, PP. *-*
re+eren$e item,
author bio.
abstra$t headin,
(also in Cold),
author a++iliation,
author email address,
level-# headin, (in
!mall -aps),
level-% headin,,
level-& headin,
## author name
#: subtitle
%: title
"uthor details must not sho2 an) pro+essional title (e.,. Mana,in, 'ire$tor), an) a$ademi$ title (e.,. 'r.) or an)
membership o+ an) pro+essional or,ani9ation.
o avoid $on+usion, the +amil) name must be 2ritten as the last part o+ ea$h author name (e.,. John ".J. !mith).
6a$h a++iliation must in$lude, at the ver) least, the name o+ the $ompan) and the name o+ the $ountr) 2here the author is
based (e.,. -ausal Produ$tions Pt) 7td, "ustralia).
6mail address is $ompulsor) +or the $orrespondin, author.
C. Section Headings
No more than & levels o+ headin,s should be used. "ll headin,s must be in #;pt +ont. 6ver) 2ord in a headin, must be
$apitali9ed e8$ept +or short minor 2ords as listed in !e$tion III-C.
! Le"el# HeadingA
" level-# headin, must be in !mall -aps, $entered, and numbered usin, upper$ase 0oman numerals. "n e8ample is ,iven
in headin, FIII. Pa,e !t)leG o+ this do$ument. he t2o level-# headin,s 2hi$h must not be numbered are F"$Ino2led,mentG
and F0e+eren$esG.
$! Le"el#$ Heading%
" level-% headin, must be in Itali$, le+t-3usti+ied and numbered usin, an upper$ase alphabeti$ letter +ollo2ed b) a period.
For e8ample, see headin, F-. !e$tion Eeadin,sG above.
&! Le"el#& Heading%
" level-& headin, must be indented, in Itali$ and numbered 2ith an "rabi$ numeral +ollo2ed b) a ri,ht parenthesis. he
level-& headin, must end 2ith a $olon. he bod) o+ the level-& se$tion immediatel) +ollo2s the level-& headin, in the same
para,raph. For e8ample, this para,raph be,ins 2ith a level-& headin,.
D. Figures and Ta'les
Fi,ures and tables must be $entered.
Fi,. # " sample line ,raph usin, $olours 2hi$h $ontrast 2ell both on s$reen and on a bla$I-and-2hite hard$op)
Please $he$I all +i,ures in )our paper both on s$reen and on a bla$I-and-2hite hard$op). Khen )ou $he$I )our paper on a
bla$I-and-2hite hard$op), please ensure thatA
the $olours used in ea$h +i,ure $ontrast 2ell/
the ima,e used in ea$h +i,ure is $lear/
Full Journal Name Month (abbreviated) Year, Vol. * Iss. *, PP. *-*
all te8t labels in ea$h +i,ure are le,ible.
E. Figure Ca(tions
Fi,ures must be numbered usin, "rabi$ numerals. Fi,ure $aptions must be in < pt 0e,ular +ont. -aptions o+ a sin,le line
(e.,. Fi,. %) must be $entered 2hereas multi-line $aptions must be 3usti+ied. -aptions 2ith +i,ure numbers must be pla$ed a+ter
their asso$iated +i,ures, as sho2n in Fi,. #.
F. Ta'le Ca(tions
ables must be numbered usin, upper$ase 0oman numerals. able $aptions must be $entred and in < pt 0e,ular +ont 2ith
!mall -aps. 6ver) 2ord in a table $aption must be $apitali9ed e8$ept +or short minor 2ords as listed in !e$tion III-C. -aptions
2ith table numbers must be pla$ed be+ore their asso$iated tables, as sho2n in able #.
). Page *um'ers+ Headers and Footers
Pa,e numbers, headers, and +ooters must not be used.
H. Lin,s and Boo,mar,s
"ll h)perte8t linIs and se$tion booImarIs 2ill be removed +rom papers durin, the pro$essin, o+ papers +or publi$ation. I+
)ou need to re+er to an Internet email address or (07 in )our paper, )ou must t)pe out the address or (07 +ull) in 0e,ular
IV. -1N-7(!I1N!
he version o+ this template is V&. Most o+ the +ormattin, instru$tions in this do$ument have been $ompiled b) -ausal
Produ$tions +rom 7aeL st)le +iles. -ausal Produ$tions o++ers both ": templates and (! 7etter templates +or 7aeL and
Mi$roso+t Kord. -ausal Produ$tions has used its best e++orts to ensure that the templates have the same appearan$e.
he headin, o+ the "$Ino2led,ment se$tion and the 0e+eren$es se$tion must not be numbered.
he template 2ill number $itations $onse$utivel) 2ithin bra$Iets M#N. he senten$e pun$tuation +ollo2s the bra$Iet M%N.
0e+er simpl) to the re+eren$e number, as in M&NOdo not use F0e+. M&NG or Fre+eren$e M&NG e8$ept at the be,innin, o+ a senten$eA
F0e+eren$e M&N

2as the +irst . . .G
Number +ootnotes separatel) in supers$ripts. Pla$e the a$tual +ootnote at the bottom o+ the $olumn in 2hi$h it 2as $ited. 'o
not put +ootnotes in the re+eren$e list. (se letters +or table +ootnotes.
(nless there are si8 authors or more ,ive all authorsP names/ do not use Fet al.G Papers that have not been published, even i+
the) have been submitted +or publi$ation, should be $ited as FunpublishedG M:N. Papers that have been a$$epted +or publi$ation
should be $ited as Fin pressG MDN. -apitali9e onl) the +irst 2ord in a paper title, e8$ept +or proper nouns and element s)mbols.
For papers published in translation 3ournals, please ,ive the 6n,lish $itation +irst, +ollo2ed b) the ori,inal +orei,n-lan,ua,e
$itation M@N.
M#N !. M. Metev and V. P. VeiIo, Laser Assisted -icrotechnology, %nd ed., 0. M. 1s,ood, Jr., 6d. Cerlin, 5erman)A !prin,er-Verla,, %;;D.
M%N !. Hhan,, -. Hhu, J. J. 1. !in, and P. J. . MoI, F" novel ultrathin elevated $hannel lo2-temperature pol)-!i F,G .EEE Electron
De"ice Lett., vol. %;, pp. D@?QD=#, Nov. %;;=.
M&N M. Ke,muller, J. P. von der Keid, P. 1berson, and N. 5isin, FEi,h resolution +iber distributed measurements 2ith $oherent 1F'0,G in
Proc. EC/C011, %;;;, paper ##.&.:, p. #;?.
M:N 0. 6. !ora$e, V. !. 0einhardt, and !. ". Vau,hn, FEi,h-speed di,ital-to-0F $onverter,G (.!. Patent D @@< <:%, !ept. #@, %;;=.
MDN (%;;%) he I666 2ebsite. M1nlineN. "vailableA httpA**222.ieee.or,*.
M@N M. !hell. (%;;%) I666tran. homepa,e on -"N.
M=N httpA**ar$hive*ma$ros*late8*$ontrib*supported*I666tran*.
M<N FLE2Chi( Signal Processor 3-C45678D!, Motorola, %;#;.
M?N FP'-"#%-=; data sheet,G 1pto !peed !", Me99ovi$o, !2it9erland.
M#;N ". JarniI, FPer+orman$e o+ -P $on,estion $ontrol 2ith rate +eedba$IA -P*"C0 and rate adaptive -P*IP,G M. 6n,. thesis, Indian
Institute o+ !$ien$e, Can,alore, India, Jan. %;;?.
M##N J. Padh)e, V. Firoiu, and '. o2sle), F" sto$hasti$ model o+ -P 0eno $on,estion avoidan$e and $ontrol,G (niv. o+ Massa$husetts,
Full Journal Name Month (abbreviated) Year, Vol. * Iss. *, PP. *-*
"mherst, M", -MP!-I e$h. 0ep. ??-;%, %;;<.
M#%N J. Cre$Ilin,, 6d., he "nal)sis o+ 'ire$tional ime !eriesA "ppli$ations to Kind !peed and 'ire$tion, ser. 7e$ture Notes in !tatisti$s.
First name A. &ast name and the other authors ma) in$lude bio,raphies and photo,raphs at the end o+ re,ular papers. Photo,raphs, i+
provided, should be $ropped into %@mm in 2idth and &%mm in hei,ht. he +irst para,raph ma) $ontain a pla$e and*or date o+ birth (list pla$e,
then date). Ne8t, the authorRs edu$ational ba$I,round is listed. he de,rees should be listed 2ith t)pe o+ de,ree in 2hat +ield, 2hi$h
institution, $it), state, or $ountr), and )ear de,ree 2as earned. he authorRs ma3or +ield o+ stud) should be lo2er-$ased.
he se$ond para,raph uses the pronoun o+ the person (he or she) and not the authorRs last name. It lists militar) and 2orI e8perien$e,
in$ludin, summer and +ello2ship 3obs. Job titles are $apitali9ed. he $urrent 3ob must have a lo$ation/ previous positions ma) be listed
2ithout one. In+ormation $on$ernin, previous publi$ations ma) be in$luded. r) not to list more than three booIs or published arti$les. he
+ormat +or listin, publishers o+ a booI 2ithin the bio,raph) isA title o+ booI ($it), stateA publisher name, )ear) similar to a re+eren$e. -urrent
and previous resear$h interests end the para,raph.
he third para,raph be,ins 2ith the authorRs title and last name (e.,., 'r. !mith, Pro+. Jones, Mr. Ja3or, Ms. Eunter). 7ist an)
memberships in pro+essional so$ieties liIe the I666. Finall), list an) a2ards and 2orI +or pro+essional $ommittees and publi$ations.
Personal hobbies should not be in$luded in the bio,raph).
First name $. &ast name in$ludes the bio,raph) here.
First name '. &ast name in$ludes the bio,raph) here.

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