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Kretzulescu Church

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Kretzulescu Church
Kretzulescu Church (Romanian: Biserica Kretzulescu or Cre ulescu ) is an Eastern Orthodo
church in central !ucharest, Romania" !uilt in the !r#nco$enesc style, it is located on Calea
%ictoriei, nr" &'(, at one of the corners of Re$olution )*uare, net to the former Royal +alace"
,he church -as commissioned in ./012./00 3y the 3oyar 4ordache Cre ulescu and his -ife )afta, a
dau5hter of prince Constantin !r#nco$eanu" Ori5inally, the eterior -as painted, 3ut since the
restoration -ork done in .67'2.678 (under the super$ision of architect tefan !al ), the facade is
made of 3rick" ,he frescoes on the porch date from the ori5inal structure, -hile the interior frescoes
-ere painted 3y 9heor5he ,attarescu in .:'62.:81"
,he church, dama5ed durin5 the ;o$em3er, .6&1 earth*uake, -as repaired in .6&02.6&7" 4n the
early days of the communist re5ime, Kretzulescu Church -as slated for demolition, 3ut -as sa$ed
due to efforts of architects such as <enriette =ela$rancea>9i3ory" ?ore reno$ations took place after
the !ucharest earth*uake of .6// and the Re$olution of .6:6" ,o the side of the church no- stands
no- a memorial 3ust of Corneliu Coposu"

External links
@+laces to $isit in !ucharest > Cretulescu Church@
Coordinates: &&A08B./"..C; 08A'B&/"61CE
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Romanian Orthodo churches in Romania
Churches in !ucharest
Reli5ious 3uildin5s completed in ./00
<istoric monuments in !ucharest
Calea %ictoriei
Eastern Orthodo church stu3s
Romanian church stu3s
,his pa5e -as last modified on 0& (pril 01.& at .8:77

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