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Lesson 2

Caesars English
Countenance: facial expression
Profound: deep
Manifest: obvious
Prodigious: huge
Languor: weakness
Write your words in your vocabulary notebooks. For each word
write the !eaning the part of speech and a sentence using the word.
"lso include the #panish word.
Due Wednesday:
#ynony!s$ Look at the synony!s listed for each spelling word.
%ick one synony! fro! the list look it up in the dictionary and
carefully explain the di&erence between the two words.
Due Thursday:
'ewrites$ 'ewrite the sentences in !ore ordinary language.

Due Friday :
Co!plete the parts of speech assign!ent on the back of this
Cu!ulative 'eview
(i ) two
#ub ) under
*e ) down
%re ) before
#uper ) over
Countenance ) facial expression
%rofound ) deep
+anifest ) obvious
%rodigious ) huge
Languor ) weakness

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