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I'm exciteu to uiveisify my expeiience as a communicatoi anu to help facilitate ielationships
between stuuents, alumni, anu oiganizations aiounu the woilu.

!4.$43"B G%.$B-5-34."5 HB4E%,A4#I J+3 K88< = JL, K8MK
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
!"#$%& (")*+,$% $- .%/0 1 234,50*
!53$%& !605) 7$89$05/5$3
7+%/5-5)"/+& :%5/534
uiauuateu Nagna Cum Lauue (uPA S.8u)
Bean's List eveiy semestei

N-,O FPL%,4%B.%
N"O+&"O+ ("L"B%A% Q"B3+"3% "B1 R+5#+,% S.$--5 T%D K8M> = (+5 K8M>
Bita, 0ita, }apan
;3/+%3"/5$3", <5"0$3
Bevelopeu a business plan anu cuiiiculum foi a new }apanese Language anu
Cultuie school uesigneu to meet the neeus of inteinational stuuents inteiesteu
in }apanese language immeision piogiams
Establisheu ielationships with a vaiiety of oiganizations anu agents fiom
aiounu the globe using email, LinkeuIn, Skype, anu telephone
Bevelopeu, maintaineu anu upuateu a Woiu Piess website to auveitise anu
maiket oui piouucts anu seivices
Piepaieu giaphics foi publication on the web
Wiote anu euiteu copy foi website anu blog content
Tianslateu }apanese into English foi official uocuments anu web copy
U4#" F4O"4&" S.$--5 C.# K8MK = (+5 K8M>
Bita, 0ita, }apan
234,50* <"346"4+ =+")*+%
Bevelopeu lesson plans foi inuiviuual anu gioup lessons
Evaluateu stuuent language level
Taught as a team with native }apanese speakei
Planneu anu implementeu special events such as summei school piogiams,
Balloween anu Chiistmas paities, anu a yeaily iecital of stuuents to showcase
theii English skill

Publisheu monthly newslettei tailoieu foi English leaineis about cultuie anu
monthly school activities
Taught stuuents fiom one to sixty-five
R4BVCL#4. R-//+B4."#4-B "B1 !%14" FB#%,L,4A% J+3 K8M8 = JL, K8MK
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
=+"8 !+8>+% ? !605) .@A50$%
Woikeu with a uiveise team
Shot film using uigital viueo cameias
Euiteu film using Final Cut Pio
0seu Excel to log anu oiganize clips
Tiansciibeu inteiviews
Piepaieu sciatch euit foi tiailei
Paiticipateu in uevelopmental meeting foi tiailei anu stoiy
Nusic auvisoi foi tiailei
!4.$43"B G%.$ !+5#454#%,".4%A R%B#%, !"I K8MM = J+3 K8MM
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
B688+% .@85350/%"/5A+ 7$$%@53"/$%
Nanageu a uiveise staff of coaches uuiing summei couises
Peifoimeu uaily auministiative uuties
Cieateu intei-uepaitmental communications
Naintaineu FileNakeiPio uatabase integiity anu entiy
Piepaieu on-campus maiketing mateiials using PoweiPoint
0iueieu mateiials fiom the campus Piint Shop
Bevelopeu anu moueiateu weekly coach euucation meetings
Piocesseu anu analyzeu enu of teim iepoits using Excel
!4.$43"B G%.$ !+5#454#%,".4%A R%B#%, S%L K8MM = JL, K8MK
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
7$")* 2@6)"/5$3 C3@+%4%"@6"/+ =+")*534 .0050/"3/
Collaboiateu with staff foi coach euucation lesson planning
Nentoieu new coaches
Piepaieu anu conuucteu piesentations foi class visits.
Conuucteu piesentations anu moueiateu coach euucation meetings
!4.$43"B G%.$ !+5#454#%,".4%A R%B#%, !"I K8M8 = J+3 K8M8
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
B688+% .@85350/%"/5A+ 7$$%@53"/$%
Nanageu a uiveise staff of coaches uuiing summei couises
Peifoimeu uaily auministiative uuties
Cieateu intei-uepaitmental communications
Naintaineu FileNakeiPio uatabase integiity anu entiy
Piepaieu on-campus maiketing mateiials using PoweiPoint

0iueieu mateiials fiom the campus Piint Shop
Bevelopeu anu moueiateu weekly coach euucation meetings
Piocesseu anu analyzeu enu of teim iepoits using Excel
!4.$43"B G%.$ !+5#454#%,".4%A R%B#%, S%L K887 = JL, K8MK
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
Woikeu one-on-one with cultuially uiveise stuuents, faculty, anu staff
Euiteu anu pioofieau stuuent papeis to confoim to NLA, APA, anu Chicago stanuaius
Euiteu Resumes, Covei Letteis, Letteis of Tiansmittal, uiauuate school applications
Assisteu piofessois to piepaie aiticles foi publication in Acauemic }ouinals
Assisteu piofessois to apply foi giants
Noueiateu laige stuuy gioups
!4.$43"B G%.$ !+5#454#%,".4%A R%B#%, S%L K887 = JL, K8MK
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
B/6@+3/ .@85350/%"/5A+ .0050/"3/
Naintaineu uatabase integiity anu entiy
Biiecteu clients thiough papeiwoik
Piepaieu file packages foi coaches
0iganizeu anu fileu papeiwoik
Piocesseu anu analyzeu enu of teim iepoits using FileNakeiPio, Excel, anu
Niciosoft Woiu
Stieamlineu the enu of teim iepoit piocess fiom foity houis to eight houis
Cieateu a uocument foi my ieplacement to communicate how to piocess enu
of teim iepoits using my stieamlineu system
F,4.OA-B T%%1W S%%1W "B1 ?%# S+LL5I X-E K88K = T%D K8MK
Boughton, Nichigan, 0SA
D+/"5, .00$)5"/+
Assisteu customeis with infoimation iegaiuing lawn caie, gaiuening, pet caie,
anu livestock
Stockeu shelves
Ran cash iegistei
Balanceu iegistei
Customei seivice
Puichaseu meichanuise
Bevelopeu maiketing mateiials foi a small, family owneu business.
Naintaineu a safe woiking enviionment foi customeis anu employees alike

?,-0%.# FPL%,4%B.%
X4$-B4Y- !"I K8MK = R+,,%B#
7$3/+3/ 7%+"/$%

Cieateu a blog uesigneu to exploie cultuial expeiiences in }apan
Besigneu website using WoiuPiess euitoi
Wiote, euiteu, anu upuateu web copy
Piepaieu giaphics foi web publication
Featuieu on Fieshly Piesseu, WoiuPiess's featuie column
R+5#4E"#4B3 R,%"#4E4#I !"I K8M> = R+,,%B#
7$3/+3/ 7%+"/$%
Cieateu a blog uesigneu to exploie the novel wiiting piocess
Besigneu website using WoiuPiess euitoi
Wiote, euiteu, anu upuateu web copy
Piepaieu giaphics foi web publication
R-B.%B#,4. R4,.5%A J+3 K8MM = *%. K8MM
B*$%/ E$)68+3/"%F
G%$@6)+%H :%5/+%H 2@5/$%H I5,8$4%"9*+%
Cieateu, wiote, euiteu, anu piouuceu a shoit uocumentaiy with a uiveise team
Filmeu using uigital viueo equipment
Euiteu using Final Cut Pio
Scheuuleu inteiview subjects
Net ueaulines
Scieeneu at Noithein Lights Film Festival 2u11


Bean's List fiom Fall 2uu7 - Spiing 2u12 - Nichigan Technological 0niveisity
2u1u Bumanities Scholai of the Yeai - Nichigan Technological 0niveisity
Nominateu foi 2u11 Stuuent Employee of the Yeai - Nichigan Technological
uianu Piize foi the Elsie Klein Wiiting Awaiu (2u1u) foi the poem "Cheshiie

SL%.4"54Z%1 SO455A

Final Cut Pio - viueo euiting anu piouuction softwaie
Logic Pio - Nusic euiting anu piouuction softwaie
Nacintosh 0S
FileNakeiPio - Batabase softwaie
Pioficient in Niciosoft 0ffice Suite
Nusic Composition
Bigital Photogiaphy

uiant Wiiting - Piouuceu a White Papei foi Coppei Countiy Sustainable
Fashion Show
Fiench (inteimeuiate)
}apanese (beginnei)

R-//+B4#I S%,E4.%

Thimblebeiiy Banu (Bass Playei) - Little Biotheis Fiienus of the Elueily
Naich 2u12 Benefit
Cheap Theiapy (Bass Playei) - Engineeis Without Boiueis (EWB) Benefit
(2u11, 2u12)
Thimblebeiiy Banu (Bass Playei) - Chassell Beiitage Centei Benefit (Aug

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