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xenophobia- A fear of foreigners or strangers

reluctant-Not eager
procurement-The act of getting possession of something
culpable-Deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious
absconding-Runaway; usually includes taking something or somebody along
shoving-Comeinto rough contact with while moving
sleaze-Tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar
unveiled-Revealed; especially by having a veil removed
voda 59
bifurcation- The place where something divides into two branches
collateral-Situated or running sidebyside
ambush-The act of concealing yourself and lyinginwait to attack by surprise
obscene-Suggestive of or tending to moral looseness
absconding-Runaway; usually includes taking something or somebody along
nab-Take into custody
Apotheosis is a noun that means the elevation of a person
The native, indigenous people of a country are often called aboriginals
Scintillate is a verb that means to be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity
Rife is an adjective that means excessively abundant
Repose is a formal or literary term used to mean the act of resting
bereft-sorrowful through loss or deprivation
brevity-brief, shortness
quotidian-daily, ordinary
ruminate- it means you are thinking very deeply about something. You're likely t
o be so lost in thought that you stare off into space and don't hear
people when they call your name.
contingent-group of people, changes
contingent can be used to describe when something can occur only when something
else does first.
repose-Repose is a noun that means freedom from activity
Inviolable is an adjective that means must be kept sacred
Careen is a verb that means to move sideways or in an unsteady way
volition- wish will
aberration- something that is not normal
exalt- rising up in position or putting up on a pedestal, positive sense
convulse- to overcome with laughter , laughung madly, to make sudden, violent, u
ncontrollable movements.
suffrage-ri8 to vote

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