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VeriPark Technical Experience Evaluation Questionnaire

Full Name: Ammad Azam Tarar

Q1) Name three software projects you too part !" the last three years# $lease me"t!o" your role !" the project
as well as the project durat!o"% &$lease wr!te three projects at most%'
Name of the project Date/
lient Team
#ines of co$e %ou
$eveloppe$ &approx)
(hur" )a"a*eme"t 1 mo"th De+eloper ()$a 1 1000
,oll-ut Automat!o" . )o"ths De+eloper ()$a 1 /000
$A((A, 0 )o"ths De+eloper $A((A, 10 2000
Q') 1h!ch tech"olo*!es d!d you use !" the projects you me"t!o"ed a2o+e#
Name of the project Pro()
Data*ase +peratin( s%stem ,eportin(
(hur" )a"a*eme"t 3!sual 4as!c -racle 1!"dows 5 1!"dows 5
,ollout Automat!o" (6 -racle 1!"dows 5 1!"dows 5
$A((A, %"et 78l 7er+er 1!"dows 5 1!"dows 5
Q-) 9a+e you e+er wored !" a project where there were 2ra"ches of de+elopme"t !" a source co"trol
appl!cat!o"# :f yes; what was the "ame of the project; how ma"y 2ra"ches were !" use#
<es; dur!"* $A((A, project; ma"y de+elopers were s!multa"eously wor!"* o" o"e project us!"* TF7% There
were arou"d 10 people who were wor!"* o" !"d!+!dual modules%
Q.) 9a+e you e+er !"te*rated w!th a le*acy appl!cat!o" other tha" us!"* we2 ser+!ces a"d stored procedures#
:f yes; please !"d!cate the project a"d the le*acy systems you !"te*rated w!th a"d me"t!o" the !"te*rat!o"
methodolod*y a"d protocols used%
Q/) D!d you e+er use crypto*raphy !" your projects# :f yes; wh!ch al*or!thms d!d you use; for what purpose
a"d what was your ey ma"a*eme"t strate*y such as the stora*e place for eys#
Q0) 1hat are the th!"*s you would do or a+o!d do!"* for !mpro+!"* performa"ce of a we2 appl!cat!o"# $lease
l!st top / most !mporta"t th!"*s for you%
: try to use cl!e"t s!de +al!dat!o"s !"stead of ser+er s!de +al!dat!o"s
: d!sa2le +!ew7tate u"less !ts "ecassary
1he" there !s lar*e datasets; : use pa*!"at!o"
: use stored procedure rather tha" d!rect 8uery!"*
: try to m!"!m!ze stor!"* a"d tra"sfer!"* data throu*ht sess!o" +ar!a2les%
Q1) 1hat are the th!"*s you would do or a+o!d do!"* for !mpro+!"* secur!ty of a we2 appl!cat!o"# $lease l!st
top / most !mporta"t th!"*s for you%
: w!ll use =us!"*> a"d stored procedures; so there !s "o 7?@ !"ject!o"
: do"At pass authe"t!cat!o" !"format!o" !" 8uery str!"*s a"d use 9TT$7 co""ect!o"s
: do"At d!splay data2ase !"format!o" dur!"* eBcept!o"s
: do 7ess!o" )a"a*eme"t; so that "o o"e ca" *et u"author!sed access
: do eBcept!o" a"d e+e"t lo**!"*
Q2) Assume that you are de+elop!"* a we2 appl!cat!o" that shows curre"cy eBcha"*e rates for a 2a" we2
s!te% The rates are stored !" a" :4) )a!"frame !" the 2a" a"d rates are a+a!la2le throu*h we2 ser+!ces% Cach
t!me a user accesses the rates pa*e; the pa*e maes a re8uest to the ma!"frame% Th!s *e"erates too much load
o" the ma!"frame% Cspec!ally most of the t!me the rates del!+ered !s the same% 4ut at the same t!me rates may
fluctuate w!th!" the day a"d !f rates ha+e cha"*ed the we2 pa*e should "ot d!splay the cached +alues 2ut mae
a"other re8uest to the we2 ser+!ce% The rates ta2le at ma!"frame supports tr!**ers where each update to the
rates ta2le ca" !"+oe a tr!**er where the tr!**er may further call a we2 ser+!ce% 9ow would you des!*" such a
cach!"* arch!tecture a"d mae sure !t !s !"+al!dated o" rate cha"*es# $lease eBpla!" 2y draw!"* a d!a*ram%
7uppose !"te*rat!o" tech"olo*y !s a+a!la2le o" ma!"frame a"d !t "ot!f!es our %"et cache app whe" a"y curre"cy
rate cha"*es% -ur cache app would the" up*rade !ts cache 2y read!"* data from ma!"frame% -ur curre"cy rate
we2 ser+!ce would 2e pro*rammed w!th %"et rate cache% Th!s w!ll e"sure that curre"cy rate !s always correct
a"d up to date%

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