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Session Activity Task Procedure Timing

Warm up Flashcards and
The teacher shows
some flashcards
related to the clothes
topic and the students
have to repeat the
words. Then she
writes the words on
the blackboard and
they have to find them
in a crossword.
15 minutes
Practice Listenin the
clothing song
The teacher ives
them some flashcards
to the students related
to the son. They have
to sin and repeat and
show the flashcard
when it belons.
!fter" the kids have to
tell what they are
wearin with teacher
#s help.
5 minutes
Practice $atch and colour First the teacher will
read a description and
the students will have
to colour the suitable
Later" the kids will
have to read some
descriptions and
choose the one that
they like and color it.
15 minutes
%ndin !ctivity &ame Bingo To finish the lesson
they play a ame
called '(ino). %ach
student is iven some
paper with some
drawins of different
clothes" and the
teacher will say
different words. When
the student hears a
word that he has on
his paper" he has to
circle it and when he
has circled all the
pictures that he has"
he will say* '(ino)+
1, minutes

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