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Marisa Mejia

EDIT 5370
Module 3

Yasmin.(2013). Application of the classification tree model in predicting learner
dropout behavior in open and distance learning. Distance Education, 34(2),
The author and researcher has been associated with open and distance
learning for more than five years as a faculty member, program
coordinator, policy maker, and contributor of distance education in India.
The author utilizes data mining techniques to predict the reason learners
drop out of the University of North Bengal, West Bengal, India. The data
collected is intended to be used for predicting learner dropouts in
universities offering open distance education especially developing
countries. The results of the data include reasons such as family
obligations, unforeseeable events, and employment. The data also reports
Mathematics as the class most students drop. The author offers such
universities advice on predicting learners who will drop out and creating a
retention plan such uniform curriculum and examination standards for
both ODL, and regular streams.
Chibas-Ortiz, F., Borroto-Carmona, G., & De-Almeida-Santos, F. (2014). Managing
Creativity in Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments: A DL Corporate
Project. Comunicar, 22(43), 143-151.
The authors and researchers are all Professors in South American
Universities. The researchers collect data on distance learning in the
corporate arena. The intended outcomes are to be used for enhancing
distance education in corporate trainings. The authors investigate the
creativity both students and teachers possess in distance education
training. The data concludes as expected that the more creative freedom
the students and teachers are given, then a higher level learning is
attained. The authors mention social networking as a method of creative
freedom but fail to mention other techniques that might ignite creativity in
the corporate distance learning environment.

Kaymak, Z., & Horzum, M. (2013). Relationship between Online Learning
Readiness and Structure and Interaction of Online Learning Students.
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13 (3), 1729-1979.
The authors and researchers include a research assistant and an
assistant professor, both are employed at Sakarya University in Turkey.
The intended purpose of the research is to identify the relationship
between student readiness for online learning and their perceived
structure of online learning. The research was performed using a
quantitative survey model. In addition the authors used a readiness scale
developed by Hung. The results conclude that self-directed learning and
Marisa Mejia
EDIT 5370
Module 3

control is the factor that affects readiness the greatest. Self-efficacy for
internet and computers were least important to the learner.
The authors offer a discussion about the negative relationship between
interaction within a distance education students and teachers, and the
structural integrity of the class. The collected data can be utilized by
anyone participating, coordinating, and or creating a distance education

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