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Callie Cross Spencer

15105 A South Cheney Spokane Road

Cheney, WA 99004
!014 Doctor of Philosophy
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah Sa&t 'ake C#ty, "tah, ".S.A.
Co(nate Areas) Wo*en+s , -ender Stud#es, Co**un#cat#on,
.ua&#tat#$e /n0u#ry
Ad$#sor) 1r. 2aren 3a#s&ey
Co**#ttee) 1r. Wanda 3#&&o 1r. Ro4ert -eh&
1r. Corey 5ohnson 1r. 6ary We&&s
1r. 6atthe 7ron&ee
1#ssertat#on) 8Wo, that 4#tch #s cra9y:;) <=p&or#n( (endered
per%or*ances #n &e#sure spaces surround#n( rea&#ty te&e$#s#on
!009 Master of Arts
Outdoor and Environmental Education
'a >ro4e "n#$ers#ty 7end#(o, ?#ctor#a, Austra&#a
Ad$#sor) 1r. 'es&ey @od(son
>hes#s) Autdoor educat#on outco*es o% &on( d#stance 4#cyc&e tour#n() An
e=p&orat#on o% student &earn#n( e=per#ences on the -reat ?#ctor#an 7#ke
!008 Graduate Diploma
Outdoor and Environmental Education
'a >ro4e "n#$ers#ty 7end#(o, ?#ctor#a, Austra&#a
!005 achelor of Arts
Studio Art
achelor of Arts
Religious Studies
Environmental Science
"n#$ers#ty o% ?#r(#n#a Char&ottes$#&&e, ?#r(#n#a, ".S.A.
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e !
!013 3resent <astern Wash#n(ton "n#$ers#ty Cheney, WA
Adjunct Instructor
1epart*ent o% 3hys#ca& <ducat#on, @ea&th, and Recreat#on
!010 !013 "n#$ers#ty o% "tah Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">
Instructor; Research/Teaching Assistant
1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, and >our#s*
!009 'a >ro4e "n#$ers#ty 7end#(o, Austra&#a
Graduate Assistant
1epart*ent o% Autdoor and <n$#ron*enta& <ducat#on
!006 Rocky 6ounta#n @#(h Schoo& Bort Co&&#ns, CA
Pararo!essional Secial Education
<astern Wash#n(ton "n#$ers#ty
!014 CSpr#n(D RC'S 496 -&o4a& C#t#9ensh#p and /nternat#ona& >our#s* CAn&#ne
CourseD CCourse and Curr#cu&u* 1e$e&oper and /nstructor o%
!014 CW#nterD RC'S 490 Sen#or Capstone #n Recreat#on and 'e#sure Ser$#ces
C/nstructor o% RecordD
!013 CBa&&D RC'S !!0 'eadersh#p #n Recreat#on and 'e#sure Ser$#ces
C/nstructor o% RecordD
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah
!013 CSu**erD 3R> 3430 >he -&o4a& C#t#9en) @o to 4e a Respons#4&e
!013 CSpr#n(D /nternat#ona& >ra$e&er CAn&#ne CourseD C/nstructor o% RecordD
!01! CSpr#n(D
!01! CBa&&D /nte(rated Core C/nstruct#ona& >ea*D)
!011 CBa&&D 3R> 3100 Boundat#ons o% 3arks, Recreat#on, and >our#s*
3R> 3101 3ro%ess#ona& 3reparat#on #n 3arks, Recreat#on, and
3R> 3310 'e#sure 7eha$#or and @u*an 1#$ers#ty
3R> 33!0 Recreat#on 3ro(ra**#n( and 'eadersh#p
3R> 3E80 3ro(ra* and Ser$#ce <$a&uat#on #n 3arks, Recreat#on,
and >our#s*
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 3
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah CCont#nuedD
!01! CBa&&D /nte(rated Core 1#scuss#on Sect#on -ender and Se=ua&#ty
!011 CBa&&D C/nstructorD
!01! CBa&&D /nte(rated Core 1#scuss#on Sect#on Co**erc#a& Recreat#on and
Susta#na4&e >our#s* C/nstructorD
!011 CBa&&D /nte(rated Core 1#scuss#on Sect#on >herapeut#c Recreat#on
!011 CSpr#n(D 3R> 54E0F64E0 /nternat#ona& >our#s* C>each#n( Ass#stantD
'a >ro4e "n#$ers#ty
!009 CBa&&D A<11GAA' Autdoor '#$#n( and >ra$e& Sk#&&s C>each#n( Ass#stantD
!010 !013 R#de An 7#ke >our#n(, /nc. Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">
"o#$ounder and "EO
Bounded and d#rected a 4#cyc&e tour#n( co*pany. 1es#(ned, #nstructed,
and &ed a se&%Gsupported 4#cyc&e tour %or 14 students %ro* He 1e&h#,
/nd#a. 7#ked %ro* Seatt&e, WA to San Branc#sco, CA. >au(ht outdoor
educat#on &eadersh#p *odu&es. 3artnered #th an outdoor ad$enture
co*pany 4ased out o% 7an(a&ore, /nd#a.
!011 Su**er "n#$ers#ty o% "tah+s 'eadershape Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">
E%eriential Education Instructor
1es#(ned and %ac#&#tated an e=per#ent#a& educat#on tra#n#n( orkshop %or a
(roup o% 100 "n#$ers#ty o% "tah under(raduate students #dent#%#ed as
%uture &eaders #n the#r %#e&ds.
!011 Su**er R#de An 7#ke >our#n( Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">
&ead 'ic(cle Tour Instructor/Guide

!010 Su**er /H6< Su**er Ca*ps 7an(a&ore, /nd#a
Outdoor Education Instructor) 'ackacking and *ountain 'iking
>au(ht outdoor educat#on orkshops and (u#ded youth a(es 1!G18 on
4ackpack#n( and *ounta#n 4#k#n( tr#ps #n the @#*a&ayan %ooth#&&s.
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 4
!006 >#*4er&#ne Church Bort Co&&#ns, CA
+irector o! Outdoor Programs
1es#(ned, coord#nated, and #*p&e*ented an outdoor educat#on
pro(ra* ser$#n( !,000 youn( adu&ts a(es 18G30. >he pro(ra* #nc&uded
tra#n#n( %or and runn#n( *arathons, *u&t#Gday 4ackpack#n( tr#ps, and sk#
!006 Su**ers A$er&and Ad$entures $ar#ous &ocat#ons, ".S.A.FCanada
!005 &ead 'ic(cle Touring Instructor/Guide
!003 'ed (roups o% 1! students on &on(Gd#stance, se&%Gsupported 4#cyc&e
!00! tours. >r#ps #nc&uded) >ransGA*er#ca C-eor(#a to Ca&#%orn#aD,
?er*ont to 6ontrea&, Seatt&e to San Branc#sco, Cape Cod and the /s&ands,
and Ho$a Scot#a and 3r#nce <dard /s&and.
Spencer( C), , Rose, 5. Cunder re$#eD. Soc#a& *ed#a, #**ater#a& &a4or, and
&e#sure) Consu*#n( Bace4ook, produc#n( 4#opo&#t#ca& su4Iect#$#t#es. &eisure Studies,
Spencer( C) Cunder re$#eD. 8/t+s Iust escape); Why &e#sure research shou&d res#st
prescr#pt#on and conc&us#on, the dan(er o% pra(*at#s*. &eisure Sciences,
Spencer( C), , 3a#s&ey, 2. Cunder re$#eD. CReD>h#nk#n( 8e*poer*ent; #n %e*#n#st &e#sure
research. -ournal o! &eisure Research,
Spencer( C), , 3a#s&ey, 2. C!013D. >o o*en, a 4ott&e o% #ne, and The 'achelor)
1uoethno(raphy as a *eans to e=p&ore e=per#ences o% %e*#n#n#ty #n a &e#sure sett#n(.
-ournal o! &eisure Research, ./C5D, 135G156.
3a#s&ey, 2., Spencer( C., We&&s, 6., , Scha4, 2. C!013D. >he "n#$ers#ty o% "tah+s /nte(rated
Core) A case study %ro* a 8co**uter ca*pus.; Schole) A -ournal o! &eisure Studies and
Recreation Education, 01C1D.
Spencer( C), , 5ostad, 5. C!013D. Bace4ook+s 8status; #n the &#$es o% (enerat#on J) <=p&or#n(
poer structures #n an on&#ne &e#sure space. /n 1. 1ust#n, , 2. Scha4, C<ds.D, -ust
leisure) Things that 2e 3elieve in Cpp. E5G91D. "r4ana, /') Sa(a*ore,
Spencer( C), , Rose, 5. C!013D. >he 4#opo&#t#ca& &a4or o% on&#ne &e#sure. &eisure Studies
Association &eisure Research Sho2case 4o, 5) +igital &eisure, 1#6,
Spencer( C), , Rose, 5. C!01!D. >he de*ocrat#9#n( potent#a& o% an on&#ne &e#sure space)
Bace4ook and cr#t#ca& thou(ht. International -ournal o! 7irtual "ommunities and Social
4et2orks, .83D, 59GE5.
PU%ICATIONS &Continued'
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 5
1ust#n, 1., Co&&#ns, R., Schu&t9, 5., 7rone, '., Scha4, 2., Rose, 5., >#**er*an, 1.,
A&tschu&er, 7., 5ostad, 5., Spencer( C), He*an, 5., , 7r#cker, 2. C!01!D. >he %uture o%
&e#sure stud#es #n research un#$ers#t#es) Ad*#n#strators+ perspect#$es. Schole) A -ournal o!
&eisure Studies and Recreation Education, !EC1D, 1!G!4.
Spencer( C) C*anuscr#pt #n %#na& ed#tsD. Work#n( the ru#ns o% co&&a4orat#$e %e*#n#st research.
9ualitative In:uir(,
Spencer( C)( 'e((, 7., -ochenauer, R., , 'ed%ord, A. C*anuscr#pt #n %#na& ed#tsD. The 'achelor
and the cu&t#$at#on o% (#r& code. Signs,
Spencer( C)( , Ro9#erGR#ch, S. C*anuscr#pt #n %#na& ed#tsD. Bro* $#rtua& hote& roo*
tours to Second '#%e dest#nat#on e=per#ences) >ra$e&ers+ #n%or*at#on search #n an on&#ne
or&d. International -ournal o! 7irtual "ommunities and Social 4et2orks,
Spencer( C)( , 3a#s&ey, 2. C*anuscr#pt #n %#na& ed#tsD. 8Wo, that 4#tch as cra9y:;)
<=p&or#n( (endered per%or*ances #n &e#sure spaces surround#n( rea&#ty te&e$#s#on. &eisure
3a#s&ey, 2., , Spencer( C) C*anuscr#pt #n preparat#onD. Re&#(#on, &e#sure, and the tyranny o%
dress) He(ot#at#n( 6or*on %e*#n#n#ty. Annals o! &eisure Research 8Secial edition on
+ress and &eisure;
Spencer( C)( , 3a#s&ey, 2. C#n$#ted 4ook chapter, *anuscr#pt #n preparat#onD, Soc#a& and
#nst#tut#ona& poer structures *eet duoethno(raphy) >he peda(o(y o% ne(ot#at#n( ro&es,
d#s*ant&#n( Santa, and t#&t#n( 84#tch.; /n R. Sayer , 5. Horr#s C<ds.D +uoethnograh(
as Pedagog() A +ialogic $orm o! "urriculum In:uir( in Postsecondar( Education.
Re%ereed 3resentat#ons
Spencer( C) C6ay, !014D. Work#n( the ru#ns o% co&&a4orat#$e %e*#n#st research. International
"on!erence o! 9ualitative In:uir(, "r4anaGCha*pa#(n, /', ".S.A.
Cache&#n, A., Spencer( C)( , Rose, 5. C6ay, !014D. CoG1#srupt#n( Cr#t#ca& Susta#na4#&#ty) >he
Ant#GSess#on. "ultural Studies Association "on!erence, Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">, ".S.A.
Re%ereed 3resentat#ons CCont#nuedD
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 6
Spencer( C) C6ay, !014D. <=p&or#n( 87etraya&s); Work#n( #th#nFa(a#nst the pro*#se o%
%e*#n#st co&&a4orat#$e research. Sess#on "Against the Romance of
Collaboration" Cultural
Studies Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Spencer( C), 3a#s&ey, 2., , Rose, 5. CActo4er, !013D. C3osterDThe 'achelor, /< Shades,
Gangnam) 'e#sure and the 8*ass orna*ent.; &eisure Research S(mosium, 4ational
Recreation and Parks Association Annual "on!erence, @ouston, >K, ".S.A.
Spencer( C), , 3a#s&ey, 2. C5u&y, !013D. Bro* Ba#ry >a&es to 82#nky Buckery); Read#n(, C&ass,
and 7#opo&#t#ca& 3roduct#on. International &eisure Studies Association "on!erence,
6anchester, "2.
Spencer( C), , 3a#s&ey, 2. C6ay, !013D. Wo*en, &e#sure, and sa&ac#ous se=) 1ucha*p+s to#&et
and $i!t( Shades o! Gre(. "ultural Studies Association "on!erence#"ritical $eminist
Studies +ivision, Ch#ca(o, /', ".S.A.
Spencer( C), , 3a#s&ey, 2. CActo4er, !01!D. 8Jou kno 4#*4o *ode& #s #n:;) The 'achelor as a
&e#sure space %or #nterro(at#n( per%or*ances o% %e*#n#n#ty. =orld &eisure "ongress,
R#*#n#, /ta&y.
3a#s&ey, 2., , Spencer( C) CActo4er, !01!D. He(ot#at#n( 6or*on %e*#n#n#ty at the #ntersect#on
o% re&#(#on and &e#sure. =orld &eisure "ongress, R#*#n#, /ta&y.
Spencer( C), , 3a#s&ey, 2. C5u&y, !01!D. >o o*en, a 4ott&e o% #ne, and The 'achelor)
"t#&#9#n( duoethno(raphy to cr#t#ca&&y e=p&ore a co&&ect#$e &e#sure e=per#ence.
International &eisure Studies Association "on!erence, <d#n4ur(h, Scot&and.
Spencer( C), , Rose, 5. C5u&y, !01!D. 1e*ocrat#9#n( potent#a& #n soc#a& *ed#a) A Bace4ook
ana&ys#s. >>II
=orld "ongress o! Political Science. 6adr#d, Spa#n.
Spencer( C) C6ay, !01!D. Bace4ook as 2racauer+s *ass orna*ent) Consu*pt#on, sur$e#&&ance,
and the soc#a& status 0uo. ?st International S(mosium, Seaking @ and Seaking Out)
=orking !or Social and Environmental -ustice through Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and
&eisure, Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">, ".S.A.
Spencer( C) CApr#&, !009D. Autdoor educat#on outco*es o% &on( d#stance 4#cyc&e tour#n() an
e=p&orat#on o% student &earn#n( e=per#ences on the -reat ?#ctor#an 7#ke R#de.
International Outdoor Education "on!erence, 7eechorth, ?#ctor#a, Austra&#a.
HonGRe%ereed 3resentat#ons
'e((, <., , Spencer( C) CActo4er, !01!D. "s#n( soc#a& *ed#a to 4u#&d co**un#ty and en(a(e
c#t#9ens. 4ational Recreation and Parks Association "on!erence, Anahe#*, CA, "SA.
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e E
Con%erence 3ane&s Cha#red
Spencer( C) C6ay, !014D. Be*#n#st .ua&#tat#$e /n0u#ry) >he Co&&a4orat#$e, the Re&at#ona&, and
Co**ensura4#&#ty. 9ualitative In:uir(, Cha*pa(neG"r4ana, /' 6ay !1G!4
/n$#ted Acade*#c 3resentat#ons
!014 CApr#&D Per!orming colla3orative research) An introduction to duoethnograh(
2eynote Speaker
."A' 8540) 3art#c#pant A4ser$at#on, B#e&dork, and <thno(raphy+s
-raduate Student 3oster Sess#on and Co*pet#t#on.
"n#$ers#ty o% -eor(#a Co&&e(e o% <ducat#on
1epart*ent o% '#%e&on( <ducat#on, Ad*#n#strat#on, and 3o&#cy
.ua&#tat#$e Research 3ro(ra*
!014 CApr#&D A=o2 that 3itch is craB(CD) Gendered resonses to >he 7ache&or
Conte*porary /ssues #n Be*#n#st Research
Wo*en+s Stud#es Center 3ro(ra* Speaker Ser#es
<astern Wash#n(ton "n#$ers#ty
!013 C6ayD AGuilt( leasureD leisure research and >he 7ache&or) An overvie2
<ducat#ona& Resource 1e$e&op*ent Counc#&
Annua& 6eet#n(
!01! CSepte*4erD -raduate Student 2eynote SpeakerGCo&&e(e o% @ea&th Representat#$e
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah @ea&th Sc#ences <ndoed Scho&arsh#p Be&&osh#p and
'oan Bund Rec#p#ent and 1onor 'uncheon.
/n$#ted -uest 'ecturesG<astern Wash#n(ton "n#$ers#ty
!014 C6ayD Gender, se%ualit(, and realit( television
W6S> 3!1) Se= and -ender
!014 C6ayD AAct like a lad(/Act like a manD) An e%loration o! o2er, gender,
er!ormance, and health
@'<1 366) Wo*en+s @ea&th /ssues
!014 CApr#&G6ayD BourGeek -roup Bac#&#tat#on Sk#&&s >ra#n#n( Se*#nar
CCurr#cu&u* %or Co**un#ty -arden -rantGStart So*eth#n( 7#(D
@'<1 !01) /ntroduct#on to @ea&th and We&&ness
!013 CSepte*4erD The Ains and outsD o! PreBi) "reating an engaging and ro!essional
RC'S !01) /ntroduct#on to Recreat#on and 'e#sure Ser$#ces
!013 CActo4erD 9ualitative research design) An introduction,
RC'S 385) 3ro(ra**#n( #n Recreat#on and 'e#sure Ser$#ces Course
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 8
Acade*#c Ser$#ce
!014 C5uneD /n$#ted Re$#eer &eisure Sciences
!014 C5uneD /n$#ted Re$#eer -ournal o! &eisure Research
!014 C6ayD /n$#ted Re$#eer -ournal o! &eisure Research
!014 CApr#&D /n$#ted Re$#eer &eisure Sciences
!011 !013 Cha#r Student Ad$#sory Co**#ttee
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah 1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, , >our#s*
!011 !013 Co**#ttee 6e*4er Retent#on, 3ro*ot#on, and >enure Co**#ttee
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah 1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, , >our#s*
!013 C6ayD Retreat Ar(an#9er L#on 3onderosa .ua&#tat#$e Wr#t#n( Retreat
!013 CBa&&D /n$#ted Re$#eer -ournal o! &eisure Research
!013 CSu**erD /n$#ted Re$#eer &eisure Sciences
!011 CSpr#n(D /n$#ted Chapter Re$#eer Ecotourism and Sustaina3le Tourism)
Transitioning into the 4e2 *illennium
!011 CSpr#n(D /n$#ted Re$#eer -ournal o! Park and Recreation Administration
!011 CBa&&D /n$#ted Re$#eer -ournal o! &eisure Research
Ser$#ce 'earn#n(
!014 CSpr#n(D Bare&& <&e*entary Schoo& -arden C&u4 Spokane, WA
CoG&ed C#th 1r. 'aur#e 6or&eyD a (roup o% !4 students to #*p&e*ent a
(ardenG4ased e=per#ent#a& educat#on curr#cu&u* %or 30 students %ro*
Bare&& <&e*entary o$er a %our eek per#od. >hrou(h th#s proIect,
students &earned ho to de$e&op and %ac#&#tate &e#sure (ardenG4ased
educat#on pro(ra*s, *ake co**un#ty connect#ons, and #*p&e*ent
pro(ra*s #th#n the#r co**un#ty.
!01! CBa&&D >he He#(h4orhood @ouse A%ter Schoo& 3ro(ra*M Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">
'ed 18 co**erc#a& recreat#on students #n des#(n#n( and #*p&e*ent#n( an
a%ter schoo& pro(ra* %or >he He#(h4orhood @ouse. Students p&anned and
%ac#&#tated three a%ternoon pro(ra*s %or 30 e&e*entary schoo& students.
Students &earned ho to #*p&e*ent and %ac#&#tate &e#sureG4ased educat#on
pro(ra*s and (a#ned handsGon e=per#ence ork#n( #th &oca& youth.
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 9
Ser$#ce 'earn#n( CCont#nuedD
!011 CBa&&D >ro&&ey S0uare Art Sho M Sa&t 'ake C#ty, ">
'ed !0 therapeut#c recreat#on students #n des#(n#n( and #*p&e*ent#n( a
co**un#ty art sho around the the*e, 8>h#s #s hat / &#ke to do #n *y
&e#sure t#*e.; Students partnered #th &oca& a4#&#ty centers, nurs#n( ho*es,
and therapeut#c recreat#on pro(ra*s. >he art sho %ocused on art *ade *y
persons #th d#sa4#&#t#es and h#(h&#(hted the *yr#ad ays to ce&e4rate
recreat#on. >h#s pro(ra* (a$e students the chance to contr#4ute to the#r
co**un#ty h#&e (a#n#n( handsGon e=per#ence ork#n( #th ch#&dren #th
!014 'eadersh#p %or the Buture Aard
Acade*y o% 'e#sure Sc#ences
!013 Autstand#n( -raduate Student Aard
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah 1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, and >our#s*
!01! >he @#(her <ducat#on Acade*y 3r#9e %or 7est 'e#sure <ducat#on 3aper)
/nternat#ona& 'e#sure Stud#es Assoc#at#on Con%erence
>he "n#$ers#ty o% <d#n4ur(h
!00! !005 HCAA Student Ath&ete @onor Soc#ety
!00! !005 "n#$ers#ty o% ?#r(#n#a 1ean+s '#st
!001 !003 ACC Cha*p#onsh#p >#t&e Wo*en+s Ro#n(
Ather Reco(n#t#on
!014 /nternat#ona& Con(ress o% .ua&#tat#$e /n0u#ry 1#ssertat#on Aard,
!014 <W" 7oard o% >rustees 1#$ers#ty /n#t#at#$e -rant CApp&#cat#on current&y
under re$#eD CN4E49D <astern Wash#n(ton "n#$ers#ty
!013 Assoc#ated Students o% the "n#$ers#ty o% "tah -raduate >ra$e& -rant
CNE15D "n#$ers#ty o% "tah
!013 3R> 6e*or#a& Scho&arsh#p CNE50D
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah 1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, and >our#s*
!013 -raduate >ra$e& Aard CN800D
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 10
G#ANTS AND SC!O%A#S!IPS &Continued'
!01! "n#$ers#ty o% "tah 1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, and >our#s*
!013 3h.1. Student 7ursary Aard C100 -73D
!01! 'e#sure Stud#es Assoc#at#on
!01! CSu**erD Assoc#ated Students o% the "n#$ers#ty o% "tah -raduate >ra$e& -rant
CNE50D "n#$ers#ty o% "tah
!01! CBa&&D Assoc#ated Students o% the "n#$ers#ty o% "tah -raduate >ra$e& -rant
CN615D "n#$ers#ty o% "tah
!01! Assoc#ated Students o% the "n#$ers#ty o% "tah -raduate >ra$e& -rant
CN4!5D "n#$ers#ty o% "tah
!01! <ducat#ona& Resource 1e$e&op*ent Counc#& Scho&arsh#p CN4000D
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah @ea&th Sc#ences Center

!01! 1r. '#nn R. Rockood <ndoed Scho&arsh#p CNE50D
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah 1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, , >our#s*
!011 A&ta <ndoed Scho&arsh#p CN1300D
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah 1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, , >our#s*
!009 -raduate >ra$e& -rant C900 A"D
'a >ro4e "n#$ers#ty 1epart*ent o% Autdoor and <n$#ron*enta&
!014 An&#ne Course 1e$e&op*ent Bacu&ty Workshop
<astern Wash#n(ton "n#$ers#ty, Apr#& 96ay 9

!014 Horthest Hat#ona& Wo*en+s Stud#es Assoc#at#on Con%erence
<u(ene, Are(on, 6ay 161E
!014 Acade*y o% 'e#sure Sc#ences >each#n( /nst#tute
3ac#%#c -ro$e, Ca&#%orn#a, Be4ruary !6!8
!013 .ua&#tat#$e Research Wr#t#n( Workshop
"n#$ers#ty o% -eor(#a
"n#co# State 3ark, 5u&y !1!E.
Ca&&#e Spencer, 3a(e 11
!013 L#on 3onderosa .ua&#tat#$e Wr#t#n( Retreat
"n#$ers#ty o% "tah
1epart*ent o% 3arks, Recreat#on, and >our#s* #n partnersh#p #th
1epart*ent o% <ducat#on, Cu&ture, and Soc#ety, 6ay 5 11.
!01! >each#n( Ass#stant >each#n( Sy*pos#u*
!011 "n#$ers#ty o% "tah
!010 Center %or >each#n( and 'earn#n( <=ce&&ence, Au(ust.
!014 3resent Acade*y o% 'e#sure Sc#ences
!013 3resent Cu&tura& Stud#es Assoc#at#on
!01! !014 'e#sure Stud#es Assoc#at#on
!01! !014 Wor&d 'e#sure Assoc#at#on
!011 !014 Hat#ona& Recreat#on and 3arks Assoc#at#on
!01! !014 /nternat#ona& 3o&#t#ca& Sc#ence Assoc#at#on
!011 !013 Hat#ona& Assoc#at#on %or Wo*en 7us#ness Aners
!011 !01! Ad$enture Cyc&#n( Assoc#at#on
!010 !01! Assoc#at#on o% Autdoor Recreat#on and <ducat#on
!009 !011 Assoc#at#on %or <=per#ent#a& <ducat#on
1998 !014 A*er#can Red Cross B#rst A#d and C3R Cert#%#cat#on
!000 !008 W#&derness B#rst A#d

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