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Professional Dispositions
School Psychology Program
Millersville University
Students will be evaluated on the following Professional Dispositions throughout the
School Psychology program.
1. Follows appropriate channels of communication
. !bides by F"#P! $Family "ducational #ights and Privacy !ct%
&. 'rites and spea(s to easily understood by multiple audiences
). *onveys professional tone
+. ,isten carefully and actively
-. ".hibits enthusiasm about the profession
/. Self0regulates and modifies professional behavior based upon feedbac(
1. 2s aware and involved with professional organi3ations4 publications4 and activities
9. Participates consistently and appropriately
15. Understands and respects diversity
11. 2s respectful during interactions with school students4 educational personnel4 and families
1. 'or(s collaboratively with other colleagues4 university4 and field supervisors
1&. *ompletes high 6uality products in a timely manner
1). !dapts and is fle.ible to change
1+. Displays e.cellent interpersonal s(ills
1-. Maintains professional appearance
1/. Displays initiative and reflective 7udgment
11. Provides leadership and problem solving
19. !dheres Professional *odes of "thics of MU4 8!SP4 and !P!
5. Presents data honestly
1. Follows organi3ational protocol

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