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John McAndrew

We have been to the final frontier, we have heard about the galaxy far far away, now prepare for the
ultimate adventure as we step into the tardis and go save the universe. You are at the helm of one of
the most sophisticated and well kind of junky like console with the doctor you never know what the
console will look like. His tweed suit pressed and you would hope clean, his sonic screwdriver in one
pocket, his pocket watch in the other. The tardis groans and it begins to takeoff.

Picking a character like the doctor requires a skill, well not really a skill more like a keen sense of
characteristics he has his angels and his demons but sometimes his demons take him over I would refer
to the Doctor T.V. who special Ive made many mistakes but dont worry Ive had a lot of time to think
about it He refers to the judgment call of blowing up scaro the planet of the daleks (the equivalent to
tin can Nazis) which in turn it blows up his home planet galifrey. There are many things I like about the
doctor call this my Letterman top 10 only top 5. #5 hes dapper #4 hes honest #3 hes humorous at bad
times #2 hes a good pilot #1 he can fix anything. Now here is my top 5 things that I dont like about
him. #5 Wheres a suit every time (you know change it up once in your life!) #4 they never go to planets
(ok thats not true but most of the time there in London) #3 Have a new sonic screw driver (he gets a
new one every regeneration but still) #2 he only relies on one tool have a few more and the number one
thing that I dont like about the doctor is (drums play in the background) That I only dislike four things
about the doctor and not 5. I can identify with the doctor in multiple ways we both love space
sometimes its nice to be alone we both carry tools we have our angels and our demons we both
disagree with partners (in projects) and we always seem to figure out our problems.

The doctor is practically a 904 year old teenager, why? Simple he laughs at the wrong times he cracks
bad jokes and he always does something that may destroy everything. Like on page 250 when the cradle
begins to start up again after a few thousand years. The cradle that is able to implode planets so with
that in mind the planet they are on which is Carthedia dont know whats going to happen. This took
place ten years after the doctor helped them (it all happens in the begging of the book when the doctor
finds three kids ollus, jenibeth, sabel. He starts to talk with the children when ollus pipes up and says I
made a wee in my pants After being stuck in the pod for hours even I would not be surprised.

The doctor is also a genius, hes met many geniuses over the span of 9 centuries albert Einstein,
Leonardo da vinci, newton and many others. He proves he is a genius when he goes forward in time to
when ollus is in his 80s and sabel is in here early 70s jenibeth was kidnapped by daleks (pg. 166) Well
come back for you I promise! as the first dalek suction cup makes contact with her. Then the doctor
comes back finds the two kids (now elders) and takes them into the tardis where travelling back in time
kind of messes up the whole space time continuum and when they get to there the doctor finds out that
the daleks had got to them in a span of decades after the doctor left the planet to think but then time
screwed up and 5 minutes became 50 years carthedian time.

The doctor is a genius and 904 year old teenager he is also an outstanding pilot. Hes been using the
tardis for over 51 television years almost 880 galifreyian years. Hes flown through galaxies dimensions
you name it hes most likely flown through it. On page 125 the daleks tried to kill the doctor and if they
have to the three children along with them. The Daleks although merciless have a very little (and when I
say very little I mean very little) a card of mercy only they play it once in a blue moon but this is not one
of those times (unless you count the rip in space time) but other than that it is hidden from site
underneath all that scrap they call armor. After the fiasco of almost getting shot they are in the tardis
with The Doctor as he decides how he can tackle a problem as large as this. The answer refer to the
second paragraph where he goes forward into the future. After the daleks infect the two elderly siblings
the cradle (mentioned in paragraph 1) is beginning its test run (the test that is how long it takes to
destroy a planet of this size?) The doctor after a brief scuffle with the daleks finds a way to shut down
the cradle and save the planet whilst doing this he finds out that jennibeth has been in stasis (and has
not aged much) The doctor dismayed at what happened to her jumps into his tardis reverses time and
goes through an alternate dimension so the children become young again and have their parents back
(thanks alternate dimensions).
As some stories end it is alls well that ends well, but for the doctor not all pages have ended well in his
book of memories. Some have ended in the loss of companions, some have ended in the gaining of new
companions too. It all depends on what you look for here in the land of doctor who!

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