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AP Lang and Comp

Ms. Avila
Rhetorical Term Presentations
Memorizing rhetorical terms is not essential to analyze language, however
learning these terms can give you the vocabulary you need to communicate
more precisely what makes a particular piece efective or inefective.
In time, you should also integrate some of these techniques into your own
writing. Eperiment with and epand your own style as a writer.
Help the class understand the term, inside and out. The class needs to be
able to defne, recognize examples, and even create original examples of the
term you present. How will you get them there There are many paths, but
the general guidelines are as follows!
". #ou will conduct research to become an epert on your assigned literary
term. $tart early %today&' so that if you(re really stuc), you can get help
from *s. +vila several days %at least' before your assigned presentation
,. #ou will prepare a mini-lesson %about fve minutes in length' to teach the
term to your classmates.
#our lesson must!
.nclude at least three solid examples of your term in action. +t least
one of these examples must be from literature.
#our lesson should include a visual aide to guide your presentation.
#ou may choose to write on the board, ma)e a poster or PowerPoint,
etc. /e visually interesting and memorable.
0. .nclude a handout for each student in the class covering your term. /e
creative. /e informative. The handout should include a well thought out
memory tip. $pend some time on this as your handout will become a part
of each student(s +P exam study guide.
Term! Presentation 1ate!

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