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Comics for All

Many brand comics as child literature owing to its colourful packaging, apparent showcasing of
non-serious and unrealistic narrations, bizarre personifications and myriad other reasons but
when we delve deeper in to the comic themes we will realize that comic literature is profound,
contemporary, complex and always evolving to manifest the quintessential mood and spirit of
the respective times. The comic books assimilate divergent arts and wide range of disciplines to
create a distinctive treatise on societal and political issues mainly.
Ironically enough the concept of comics originated during the 1930s which is in the interim
period between the conclusion World War I and before the commencement of the World War II
in 1939. It is probably not a coincidence that the creation of the Superman corresponds around
this time in the year 1938 and the art of comics reached its pinnacle of success during this time.
When the world was divided and tense with the horrors of war and fraught with consistent
fear, anxiety and dread of being attacked by the enemies, Superman was their iconic comic
superhero who offered subconscious assurance to this unnerved mass. Thus, the comic book
store sold hope and promise of the arrival of their super savior through the circulation of these
books. Gradually, Batman, Green Lantern and other super heroes also joined this league and
metaphorically fulfilled the need of a leader in society who can once again reestablish their faith
in values, ethics, courage and morals to restore law and order in society.
Although, the topics of comics are diversified and versatile but quintessentially they adopt a
very tactful way of highlighting the not so pleasant issues of society. From time to time the
comic book has also resorted to the rhetorical weapons of satire and humour and depicted very
nave and gullible characters as the spokesmen of some unpalatable observations about the
various institutions of society. Even today the dark, disconcerting and convoluted psychological
state of the modern citizens is precariously evident in all the action heroes. The battle inside the
consciousness is symbolically represented through their dilemmas and struggles which is way
beyond the comprehension of a child but offers food for thought for the adults.

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