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Financial Aid Refection

1. What fnancial assistance does the FAFSA ofer? Based on your

application, do you qualify for assistance through the FAFSA? If so, ho
!uch do you e"pect to recei#e and ho ill you use this !oney?
$he FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, ofers fnancial
assistance to help pay for college tuition and fees. I do qualify for
assistance through FAFSA. I a! e"pected to recei#e %&''.'' each
se!ester hen enrolled as a full(ti!e student )!ini!u! of 1*
units+credit hours,. I ill use this !oney to help co#er tuition fees and
-oo.s and supplies.
*. Are you eligi-le to recei#e the /al 0rant? If so, ho !uch do you e"pect
to recei#e and ho ill you use this !oney?
I a! eligi-le to recei#e the /al 0rant. I e"pect to recei#e %1,123.''
each year. I ill use this !oney co#er school tuition and fee costs.
3. Are you eligi-le to recei#e a Board of 0o#ernor4s Fee Wai#er? If so, do
you plan on applying for the B50 Fee Wai#er?
I a! not eligi-le to recei#e a Board of 0o#ernor4s Fee Wai#er.
1. 6escri-e your fndings fro! the pri#ate scholarship search. 6o you plan
on applying to any of the scholarships a#aila-le? If so, to hich are you
planning to apply and ho !uch do you e"pect to recei#e if you are
In !y research I found that there are an o#erhel!ing a!ount of
scholarships a#aila-le. $hey are all diferent in their eligi-ility
require!ents7 so!e require proof of fnancial need, so!e require
co!!unity ser#ice hours, others require a pro8ect+art piece+essay
su-!ission. I do plan on applying to the /oca(/ola Scholars 9rogra!
Scholarship and e"pect to recei#e %1,'''.'' as ell as the 9hilippine
International Aid : Wells Fargo Scholarship for hich I ould recei#e up
to %*,'''.''.

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