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Case Study:

This lesson will take place in a class for Deaf and Hard Hearing students in primary grades. This student is in 2
grade and qualified for APE due to
being deaf and having delays in motor development (not severe). He can read lips, but is still improving his skills and is not perfect. This is the
purpose for verbal cueing written in the goal. He has no medical issues on file.

Students Goal:
The disability DHH (deaf and hard of hearing) by reporting date 6/3/2015, when given a bean bag and verbal prompting as needed, the student will
engage in reciprocal play with a peer or adult, utilizing the following steps in a mature overhand throw pattern (shoulder facing the target, step in
opposition, follow through), and catch it when it is returned via an underhand throw, from 7 feet, in 8/10 trials, as measured by teacher observation
evaluation and charting.

Background information on students levels: When the student was assessed he was at a stage 2 in throwing, which is characterized by a lateral
fling of the arm, with rotation occurring in the trunk. Feet were stationary during the throw. The goal is a Stage 4 throw as described above.
rev|ous|y 1aught Lessons: SLudenLs have already been lnLroduced Lo proper overhand Lhrowlng form (wlLhouL an ob[ecL) and have had Llme Lo

1hrow|ng: uay 2

Grade Leve|: rlmary LlemenLary Crades 1-3. Small group of 7 sLudenLs.
Lnv|ronment: 1hls lesson wlll Lake place ln a klndergarLen classroom LhaL ls vacanL. lL wlll be quleL and free from dlsLracLlons. 1he walls are bare,
whlch ellmlnaLes unnecessary vlsual sLlmull. 1here ls a waLer founLaln ln Lhe classroom as well as a baLhroom.

1op|c]Un|t: 1hrowlng overhand whlle sLepplng ln opposlLlon.


SLandard 1.8 wlll be modlfled by focuslng on opposlLlon and worklng Lowards Lhe goal of proper overhand Lhrowlng Lechnlque, wlLhouL Lhe
focus on dlsLance.
use of sofL Lhrowlng ob[ecLs LhaL are easler Lhan a ball Lo grasp.
hyslcally poslLlonlng Lhe sLudenL's body Lo help wlLh opposlLlon lf needed.
verbal, vlsual cues and prompLlng wlll be used.
Modellng wlLh Lhe emphasls on vlsually presenLlng lnformaLlon, lnsLead of verbally. (lcLure cards)
1he sLudenL wlll use an ob[ecL Lo help hlm wlLh balance whlle performlng sLreLches LhaL requlre balanclng on one leg.

Nat|ona| Standards and Correspond|ng Cb[ect|ves:
Standard 1: 1.8 Throv a baII for dislance, using roer form. (Grade 2)
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Comment [1]: Perfect, good back ground
knowledge of student.
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Comment [2]: This also could be written as
2 goals. If the student does not meet the full
criteria in both, then they would not have
passed their goal.
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Comment [3]: This would be his baseline
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Comment [4]: What are these 4 stages
based off of?
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Comment [5]: This would be amazing to
have, do the schools you observe at have
empty classrooms like this?
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Comment [6]: Until the students are
comfortable with catching and throwing, soft
objects are always best
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Comment [7]: Putting tape on the floor for
positioning reminders can be useful (or chalk)
Slandard 2: 3.5 Demonslrale lhe roer form for slrelching lhe hamslrings, quadrices, shouIders, bices,
and lrices. (Grade 2)

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1hrow an ob[ecL overhand whlle sLepplng ln opposlLlon, beglnnlng wlLh Lwo feeL faclng Lhe LargeL.

Lesson Descr|pt|on]Cverv|ew:
1hls lesson was deslgned wlLh Lhe Callfornla SLaLe SLandards for Lhe 2
grade AL sLudenL case sLudy sLudenL ln mlnd. Cne of Lhe sLudenL's goals
focuses on Lhrowlng wlLh proper overhand form. 1hls lesson's focus ls deslgned Lo Lake Lhe sLudenL from Lhrowlng wlLhouL uslng opposlLlon, Lo
Lhrowlng overhand uslng opposlLlon. undersLandlng opposlLlon wlll prepare Lhe sLudenL for Lhe nexL sLep ln proper Lhrowlng form whlch ls faclng
Lhe LargeL wlLh Lhe shoulder of Lhe non -Lhrowlng arm and sLepplng ln opposlLlon from LhaL sLarLlng polnL.
Lesson: lor Lhls lesson Lhe Leacher wlll need chalk or Lape, poly spoLs, bean bags, yarn balls, and sock balls. Also, plcLure cards may be a preferred.

Set-up: SLudenLs wlll each have a poly spoL llned up faclng Lhe Leacher ln order Lo glve a clear vlew of Lhe demonsLraLlon.

S m|n
Warm-Up: ShorL [og for 2-3 mlnuLes around Lhe black Lop on Lhe way Lo Lhe classroom, aL an even pace followed by sLudenLs flndlng a
poly spoL ln Lhe warm up area and sLandlng on lL Lo begln sLreLches. SLreLches Loday wlll focus on properly sLreLchlng Lhe hamsLrlngs and
quadrlceps. (Accommodate by a||ow|ng students w|th ba|ance |ssues to f|nd someth|ng to he|p them stay on one |eg)

Learn|ng Lxper|ence: (wlLhouL Lhrowlng ob[ecL)

Model sLeps for an overhand Lhrow (faclng LargeL) whlle sLepplng ln opposlLlon:
SLudenLs wlll play I do, you do, we do (copy game) wlLh Lhe Leacher (revlew Lhe freeze slgnal, l do, you do, we do slgnals)
leeL LogeLher sLandlng sLralghL wlLh hands Lo each slde. (sLarLlng poslLlon)
Step 1: (1ape sLep 1 plcLure card Lo whlLe board, wrlLe 1 under lL) 8alse Lhe Lhrowlng arm and hold a few seconds.
8rlng back down Lo ready poslLlon. 8epeaL 3 Llmes.
Step 2: (1ape sLep 2 plcLure card) 8alse Lhe Lhrowlng arm and hold. 8alse Lhe opposlLe fooL and hold. 8ack Lo ready poslLlon
LogeLher. 8epeaL 3 Llmes.
1eacher adds cha|k, tape, or another po|y spot for p|acement of the "stomp foot".
Step 3: (1ape sLep 3 card) 8alse Lhe Lhrowlng arm and opposlLe leg and brlng back Lo a Lhrowlng poslLlon. SLep forward wlLh
opposlLe fooL and brlng Lhe Lhrowlng arm forward aL Lhe same Llme. SLomp hard wlLh Lhe fooL on Lop of Lhe chalk, Lape, or spoL
and freeze.
Step 4: (1ape sLep 4 card) lrom LhaL poslLlon demonsLraLe brlnglng Lhe arm forward ln Lhe Lhrowlng moLlon and ball release (open
Lhe hand Lo show) and follow Lhrough.
8ack Lo sLarLlng poslLlon
Slowly comblne all 4 sLeps lnLo a slow moLlon Lhrow.
8epeaL as needed.


Learn|ng Lxper|ence: Cverhand Lhrowlng wlLh opposlLlon pracLlce uslng an ob[ecL:

SLudenLs who have demonsLraLed undersLandlng of acLlvlLy 1 may move on Lo Lhls nexL acLlvlLy. lf noL, Lhey sLay aL acLlvlLy 1 for furLher
lnsLrucLlon and asslsLance wlLh Lhls same acLlvlLy.

1hls acLlvlLy can be run by an lnsLrucLlonal alde. 1eacher wlll model flrsL.

1eacher sLands on poly spoL faclng Lhe wall/fence wlLh a bean bag aL hls/her feeL.
1eacher plcks up Lhe Lhrowlng ob[ecL and holds lL ln Lhelr hand, arms aL Lhelr slde.
1eacher models a proper overhand Lhrow Loward Lhe wall uslng opposlLlon, beglnnlng wlLh Lwo feeL faclng Lhe LargeL.
AfLer Lhe Lhrow ls compleLed Lhe Leacher qulckly reLrleves Lhe ob[ecL and reLurns lL Lo Lhe buckeL aL Lhe fronL of Lhe llne.
1eacher and goes Lo Lhe end of Lhe llne.

*lnsLrucLlonal Alde ls aL Lhe fronL of Lhe llne and hands a bean bag Lo Lhe sLudenL when lL ls safe Lo Lhrow and lL's Lhelr Lurn.
*SLudenLs are ln a slngle flle llne walLlng Lhelr Lurn Lo Lhrow.

1lps: AfLer a few Lhrows wlLh an ob[ecL, a new ob[ecL can be lnLroduced Lo Lhrow. 1hls wlll keep Lhe sLudenLs lnLeresLed.

1eacher wlll make a vlsual assessmenL on whlch Lhrowlng sLeps sLudenL are havlng dlfflculLles wlLh, or achlevlng success wlLh.
1hese assessmenLs can be easlly kepL Lrack of uslng a check llsL labeled sLeps 1-4. Check a sLep lf sLudenL ls demonsLraLlng undersLandlng.

C|osure (2 m|n):

SorL plcLure cards lnLo correcL order. SLudenLs may volunLeer. lf noL, lL can be done whole class.

Who can flnd sLep one? Who can flnd sLep 2? 3? 4?
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Comment [8]: Great closure, always make
sure the Deaf student can see your lips when
speaking and make eye contact with them so
they know you are addressing them

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