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Curriculum Outcomes for Mathematics 7

Number Sense and
Number Concepts
GCO A: Students
will demonstrate
number sense and
apply number theory
A1 model and use power, base, and exponent to represent repeated multiplication
A2 rename numbers among exponential, standard, and expanded forms
A rewrite large numbers from standard form to scientific notation and !ice !ersa
A" sol!e and create problems in!ol!ing common factors and greatest common
factors #GC$%
A& sol!e and create problems in!ol!ing common multiples and least common
multiples #'C(%
A) de!elop and apply di!isibility rules for , ", ), and *
A+ apply patterning in renaming numbers from fractions and mixed numbers to
decimal numbers
A, rename single-digit and double-digit repeating decimals to fractions through the
use of patterns, and use these patterns to ma.e predictions
A* compare and order proper and improper fractions, mixed numbers, and decimal
A1/ illustrate, explain, and express ratios, fractions, decimals, and percents in
alternati!e forms
A11 demonstrate number sense for percent
A12 represent integers #including 0ero% concretely, pictorially, and symbolically, using a
!ariety of models
A1 compare and order integers
Operation Sense
and Number
GCO 1: Students
will demonstrate
operation sense and
apply operation
principles and
procedures in both
numeric and
algebraic situations
11 use estimation strategies to assess and 2ustify the reasonableness of calculation
results for integers and decimal numbers
12 use mental math strategies for calculations in!ol!ing integers and decimal
1 demonstrate an understanding of the properties of operations with decimal
numbers and integers
1" determine and use the most appropriate computational method in problem
situations in!ol!ing whole numbers and3or decimals
1& apply the order of operations for problems in!ol!ing whole and decimal numbers
1) estimate the sum or difference of fractions when appropriate
1+ multiply mentally a fraction by a whole number and !ice !ersa
45C6 + 5/& demonstrates an understanding of adding and subtracting positi!e
fractions and mixed numbers, with li.e and unli.e denominators, concretely,
pictorially, symbolically #limited to positi!e sums and differences%
1, estimate and determine percent when gi!en the part and the whole
1* estimate and determine the percent of a number
11/ create and sol!e problems that in!ol!e the use of percent
111 add and subtract integers concretely, pictorially, and symbolically to sol!e
11" sol!e and pose problems which utili0e addition and subtraction of integers
45C6 + 67/ demonstrate an understanding of preser!ation of e8uality by modelling
preser!ation of e8uality, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
45C6 67/& e!aluate an expression, gi!en the !alue of the !ariable#s%
Patterns and
GCO C: Students
will explore,
recogni0e, represent
and apply patterns
and relationships,
both informally and
C1 describe a pattern, using written and spo.en language and tables and graphs
C2 summari0e simple patterns, using constants, !ariables, algebraic expression, and
e8uations, and use them in ma.ing predictions
C explain the difference between algebraic expressions and algebraic e8uations
45C6 +67/" explain the difference between an expression and an e8uation
C" sol!e one- and two-step single-!ariable linear e8uations, using systematic trial
C& illustrate the solution for one- and two-step single-!ariable linear e8uations, using
concrete materials and diagrams
C) graph linear e8uations, using a table of !alues
C+ interpolate and extrapolate number !alues from a gi!en graph
C, determine if an ordered pair is a solution to a linear e8uation
C* construct and analyse graphs to show how change in one 8uantity affects a
related 8uantity
GCO 9: Students
will demonstrate an
understanding of
and apply concepts
and s.ills associated
with measurement
91 identify, use, and con!ert among the S: units of measure, estimate, and sol!e
problems that relate to length, area, !olume, mass, and capacity
92 apply concepts and s.ills related to time in problem situations
9 de!elop and use rate as a tool for sol!ing indirect measurement problems in a
!ariety of contexts
9" construct and analyse graphs of rates to show how change in one 8uantity affects
a related 8uantity
45C6 +(/1 demonstrate an understanding of circles by
; describing the relationships among radius, diameter and circumference
; relating circumference to pi
; determining the sum of the central angles
; constructing circles with a gi!en radius or diameter
; sol!ing problems in!ol!ing the radii, diameters and circumferences of circles
45C6 +(/2 de!elop and apply a formula for determining the area of triangles,
parallelograms, and circles
GCO <: Students
will demonstrate
spatial sense and
apply geometric
concepts, properties
and relationships
<1 recogni0e, name, describe, and construct polygons
<2 predict and generate polygons that can be formed with a transformation or
composition of transformations of a gi!en polygon
< ma.e and apply generali0ations about the properties of regular polygons
<" ma.e and apply generali0ations about tessellations of polygons
45C6 + G/1 perform geometric constructions, including
perpendicular line segments
parallel line segments
perpendicular bisectors
angle bisectors
45C6 + G/2 identify and plot points in the four 8uadrants of a Cartesian plane, using
integral ordered pairs
45C6 + G/ perform and describe transformation#translations, rotations or reflections%
of a 2-9 shape in all four 8uadrants of a Cartesian plane #limited to integral number
<, ma.e and apply generali0ations about the commutati!ity of transformations
Data Management
GCO $: Students
will sol!e problems
in!ol!ing the
collection, display
and analysis of data
$1 communicate through example the distinction between biassed and unbiassed
sampling, and first- and second-hand data
$2 formulate 8uestions for in!estigation from rele!ant contexts
$ select, defend, and use appropriate data collection methods and e!aluate issues
to be considered when collecting data
45C6 +S6/ construct, label and interpret circle graphs to sol!e problems
$& construct appropriate data displays, grouping data where appropriate and ta.ing
into consideration the nature of data
$) read and ma.e inferences for grouped and ungrouped data displays
$, determine measures of central tendency and how they are affected by data
presentations and fluctuations
Data Management
GCO $: Students
will sol!e problems
in!ol!ing the
collection, display
and analysis of data
$* draw inferences and ma.e predictions based on the !ariability of data sets, using
range and the examination of outliers, gaps, and clusters
GCO G: Students
will represent and
sol!e problems
in!ol!ing uncertainty
G1 identify situations for which the probability would be near /, =, >, ?, and 1
G2 sol!e probability problems, using simulations and by conducting experiments
G identify all possible outcomes of two independent e!ents, using tree diagrams and
area models
G" create and sol!e problems, using the numerical definition of probability
G& compare experimental results with theoretical results
G) use fractions, decimals, and percents as numerical expressions to describe

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