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Book-Handling and Concepts of Print Knowledge Checklist:

Childs Name: _____________________

Childs Grade Level: _________________
1. Concepts of Reading:
a. Do you know how to read?
i. If yes, How did you learn to read? What do you like to read?
ii. If no, How will you learn to read? Who do you think will help you
learn to read?
Childs Response:

2. Concepts of Reading Cont.
a. Do the people you live with ever read to you?
i. Who?
ii. What do they read?
Childs Response:

3. Concepts of Reading Cont.
a. Why do people read?
Childs Response:

Bag of Books Exploration Begins: Let the student chose which book they would like to work
with out of the 6 books that are offered to them.
Record Childs Choice:

Begin to read the book and prompt the questions below.
4. Display book
a. What do you do with it?
Childs Response:

5. Hold on to a page.
a. Show me a page in this book.
b. Is this a page?
c. Show me the top of this page.
d. Show me the bottom of this page.
Childs Response:

6. Present book upside down and back toward the child.
a. Show me the front of this book.
b. Take the book and open it so that we can read it.
c. Show me the beginning of the story.
d. Show me the end of the story.
Childs Response:

7. Turn back to the beginning of the story.
a. Show me with your finger exactly where we have to begin reading.
b. Show me with your finger which way we go as we read this page. (Return
Childs Response:

8. First and Last:
a. Point to the first word on this page.
b. Point to the last word on this page.
Childs Response:

9. Print Knowledge:
a. Understands that pictures are viewed and print is read ___
i. Ill read this story. You help me. Show me where to start reading. Where
do I begin to read?
Points at print ____ Points at picture ____
b. Knows what a letter is (names or points to a letter when asked; uses the term
conventionally during conversations). ___
c. Knows what a word is (names or points to a word when asked; uses the term
conventionally during conversations). ___

10. Read One Page:
a. You point to the story while I read it. (Read Slowly.)
Childs Response:
Circle One:
Almost always matches spoken with written words
Sometimes matches spoken with written words
Place an X when needed:
__ Points to letters
__ Sweeps finger across lines
__ Starts to point at words but loses his/her place
__ Starts to point at words, but gets confused at two-syllable words
__ Points perfectly

11. Turn to a page with print and a picture on it. Turn the book upside down.
a. Can you or I read this now?
b. Why or why not?
Childs Response:

12. Line Sequence:
a. Read the bottom line first, then the top line.
i. Whats wrong with this?
Childs Response:

13. Title Page Pointing:
a. It says here (read title) by (read author). What does by (author name) mean?
b. It says here that the book is illustrated by (read illustrator). What does that
Childs Response:

Writing Assessment Activity:
1. Invite the student to show you their favorite place in the classroom.
2. Take a photo of the student in his/her favorite spot.
3. Upload photo to Story Creator (iPad app).
4. Create a title page (in advance), and put childs photo on the first page.
5. Questions for prompting:
a. Tell me whats happening here.
b. Tell me about what we are looking at.
c. What should readers of this picture know about this image?
6. Record the child narrating the photo on page one.
7. Choose a sentence from the narration and repeat in slowly and clearly 5-6 times with the
a. Say it up high
b. Say it down low
c. Say it in a funny voice
8. Ask the student to write the sentence as best as they can on a sentence strip.
9. Take a photo of the sentence strip and put it on the second page of the storybook app.
Caption the photo with the clearly written sentence.

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