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Ancient Rome
You will be working with a group of 2-3 students to create a magazine/newspaper reflecting the life and times of Ancient Romans. Use
our creati!it to publish a magazine or newspaper that illustrates Roman histor as if ou were there. "he pro#ect will be used to
enrich our knowledge of Roman histor b doing further research on specific topics of our choice. $urthermore% the pro#ect will
help ou prepare for our Ancient Rome test b analzing the wide range of Ancient Roman histor.
_____ Cover Story/Frontpage (20 points)
-choose the ONE event that you believe is the most significant in Roman history
-the event shoul be epicte bolly on your front cover or healine
-a ne!s story shoul e"plain the important etails of the event an its significance
-you must e"plain in the ne!s story !hy you believe this event is the #O$% significant
_____ News (20 points)
-choose %&O events that you believe change the course of Roman history
-these events shoul be isplaye in ma'or articles in your ne!spaper or maga(ine
-each event shoul have its o!n ne!s story e"plaining important etails an the significance
-you must e"plain in the ne!s story !hy you believe these events change the course of Roman history
_____ People ()0 points)
-choose %*REE people that you believe change the course of Roman history
-create a +,eople- section of your maga(ine.ne!spaper
-each person shoul have a brief biography of their lives an historical events
-you must e"plain in the biography !hy you believe each person change the course of Roman history
_____ Sports (actually &AR/////) ()0 points)
-choose %*REE battles or !ars that you believe change the course of Roman history
-each battle shoul have a brief article e"plaining its history an significance
-e"plain specifically ho! each battle change the course of Roman history
_____ Government and Law (20 points)
-one article comparing.contrasting the government an la! system of the Roman Republic to moern America
_____ Creativity ()0 points)
-create a name for your maga(ine or ne!spaper that reflects Roman history
-pictures to support your stories
-create an atmosphere.setting as if you live through the EN%0RE *istory of Rome
_____ Quality ()0 points)
-pro'ect shoul be all type an computer generate
-spelling1 grammar an !riting organi(ation counts
-2se ,re(i1 3lipsnac4 or some similar &eb 250 soft!are
_____ Arts and Entertainment ()0 6ON2$ points)
-choose %*REE artists1 !riters1 or !or4s of art.architecture important to Roman history
-create an +Arts an Entertainment- section of your maga(ine.ne!spaper
-each of the %*REE shoul have a brief article e"plaining its significance
_____ Travel ()0 6ON2$ points)
-choose %*REE places from the Roman Empire (it7s a huge empire8 3rance1 Englan1 $pain1 0taly1 Egypt1 9erusalem1 etc)
-emonstrate the Roman influence on those places !ith pictures1 ra!ings1 or articles
-a map of the empire shoul be use to sho! ho! all of your %*REE places fit into the empire
_____ Advertising ()0 6ON2$ points)
-every maga(ine.ne!spaper has avertising//////////
-create %*REE avertisements that reflect Roman history
-these coul be political as1 prouct as or even !ant as///:5use your creativity here
Due: Friday, October 10, 01! "O E#CEPTIO"S$"O E#C%SES

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