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All kinds of metal material weight

calculation formula table

Stainless steel round bar weight ( kg ) =0.00617 diameter diameter
Stainless steel weight ( kg ) =0.00785 x width x width x Length
Stainless steel six angle weight ( kg ) =0.0068 to edge to edge width x Length Width x
Stainless steel octagonal steel weight ( kg ) =0.0065 to edge to edge width x Length Width x
Stainless steel screw steel weight ( kg ) =0.00617 calculating diameter calculation of diameter
Stainless steel angle weight ( kg ) =0.00785 ( edge width + edge width - edge thickness )edge
thickness x Length
Stainless steel flat steel weight ( kg ) =0.00785 thickness x width x Length
Round copper bar weight ( kg ) =0.00698 diameter diameter
Round brass weight ( kg ) =0.00668 diameter diameter
Round aluminum rod weight ( kg ) =0.0022 diameter diameter
Fang Zi copper weight (kg) =0.0089 x width x width x Length
Yellow copper weight ( kg ) =0.0085 x width x width x Length
Aluminum rod weight ( kg ) =0.0028 x width x width x Length
Six corner purple copper weight (kg ) =0.0077 to edge to edge width x Length Width x
Six brass rod weight ( kg ) =0.00736 x width x on the boundary width x Length
Six aluminum rod weight ( kg ) =0.00242 to edge to edge width x Length Width x
Round copper weight ( kg ) =0.028 wall thickness x ( outer - wall thickness )length
Round brass weight ( kg ) =0.0267 wall thickness x ( outer - wall thickness )length
Round tube weight ( kg ) =0.00879 wall thickness x ( outer - wall thickness )length
Stainless steel round steel weight ( kg ) =0.02491 wall thickness x ( outer - wall thickness
Square ( rectangular ) steel weight ( kg ) =0.02491 wall thickness x [ ( width + width ) x 2 /
3.1416- wall thickness ] x Length
Plate ( belt ):
Stainless steel weight ( kg ) =0.00785 thick * width * length
Copper plate weight ( kg ) =0.0089 thick * width * length
Yellow copper weight ( kg ) =0.0085 thick * width * length
Aluminum weight ( kg ) =0.00171 thick * width * length
Stainless steel wire rope:
Stainless steel wire rope weight ( kg ) =0.00413 diameter diameter
Note: formula unit of length for meters, a unit of area is square meters, the rest are in millimetres
Kehaotai metal: www.sz-kht.com this paper first original Internet, website, reprinted annotated
source "
Shenzhen Kehaotai copper high-precision brass copper Shenzhen provide professional Kehaotai
metal professional sales Copper copper copper strip copper sales Copper strip copper wholesale
specializes in copper
Gao Jingzi copper and high precision copper belt environmental phosphorus copper brass copper
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