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Parental Interaction and Involvement in the

Service Policy
QA6 6.1.2 Families have opportunities to be involved in the service and contribute to
service decisions.
6.1.3 Current information about the service is available to families
6.2.1 The expertise of families is recognised and the share in decision ma!ing
about their child"s learning and #ellbeing.
6.2.2 Current information is available to families about communit services and
resources to support parenting and famil #ellbeing.
6.3.$ The services builds relationships and engages #ith their local communit
QA% %.3.$ &rocesses are in place to ensure that all grievances and complaints are
addressed' investigated fairl and documented in a timel manner.
National Regulations
(egs 1)% Access For &arents
Communications bet#een famil members and the *ervice are considered
crucial for a child to reach their full development. Therefore' #e aim to provide
an environment #here there is a strong emphasis on famil+*ervice
communication to allo# consistenc and continuit bet#een the home and the
*ervice environment. , encouraging famil members to be involved in the
service' #e aim to provide a service that best meets the needs of our communit.
Related Policies
-ducator and .anagement &olic
-nrolment &olic
Famil /a# and Access &olic
Fees &olic
0rientation for Children &olic
Parent Communication
0ur *ervice aims to provide as man outlets as possible for famil+service
communication. These include1
Face to face.
A monthl ne#sletter #hich #ill be put in the children"s cubbies to be
ta!en home.
A communications boo! in the service"s foer.
A notice board displaing upcoming events and notices.
(egular informal meetings #ith parents and the opportunit to plan formal
meetings if necessar.
A *uggestions ,ox in the foer #here parents can anonmousl 2or give
their names if desired3 ma!e suggestions to improve the service.
*hort surves regarding the service"s philosoph and ho# ou feel our
child+ren feel about the service.
-ach famil #ill be allocated a 4poc!et" #here private correspondence
bet#een educators' the nominated supervisor or approved provider and
the famil can ta!e place.
5f necessar' educators have support and access to translation services to
provide this information for non6-nglish spea!ing families.
Parent Grievances
An parent+caregiver #ith a concern or complain in relation to the running of our
*ervice either in administration or child interaction should do the follo#ing1
7oice their complaint or concern #ith the nominated supervisor or
approved provider.
8rite their complaint or concern addressing it to the nominated supervisor
or approved provider. 9ou #ill receive a personal response unless ou have
chosen to be anonmous.
&arents can spea! to an educator or member of sta: about a speci;c
complaint or concern. -ducators or sta: #ill put in steps to address our
concern or complaint as <uic!l as possible. =o#ever' educators and sta:
do reserve the right to have the complaint put in #riting.
5f a service6#ide problem has been brought to our attention all families and
sta: #ill be informed of the contents of our complaint but not our name.
The service #ill use the >rievance &rocedure+(egister to ensure that the
grievance is follo#ed through and su?cientl investigated.
Parental and Family Involvement
Families are #elcome to visit at an time of the da.
Families are encouraged to ma!e suggestions and o:er criti<ue on our
program' philosoph' management and food menu.
Families are encouraged to share aspects of their culture #ith the
educators and children as #ell as appropriate experiences.
Families are invited to participate in the service"s dail routine b helping
out #ith activities such as craft' the preparation of morning tea' special
activities and afternoon tea.
A famil+sta: committee #ill be established to set goals for the service'
help #rite and implement policies and help to meet aims of the @QF
Assessment process.
.inutes of regular sta:+parents meetings #ill be !ept aside for either side
to ma!e suggestions.
Open Doors
O 0ur *ervice can be accessed at an time for parental inspection.
P &lease come and see ho# #e help our child develop and gro#.
-ntr b ou an time sho#s that #e are happ for ou to see our
practices at an time of the da.
N @ever leave our child in a *ervice unless ou feel 1AAB
competent in their abilit to provide for our child.
D Con"t hesitate to as! us an <uestions
about our child' their development or our
*ervice philosoph.
O 0ur *ervice is proud of the <ualit of care #e provide.
O 0ur educators are <uali;ed' trained' experienced and talented.
R (ather than ta!e our #ord for this
S *ee for ourselvesD
Parent Survey !emplate
Parent Questionnaire
Cear &arent
8e #ish to provide our child+ren #ith the highest level of care. 5n order to do
this' #e #ould li!e our opinion on ho# ou feel the *ervice is being run and ho#
our program and our philosoph is helping our child develop. 5t #ould help us if
ou provided us #ith our thoughts on #hat our *ervice"s strengths and
#ea!nesses are so #e can #or! to improve these.
Attached is a <uestionnaire #hich as!s our opinion of some important
educational issues. 5t #ould help us if ou could ans#er these as honestl as
possible. 9our responses #ill be !ept private and con;dential.
&lease return completed surve bEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Than! ou for our participation.
@ominated *upervisor
Parent Survey
Agree Cisagre
1. 5 feel #elcomed in the *ervice.
2. The *ervice ta!es m concerns seriousl.
3. The *ervice provides helpful information.
$. 5 feel as though 5 can tal! to the educators
about m child"s progress.
). The *ervice values m help and interest.
6. Teachers provide a challenging and stimulating
environment for m child.
%. Teachers care if m child is not doing as #ell as
he+she can.
G. The *ervice has a safe and secure environment.
H. The *ervice is al#as loo!ing for #as to
improve #hat it does.
1A. The educators regularl praise children.
11. The children are the *ervice"s main focus.
12. 5 share in the education of m child.
13. 5 receive ade<uate notice of *ervice events.
1$. @e#sletters are regular and informative.
1). The *ervice"s aims are to improve the <ualit
of learning and teaching.
8hat do ou see as the strengths of the *erviceI
=o# do ou see the *ervice could be improvedI
5n #hat #as #ould ou li!e to be more involved in the *erviceI
8hat other comments #ould ou li!e to ma!e 2if an3
Than! ou for ta!ing the time to respond to these <uestions.
This form should be returned to the o?ce b EEEEEEEEEEEEEE
National Quality Standard
ducation and Care Services National Regulations
Administration" #and $ith Care% &'()*+% Sebastian, Patricia. A Press,
The polic #ill be revie#ed annuall. (evie# #ill be conducted b
5nterested &arties
Revie$ed, /''01023'45 Date 6or ne7t revie$, /''01023'15

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