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Quick Start Guide - HealthCoach

Step A: Program Start

When you start the application for the first time, you will be asked if you want to restore a previous
backup. At this point in time just click No.
(This would only be relevant, if you already used the HealthCoach and have stored your data into a
Sanitas file. However for the first use of this application this is not necessary.)

Step B: User Creation

Please fill out the data. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). When your data is
entered, press the Save button. After your settings were saved successfully, press Ok.

Step C: Adding the Scale

For adding the scale, navigate to Settings and Scale Setting:

Please make sure that the SBF 48 is selected (Step 1) and that you select the user memory, where
your data is saved on the scale (Step 2).
When you are finished, press the Save button (Step 3).

After your settings were saved successfully, press Ok again.

Step D: Data Transfer

For starting a data transfer, navigate to your scale device class:

Now please press the data transfer button:

Before you proceed, the scale should be attached to one of the USB ports.
The scale will indicate that it is plugged in by showing an USB icon in the display:

Now please select the scale in the shown overlay window:

The data transfer will now start. The HealthCoach will show the following load screen:

The scale is indicating the progress in percent:

After the data transfer is complete, the scale will indicate this by showing the word End:

In the application you will be able to join the measurements to your users:

The application should already have associated your data to the correct user memory (Step 1). When
the association is correct, please press the Save button (Step 2).
Please confirm the successful saving of your data transfer through pressing Ok.

You will now be able to see your data in the overview:

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