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Graduation Project Research Paper Requirements

Requirement Yes No
1. The topic of the paper is related to the graduation project product.
2. The font is Times New Roman and size 12 (including the last name header
and page number), following MLA format.

3. The entire paper is double spaced, following MLA format.
4. The research paper follows MLA format.
5. The paper is a full six pages-absolutely no exceptions.
6. The paper has a Works Cited page. This page does not count as part of the
full six pages.

7. The paper has five required resources. These resources must include the
following: one personal interview (conducted by the student writing the paper),
one print source, one web source, and two additional sources (print, web, movie,
video, magazine, etc.).

8. The paper has a minimum of 12 citations within the paper. Each source must
have two direct quotes or two evident pieces of paraphrased material used as
support. (This means you must reference each source twice in the paper and the
two additional citations can come from any of the five, or additional resources.)

9. The paper contains at least one visual (graph, chart, diagram, picture, etc.)
element of support. This must be inserted near the paragraph that contains
discussion referencing the source. A text box must be placed under the visual
element providing the works cited information. This source is not placed on the
Works Cited page.

10. Plagiarism will result in automatic failure (use Grammarly to ensure
plagiarism is not occurring).

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