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Diamond Hudson
8 October 2014
Ebola Outbreak: Preliminary Research Annotations
Leroy, Eric M., Brice Kumulungu, Xavier Pourrut, Pierre Rouquet, Alexandre Hassanin,
Philippe Yaba, Andr Dlicat, Janusz T. Paweska, Jean-Paul Gonzalez, and Robert
Swanepoel. "Fruit Bats as Reservoirs of Ebola Virus." Nature.com. Nature Publishing
Group, 1 Dec. 2005. Web. 09 Oct. 2014.
Within the article is displays evidence that a particular unknown bat species was eaten by
people in central Africa showing a symptomless Ebola infection. The first recorded human
outbreak of Ebola virus was in 1976, but the wild reservoir of this virus is still unknown. A test
for Ebola was conducted on more than a thousand small vertebrates that were collected during
the outbreaks in humans and great apes between 2001 and 2003 in Gabon and the Republic of
the Congo. Evidence of infection but no side effects and symptoms were found in three species
of fruit bats. This discovery may indicated that these animals may be acting as a containment for
the virus.
The authors of this article provide experimental proof that fruit bats could possibly be a
containment for the Ebola virus if theres no trace of symptoms. Meaning fruit bats could
possibly be the key for finding a cure. If scientists and researchers know that many Africans have
eaten fruit bats and had no trace of side effects, how come they havent announced this
phenomenon to the public. Why havent they established hope and regressed the fear in people?
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By expressing the possibility of a cure and why and how symptom arent recognized by
examiners. The identification of the particular species of fruit bats is needed in order to prove
this discovery. The symptoms of the virus isnt identify within anyone who eaten a fruit bat but
they do contain a strand of the virus but dont appear to be sick. The discovery could be a new
"About Ebola Virus Disease." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 03 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Oct. 2014.
Ebola, also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a rare and deadly disease caused by
infection with one of the Ebola virus strains. Ebola can cause disease in humans and nonhumans,
specifically primates. Its found and located in several African countries and first discovered in
1976 near the Ebola River, which is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since then,
outbreaks have appeared recently in large numbers in Africa.
The natural reservoir host of Ebola virus remains unknown. But compared to the
evidence and the nature of similar viruses, researchers believe that the virus is animal-borne and
that bats are the most likely the reservoir. Four of the five virus strains occurring in an animal
host are native to Africa. Since 1976 outbreaks in Africa have been recorded in 2014 of this year.
The epidemic is the largest ever recognized in history. This affects multiple countries in West
Africa. Small case numbers located in Lagos and Port Harcourt, Nigeria, have been connect to a
man from Liberia who traveled to Lagos and died from Ebola, but the virus does not appear to
have been widely spread in Nigeria. The case in Senegal is related to a man from Guinea who
traveled there.
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In order to compare both beliefs of bats being a reservoir. Then analyze the spread of the
virus from country to country and is origins. By comparing the history of the virus to its current
state to see how it spread and was able to be dormant between those periods of time. Also using
the given information for both articles on how each virus strand is connect to the initial virus.
"Ebola: The World's Most Dangerous Virus (full Documentary)." YouTube. N.p., 30 May 2013.
Web. 13 Oct. 2014.
Within the infected areas of Africa, the United States government, and the governments
in Africa who have authorized it, issued a law that anyone who is suspected to be infected to be
turned into the authorities and in order to board a plane a persons temperature must be checked.
In Africa they have secured isolated hospitals for sick patients with the following rules; not
allowed to walk around without full by covering (mask, goggles, gloves, boots, head cap, and
plastic scrubs), wash hands and feet before and after entering, take caution when handling
patients, and anyone who enters the facility as a guest has to apply the following rules as well.
Now the strand of the disease was transferred to the disease control center in Atlanta, under
Extreme measures are used to prevent people from the virus, by implementing new laws
or government regulations. Isolated hospitals are implanted in many areas for the suspected sick
patients and have many rules and regulations that need to be followed in order to keep
everyones peace and safety. Then man, mostly government is taking control of the situation to
ensure that the virus in contained by a high secured area where it can be researched and tested.
Usage of this information in my paper would explain the involvement of the U.S.
government. Theyre looking for a cure but at the same time researching it to use it for a
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bioweapon. This would explain their interest to help Africa. Then explain how the outbreak is
developed, the process. In 1999 the Ebola virus was transmitted to the U.S. by infecting New
York City birds by an unknown source from Europe. Many terrorists attacks use bio weapons
and are in the process of creating new ones in order to take down other countries. With this
knowledge other countries, including the United States already have procedures on how to
handle this kind of attack if one is placed upon them.

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