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LaFrance Lewis

HLTH101 Renaud

Health WORKSHEET 4-Nuttrition

1. Define Dietary Reference Intake. Provide estimates regarding how much of the nutrients
we should consume.
2. What is the nutrient that you must absolutely have? Water, vitamins, minerals, protein,
carbohydrates and fats.
3. List 3 reasons why you need water. Regulate body temperature, acts as a cushion and
lubricant, and transports substance around the body.
4. What is the best beverage to consume and why? Depends on what exercise that you do
5. How much sugar are you getting in one all Sports drink? 12 teaspoons
6. What are 2 types of vitamins? Fat soluble and water soluble
7. What is the difference between 2 types of vitamins? Vitamin A becomes toxic when
taken in excess water excretes in the urine and is destroyed.
8. Which type can be toxic? Vitamin A
9. What happen to water soluble vitamins if you get too many? Becomes toxic and is
excreted in the urine
10. What is the difference between synthetic and natural vitamins? Natural is more
expensive than synthetic.
11. Which type should you buy? Synthetic
12. Which is the major function of calcium? Forms bones and teeth
13. List 3 sources of food that contains calcium. Low-fat milk, green leafy vegetables, tofu
14. Explain what the word fortified means.
15. What is osteoporosis? A disease of curved bone structure.
16. List 3 risk factors for developing osteoporosis. Getting older, smoking, being a female
17. List 2 symptoms of anemia. Fatigue, not enough iron
18. Protein has nitrogen which the other nutrients dont have?
19. List 2 functions of protein. Repairs muscles and bones, forms components of blood,
enzymes, cell membranes and other hormones.
20. What make muscles bigger and what ultimately determines how big you will get if body
building? Genetics
21. What are amino acids? A by product that breaks down protein.
22. What are complete proteins? Food sources that have amino acids for the body.

LaFrance Lewis
HLTH101 Renaud

Health WORKSHEET 4- Nutrition

1. One gram of carbohydrates equals 4 calories.
2. List 2 functions of carbs. Breaks down fat, provide fuel
3. What is glucose? Blood sugar
4. Fructose comes from what source? Fruit
5. Milk sugar is known as Lactose
6. What is sucrose? Table sugar
7. List 3 other names for sugar. Honey, corn syrup, corn sweetener
8. Why is it important to cut back on the amount of sugar we take in? No vitamins and minerals
9. How do you calculate the teaspoons of sugar in a food or beverage? Take grams of sugar divided
by 4
10. What is diabetes? Condition which the body cant control the glucose levels.
11. Define hyperglycemia? Elevated blood sugar
12. What is low blood sugar? Hypoglycemia
13. Type II diabetes usually occurs in people over the age of 40.

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