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Course Syllabus EE 6355 RF & Microwave Amplifier Design ‘Spring 2009, Section 001 $ 10:00 p.m.- 12:45 p.m. Instructor Contact information: Dr. Ricatdo Stad Office: ECSN 2.506 Phone: 972-883-4751, an‘@utdallascdu Office hours: $9:003.m-10:00 pm, S 4:00 pm-5:0 pm, or by appointment Teaching Assistant Contact information: Mr. Raul Rodriguez sfrazt000@utcalas.edu Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 p.m. “Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, andor Other Restrictions: E4368 or equivalent, Stily enforced, ‘Course Description Design of high-fequency communication circuits. Review of transmission line theory. RP and microwave matching creuis using discrete and guided wave structures. Detaled study of S- parameters. Design of arow band, broadband and low nose amplifiers. Detailed study of noise figure, noise parameters and stability of RF and microwave circuits using S-parametes. Studi =t Learning O feet eVOuicomes Ability to understand transmission line theory and the Smith Chart Ability to understand the properties of S-parameters Ability to calculate S-parametes of electrical eicuits Ability to implement impedance matching networks with discrete components and microstrip lines Ability to determine the stability of RF and microwave circuits Ability to design narrow and broadband RF and microwave amplifiers circuits Ability to understand noise figure and noise parameters concepts Ability to design low noise RF and microwave amplifiers. Ability to iategrate RE and Microwave designs techniques to the design of AF and Microwaves ‘Communication Creal ‘Required Textbooks and Materials Class nots willbe posted in webct. Tite: Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Desiga, 2" ed Author Gaullermo Gonzalez Publier: Prete Hall, ISBN: 0-13254535-4 ‘Students mast have access toa computer on which to access WebCT. Simulation wil be carted out wilizing the RF software Microwave Office availble in the ‘computer las of the department. Cour Silas Page ‘Gourse Content (oubjecto change at any mel) 1. Tworport networks + The impedance, admitance, hybrid and ABCD Matrices +The Smith Chae ‘Impedance Matching Networks + Power Gain 3. RF and Microwave Amplifier Design Power Gain Equations Stability Considerations ‘Two port matching Bias Networks Different ype of amplitiers 4. Noise in Amplifiers + Noise in two port networks + Noise Fire + Low Noise amplitins + Constant Noise Figure Circles ‘5. Broadband Techniques and Introduction to Power Amplifiers ‘+ Broadband Amplifier Design + Bandwidth Analysis + Basic configurations of Power Amplifier rong Piey (Exam dates are subjects change at any time!) AssignmenvQuizes: 20% (Weekly) Midterm Exam 20 % (Mareh 7, 2009 10:00am.) Final Exar 20 % (May 9, 3009 10:00.) Project 1 me Project 2: 20% Midterm Exam date can be changed atthe disereton ofthe instructor. ‘All grades ae final one wee after the graded exams or graded projects are returned in lass. ‘Course & Instructor Policies “Tutorial sssons will be un by the TA every otber Saturday (aproinatly) fom 1245 pm. until 2:15 pam. Room BCSN2.120, "Homevork problems willbe assigned approinutely weekly. Late homework wil be accepted only a the diseretion of the instructor, and in genea will ot be allowed. Homework wil be exlcted ot the being ofthe cas peiod om the date it is dc. Stdens should keep a copy of tht homework in css thy nea it for reerece (or in preparing for exams) before they canbe graded and reamed No exam grades will be dropped. Make-ap exams will be given only in very special clrcumstances and at the disretion of the istrutor. Cass attendance is ot required but strongly recommended since examinations may inclade ‘uteri inode ly incase {iastoom Citizenship: General god behav anc encouraged! ‘Cour Syiabes Page with cell phones silenced required. Questions ‘Student Conduct & Discipline ‘The University of Teras System and The Univers of Tems at Dallas have ules and regulations for the orderly and efcentcondct of ter business tithe responbiy of each student end each ‘tudent organization to be knowledgeable sbout he les and regulations which govern student conduct td scviies General information on stiden conduct and dsipline fs coined fn the UTD publication, A 1 Z Guide, which s provided tal rested tens cach academic Yat ‘The University of Texas at Das administers todentdsilne within the grocers of recognized snd elo due process. Procidues are defied std dexribd inthe Rar and Relations, Seri 50000, Board o Regent, The Univers ofTenas Sytem, and in Tie V, Roles on Stent Sevces nd ‘Astivites ofthe unversiy’s Handbook of Operating Procedures. Copies of tes rules and regulations tue avallble ostdens in he Office ofthe Dean of Studens, where saff members ae avallbe fo ‘sss stants in inepreting theres and regulations (SU 1.602, 72888-6391) Auden ashe university neither loses the gts nor eacapes the responses of izenship. He of She Is expected to obey federal, saz, and local lava ab well asthe Repeats’ Rules, univerly regulon, and adminsuaive ues Sides ao subject to discipline for Villg the sistas of ‘conduct Whether such condst tas place ono off capes or whether ivi or crea penalise Ss npsed for such conde ‘Academic Integrity ‘The faaty expect from its students high evel of esponsibility and academic honesty. Because the ‘ale ofan scademic depres depends upon the aol iatepity of the work dove bythe sade! for that degre, is inperaive that tuentdemonstate a high sana of dvd hoor nhs or Be ‘cholic work ‘Scholastic stonestyinlndes, ba isnt ined to, semen acs of osisions related to applications ‘or enrolment orth avardof «degre, andor te submission as one's own Work or mae ha snot ‘one's own, As a general ule, schol dishonesty involves ove of te following ets: cheating, ‘lgiris,cllson andor flying academic records. Stakents suspected of academic dishonesty esaje! to asiplinary proceedings Plagiarism, especially from the web, fom portions of papers fr other clases, nd fom any othr ‘source is cacrepable and wil be dealt with under the univery’'s policy on plagiarism (sce general ‘log ordeal). This couse will use the resoutces of tala. com, which searches the web fo posble plalvism and is ove 90% eactve. Email Use “The Universiy of Texas at Dallas recognizes the valve and efficiency of communication bet acalysafl and sues thoogh eletonic mail AL the same tine, email ruses some issues) ‘concerning secwity and the identy of cach indvida! nan emal exchange. The usversy! ‘encourages al official sudeat etal corespondence be sent only to a students U-T Dallas emul ‘sree and ht faculty and staf ensieremal fram stants offical only if orgies fom a UTD 1 ‘Sen accovt This allows the university to manana high degree of confidence in he Ment of ll Individual comesponding andthe scary of the wansmitod information UTD furlhes each sudeat ‘witha five email account that ie toe wed In all communication with univers perouel, The Department of lformation Resources at U-T Dallas provides method fo students to ave thelr UT. Dalits mal forwatded to ter acount. Withdrawal from Class ‘The sminisraon of this instaton has set deans for withaval of any college-level coves ‘Thee dates and tines ae publish in that semesters enum clog, Adminsraton proces moet ‘followed. Its the stadens eqns to handle withdrawal reerement fom any cas. Inthe ‘wor anno drop o withaw any sem. You rast do the proper paperwork to ease tht yu ‘wl ot reosve a ial prade f "in enue if you choose not 1 ated the class once You ae ‘ol Student Grievance Procedures Procedures for staat grievances ar found in Tile V, Rules on Soden Services and Activites of he ‘miversitys Handbook of Operating Procedures. Course yas Peed In atesping to resolve any staves rievance regarding grades, easton, of ober fllimnts of academic responsibil, i the oblgaon ofthe student isto take a serous effort resolve de ‘mater wih te insur, supervisor, administer, o commie with whom the rivance origina Gereter called "the respondent) livid faculty members rein primary responsibly for seigning grades and evaluations. ifthe mater cannot be resolved at that Level, the vance must be Submited in wing tthe respandent with copy ofthe responders School eas. Ifthe mater 90 ‘eslved by the writen response provid by the espondnt the student may subi a writen appeal © the School Dean. If te grievance is mbt resolved bythe School Dean's eso, the siden may make 2 wrtan appeal to che Dean of Graduate or Undergrads Educaton, od the dea wll spot sad ‘convene an Academic Apes Pate, Te decison ofthe Acadenie Appa Pane fal The ress ‘ofthe ase ppeals procs wl be disebuted tall nvlved pres Copies of these rules and regulation are available to stuns inthe Offs of the Dean of Stems, ‘where siaff members re wvalble sis tides in nterreting theres an regains. ‘Incomplete Grade Policy As pe university poly, icomplete gas willbe granted only for work uwodably missod atthe ‘semester's end and ony if 708 of the course work has been complete. An complet grade mist be resolved within jh (8) weeks rom the fist dy of the subsequent long semester. 1 the required work 'o complet the course and to remove the incomplete rae not submited by the specified deadline, the incomplete grade changed attomataly oa grade of E - . “The oa of Disability Services iso provide students wih csbites educational opportunities equal © those oftheir non ialed pees. Disiliy Services is beled in oom 110 in the Stage! Union Office hous ae Monday and Thay, 30 asm 80 630 pm; Twendy and Wednesday, 8:30 a. © 730 pm: and Fay, 830 am. 10530 pm. ‘The contac information fo the Ofc of Disbiiy Services ‘The Uaivery of Texas Dallas, SU 22 PO Box 80688 Richards, Tena 75089-0688 (072) 888-2008 oze or TTY) Essent, the lw request colleges and usverses make those reasonable adjustment neces 1 eliminate distmimation onthe bass of dsbiiy.For example, it may be ecesury to rene ‘Sasroom profiions npn! tape reorers or animals inthe ese of dog gids) for stadets who te blind. Oscasoaly an assignment requirement may be subsite (or example, «research paper ‘ersus an oral pesention fora student who is hearing impaired). Classes ented sens with ‘mobility impairments may have to be rescheduled in accesible files The clogs unlversty "may need provie special servis suchas eplsuaton, ote-aking,or moby assance tis the suds responsibility t oti his or he profesor ofthe need fr such an secommodaton Disbly Services provides students wit tts present faculty members overly a the sat tas dilly and nods socommodstions Individuals requing spect! accommodation should ‘cone the profesor alr class or dung fice bus. our yas Pages Religious Holy Days ‘The Universy of Ter at Dallas will excuse a student fom cas or ober requ acts for the ‘ene o and observance of ligious bly day Tors ion whose paces of worship ae exept fram ‘ropes tax under Seton 11.2, Tax Cae, Texas Code Arne, “The student ie encoraged ono the imsrocor or stv sponsor se son a posible regarding the snce, preferably in advance ofthe assigunent. The stent, so excise, wil be allowed to ake he ram or complete the asigament within a reasonuble ime afer the absence: » period equa 1 the length of the absence, wp to a maximum of ove week. A student who nodes the lstuctor ahd completes any mised cram or assignment may 0 be penalized forthe absence. A stent who fas o ‘omplt th exam or asgnment within th prescibod period may recive a fling grade for that exan rssignmeat. If student or an instr siagres bout the ature of he absence fr the parpoxe of observing 1 rligios holy ay] of tere is sma dsgrermeat about whether th ent has teen given 8 Teasomable time 10 complee any missed ssigiments or examinations either the student or the {ira muy reget» ring rom he ci execute office ofthe naan, or hit o er desienee. ‘Th ci executive ocr or designee ma lke ito soon he legate intent of TEC 51.9110), andthe stent and insucor wl abide by he decision ofthe hie exeutive officer ar design. ‘These descriptions and timelines are subject to change atthe discretion ofthe Instructor. course yas Pages

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