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Madeline Montalban (19101982) was an English astrologer and ceremonial magician who

co-founded the esoteric organisation known as the Order of the Morning Star (OM
S), through which she propagated her own form of Luciferianism. After moving to
London in the early 1930s and immersing herself in its esoteric subculture, she
taught herself ceremonial magic and associated with significant occultists, incl
uding Aleister Crowley and Kenneth Grant, and Wiccans like Gerald Gardner and Al
ex Sanders. From 1933 until her death she wrote magazine articles on astrology a
nd other esoteric topics. In 1952 she met Nicholas Heron, with whom she entered
into a relationship, and they founded the OMS as a correspondence course in 1956
, teaching subscribers their own magical rites. Viewing Lucifer as a benevolent
angelic deity, she believed Luciferianism had its origins in ancient Babylon, an
d encouraged her followers to contact angelic beings associated with the planeta
ry bodies to aid their spiritual development. Having refused to publish her idea
s in books, Montalban became largely forgotten following her death, although the
OMS continued under new leadership.

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