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Functions of the Stomach

The Stomach has 4 principal functions:

1. To control the rotting and ripening of food
2. To control the transportation of food essences
3. To control the descending of qi
4. It is the origin of uids
Summar! of ST points" actions and indications
Treats all disorders of the !angming channel in the head
including the e!es# face and chee$s# forehead# nose# lips#
gums and teeth.
Treats disorders of the ear.
Treats disorders of the throat.
%egulates the functions of the intestines.
Treats disorders of the upper# middle and lo&er 'iao#
especiall! the ()# *T# chest# epigastrium# ST# S+# uterus
and ,(.
Toni-es qi# .lood# !ang and !ang.
Treats .oth acute and chronic disorders of the .reast.
Treats distur.ance of the spirit# especiall! mania/
The Stomach 0hannel
The Main Pathway
1. The Stomach
meridian .egins
on the face at (I
21# ascends the
side of the nose
to the anterior
median line at the
.ridge of the nose
and goes to ,( 1.
2. It then turns
do&n&ards to ST
1/3. 2t ST 3 the
path&a! goes to
34 25 67 sa!s
also 34 28# .ac$
to ST 4 and do&n
to 04 24#
encircling the
3. The meridian
continues to ST :
and around to ST
8 at the temporal
hairline ;ia the
chee$# the angle
of the mandi.le
and the
<!gomatic arch. It
crosses 3, 3 in
front of the ear
and 3, 5=:=4# and
-nall! reaches the
forehead at 34
24. Some te>ts
mention another
deep path&a! passing through the e!es and into the .rain.
4. 2 .ranch emerges at ST : and continues do&n the throat to ST 12
67 sa!s a deep path&a! tra;els from ST 12 to the upper .ac$ to 34
14# 0T2 does not9.
:. 2t ST 12 a deep path&a! tra;els alongside the super-cial meridian
through the chest and diaphragm to 04 13# &here it enters the
The Stomach 0hannel
stomach and connects to the spleen. It continues to 04 12 and
do&n to ST 31# &here it re'oins the super-cial meridian.
5. From ST 12 the main meridian tra;els straight do&n the chest#
passing through the nipple. It descends the a.domen to ST 31.
?. @et another .ranch tra;els from ST 11 to 34 14 on the posterior
torso 67 does not ha;e this .ut instead sa!s there is a further
.ranch originating from the p!loric ori-ce of the Stomach
descending &ithin the a.domen and meeting &ith the rest of the
channel at ST 319.
8. The re'oined meridian no& runs do&n the leg to ST 35.
A. 2t ST 35 a ti.ial .ranch runs lateral to the main channel and ends
at the lateral nail point of the third digit 67 sa!s 2
digit9# &hile the
meridian continues through points 3:/4: at the lateral side of the
second digit.
11.2nother .ranch runs from ST 42 to lin$ &ith S+ 1 at the medial side
of the .ig toe.
Divergent Channel
(ea;ing the primar! meridian on the thigh# this enters the
a.domen# connects &ith the Stomach and disperses through the
It then ascends through the heart and follo&s the esophagus to the
It continues up .eside the nose to connect &ith the e!e and then
re'oins the primar! meridian. In other &ords# ma$es a .ig circle
Luo Channel
(ea;ing the primar! meridian at ST 41# this connects &ith the
Spleen meridian.
Bne .ranch follo&s the lateral margin of the ti.ia up across the
thigh and trun$ to the top of the head to con;erge &ith the other
@ang channels.
2 second .ranch di;ers in the nec$ and connects &ith the throat.
Muscle Channel
This originates at the 2
# 3
# and 4
digits# .inds at the dorsum of
the foot and slants up&ards along the lateral aspect of the leg. It
.inds at the lateral aspect of the $nee.
The Stomach 0hannel
This .ranch then crosses and .inds at the hip and lo&er ri.s .efore
circling .ehind the .od! to connect &ith the spine.
2 second .ranch di;ides from the -rst a.o;e the an$le# follo&ing
the ti.ia to .ind at the $nee. 2 su. .ranch crosses to the head of
the -.ula to 'oin &ith the 3, channel.
From the $nee# the channel ascends the thigh and .inds again in
the pel;ic region &here it 'oins &ith the reproducti;e organs.
It then continues up the a.domen and chest to .ind &ith the
cla;icle ST 12# then passes up the nec$ and around the mouth#
.inding at the inferior .order of the nose.
2.o;e# it 'oins the ,ladder muscle channel to form a muscular net
around the e!e.
2 su. .ranch separates at the 'a& and crosses the face# .inding in
front of the ear.
The Stomach 0hannel
Entry, Reunion point, Yang Qiao Mo, Ren Mo 1!
" #
(ocation Bn the chee$
Immediatel! superior to the infra/or.ital foramen
Bn the inferior .order of the or.it
In line &ith the center of the pupil &ith the e!e loo$ing
straight ahead
Between the eyeball and the infraorbital margin
Inferior to the center of the pupil w/the eyes looking
straight ahead.
Traditionally .7 cun below the pupil.
Function Entry point
Reunion$ %T, L&, C', Yang Qiao Mo
,ene-ts the e!es and stops lacrimation
Fliminates Dind
and clears *eat from the e!e
7issipates Fire from the e!e
0ourses pathogens
,rightens the e!e
Game Tear Container
Cheng$ to contain# to hold# to
carr!H to recei;e
Qi$ tears
(lternate )a*es$ Face ,one/
*ole# ,rimming Tears#
Eouse *ole# %a;ine *ole
This point helps the .od! contain tears# hence the
(C The role of the stomach is to digest and integrate life"s
contri.ution to ph!siological function. Dhen emotional
material has not .een digested and integrated# it is
emotionall! .urdening in the same &a! undigested food
ma$es one feel hea;!. Dhen the stomach function is
compromised# the large intestine ma! .e una.le to let go
of undigested emotional material# and one ma! ne;er
reach the stage of grie;ing# for instance# o;er a traumatic
loss. *ence# ST 1 ma! empo&er the recei;ing of tears#
indicating that the stuc$ energ! has mo;ed on and that
one is no& integrating the e>perience. This point opens
up the o& of qi at the source of the stomach meridian
and# therefore# ma! help to ush out undigested
materials# .oth ph!siologicall! and emotionall!.
ST 1 %ecei;e Tears
The emphasis of this point is on the mental and spirit
le;els. It helps processing and digesting &hich
enriches and enhances the spirit.
It impro;es secretions to aid the digesti;e process
C3: This point allo&s a person to ta$e in and recei;e
nourishment. )se if a person is una.le to cr! in a
painful situation. It .rings forth tears of compassion.
ST 2 Four Dhites
Yang Qiao Mo 1! " !
(ocation Bn the chee$
In the depression of the infra/or.ital foramen
3 fen inferior to the inferior edge of the or.it
Inferior to ST
In the infraorbital foramen
Traditionally cun below the pupil
Geedling 619 A1I insertion .2/.4 cun
629 4:I insertion superio/laterall!# along infraor.ital
foramen .3/.: cun
This point is contraindicated for mo>a .! se;eral classical
Function Fliminates Dind

0ourses Dind and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
0lears *eat and .ene-ts the e!es
,rightens the e!es
Soothes the sine&s
%elie;es pain
Game +our ,hites
%i$ four
-ai$ &hite
(lternate )a*e$ 3rain 3ate
The four &hite areas of the e!e# located a.o;e# .elo& and
to either side of the iris are called the four &hites. ST 2 is
used to treat such ailments in these areas such as painful
redness# nearsightedness and e!e screen.
The alternate name 3rain 3ate is a reference to the
mouth# &hich is the gate to the stomach. The 4 areas
around the mouth are also considered diagnostic of the
.od!"s earth qi.
This point .rightens the e!es in seeing the 4
It"s good for smo$e in the e!es
ST 3 3reat 0hee$.one
Yang Qiao Mo 1! " .

(ocation Bn the <!gomatic .one
7irectl! inferior to the infra/or.ital foramen
2t the le;el of the inferior .order of the alum of the nose
Inferior to ST
!e"el with the inferior border of the nostrils
Geedling 619 A1I insertion .3/.4 cun
629 1I insertion to 'oin &ith ST 4# SI 18# etc.
Function Fliminates Dind

7issipates s&elling and alle;iates pain
Juic$ens the connecting ;essels
%emo;es channel o.structions
Game /reat -one0ole
1u$ great# .ig# giant
Liao$ .one/hole
This point is so named .ecause it is found in the largest
.one/hole in the chee$.
3ood for acne
ST 4 Farth 3ranar!
Reunion point, Yang Qiao Mo 1! " .
+or2i33en Months .4
(ocation 4 fen lateral to and le;el &ith the angle of the mouth
Inferior to ST # le"el with the corner of the mouth
Traditionally .$ cun lateral to the corner of the mouth#
directly below ST %
Geedling 1I insertion to 'oin &ith ST 5# (I 21# 04 24 etc.
Function Reunion$ %T, L&, Yang Qiao Mo, C' acc5 to D
Fliminates Dind from the face
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
,ene-ts tendons and muscles
Frees qi stagnation
Game Earth /ranary
Di$ earth
Cang$ granar!# storehouse
(lternate )a*es$ Stomach (in$#
0onuence# 3host ,ed
The face is di;ided into three sections: the area a.o;e the
nose corresponds to hea;en# the nose to man# and the
area .elo& the nose to earth. This point is located ne>t to
the mouth and is thus called Farth 3ranar!. ST 4 is called
a granar! .ecause the mouth recei;es the -;e grains#
food# the material manifestations of earthl! qi. The
character for granar! resem.les a mouth esp. in its older
form and is formed from the character for food and the
character for mouth.
This is a granar! for all le;els: mental# ph!sical and
spiritual. Food and drin$ are stored and called upon to
.e processed. If the storehouse is empt!# in times of
trou.le there &ill .e distress. Fnsure that it is full in
the e;ent of an emergenc!.
)se &hen there is e>cessi;e che&ing o;er pro.lems
spirit le;el.
)se &hen leg points are not holding and depletion
ST : 3reat Delcome
Reunion point !. " !.
(ocation Bn the inferior .order of the mandi.le
2nterior to the masseter
In the depression of the facial arter!
&n the lower 'aw
In the groo"e on the border anterior to the masseter
when the teeth are clenched
Traditionally# .% cun anterior to the angle of the
mandible# where
the pulse of the facial artery is palpable
Geedling 619 4:I insertion .3/.: cun
629 1I insertion to 'oin &ith ST 4# ST 5# etc.
Function Reunion$ /-, %T not in D
Fliminates Dind
and reduces s&elling
Juic$ens the connecting ;essels
Game /reat Reception
Da$ great# large
Ying$ to recei;e# to &elcome
(lternate )a*e$ Earro& *ole
ST : ma! .e called 3reat %eception .ecause it is a point
&here the stomach channel recei;es or &elcomes the (I
channel and it is an internal .ranch of its o&n channel.
This is sometimes used as a spirit point for people &ho
are closed oK.
C3: This point encourages one to open up and &elcome
life. Bpen !our mouth and as$. Bpen !our mouth and
time a .it of life.
ST 5 Eandi.le Dheel
Reunion point, /host point ! " 6
(ocation 4 fen anterior and superior to the angle of the mandi.le
In the depression .et&een the t&o .ellies of the masseter
&n the highest point of the masseter muscle when the
teeth are clenched.
&ne (nger breadth .) cun superior to the angle of the
Geedling 619 A1I insertion .: cun
629 1I insertion to 'oin &ith ST 4# ST :# ST ?# etc.
639 1I insertion to&ards upper or lo&er 'a& for toothache
Function Reunion$ /-, %T not in D
7ne o8 the 1! /host Points
Fliminates Dind
,ene-ts the 'a& and teeth
Bpens the 'a& and frees the connecting ;essels
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Game 1aw2one
1ia$ 'a&
Che$ ;ehicle# chariot# car
(lternate )a*es$ *inge# Tooth
,end# 3host ,ed#
3host Forest
The character com.ination 'ia che is an ancient name for
the 'a&.one. The 'a&.one is a ;ehicle that carries teeth#
&hich is also seen in its s!non!m !a che# &hich means
literall! tooth ;ehicle.
)se this point for ,ell"s +als! or an! neuralgia of the
ST ? (o&er +assage
Reunion point ! " #
(ocation In the depression inferior to the <!gomatic arch L anterior
to the mandi.ular cond!le
Dhen the mouth is open &ide# this depression disappears
Inferior to the *ygomatic arch
Anterior to the condyle of the mandible
+irectly superior to ST ,
-ou may open the mouth to located the condyle# but close
it to locate the point
Geedling 619 A1I insertion slightl! infreriorl!.:/.1 cun
629 1I insertion to 'oin &ith SI 1A# ST 5# SI 18
)se option 2 for diseases of the ear# teeth# face# and 'a&
Function Reunion$ %T, /- acc5 to D
,ene-ts the ears
'a& and teeth
Bpens the portals and sharpens the hearing
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
0ourses Dind and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
Game -elow the 1oint
#ia$ .elo&# lo&er
/uan$ 'oint# hingeH .arrierH to shut#
to close
ST ? ma! deri;e its name from its location .elo& the 'oint
of the mandi.le. 2lso# it is located 'ust .elo& the
<!gomatic arch# an area that reminded the ancient
0hinese of the door .olt guan. See also 3, 3 a.o;e the
ST 8 *ead Tied
Reunion point ! " #
(ocation Bn the head
M 20I posterior and superior to the natural hair line
2t the superior corner of the forehead
At the corner of the forehead
$.. cun lateral to the anterior median line
/distance between 0 corners of forehead 1 2 cun3
.. cun posterior to the anterior hairline
At the le"el of 45 0$
Geedling 1I insertion .:/1 cun
Eo>a contraindicated in classics
Function Reunion$ %T, /-, Yang ,ei Mo acc5 to D
Fliminates Dind and alle;iates pain
0lears the head and .rightens the e!es
%elie;es di<<iness
,ene-ts the e!es
7ischarges Fire

0lears *eat
Stops lacrimation
Game 0ea3 Corner
Tou$ head
,ei$ to .ind# to tie together
originall!# a net or
catching .irds# corner
(lternate )a*e$ Forehead (arge
From its original meaning of net# the &e character came
to mean to .ind or tie. *o&e;er# the character &ei
often carries the meaning of corner. The e>pression si &e
refers to the four corners of a net# and . ! e>tension# the
four cardinal points and the four lim.s.
(C This is a $e! point for o.session. ST 8 is ideal for someone
&ho is .ound .! their o&n thoughts.
)se this point for people tied up in $nots and
e>periencing mental and spirit le;el turmoil.
C3: This point gets a person"s energ! do&n and out of
their head. The patient ma! e;en present as di<<!.
ST A +eople Delcome
,in3ow o8 the %9y, %ea o8 Energy, Reunion point 1
! " #
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the nec$
)pon the carotid arter!
2t the anterior .order of the sternocleidomastoid
2t the le;el of the lar!ngeal prominence# le;el &ith (I 18 and SI
Between the sternocleidomastoid muscle and laryngeal
prominence /Adam6s Apple3# on the anterior border of the
on a contour between the laryngeal prominence and SI ,
Note: to display the sternocleidomastoid# raise the head
halfway o7 the couch. To e8pose it on one side# place the 9at of
the hand against the cheek on the opposite side and ask the
patient to push towards and against the hand.
Geedling A1I insertion .:/1 cun
: To avoi3 puncturing the caroti3 artery, palpate it
an3 hel3 it laterally 3uring nee3ling :
Function ,in3ow o8 the %9y
%ea o8 Energy Reunion$ %T, /- acc5 to D
%egulates qi
and .lood
,ene-ts the throat and nec$
(o&ers re.ellion
2lle;iates pain
%emo;es masses
%elie;es s&elling
0lears *eat and calms d!spnea
Frees the channels and
connecting ;essels
Game Man;s Prognosis
Ren$ man# person
ying$ to predict# calculateH &elcome#
to recei;eH to face
(lternate )a*es$ Fi;efold
0onuence# 0elestial Fi;efold 0onuence
There is an e>pression: !ing ri tui ce# &hich literall! translates
as to recei;e the da!s and predict e;ents# and is used to
descri.e a t!pe of astrological prediction. The alternate names
stress the point"s function of recei;ing the qi of the -;e ;iscera.
(C This is a Dindo& of the S$! point. It addresses deep aspects of
spirit as the! emerge through the Farth element. This is a main
point for treating resentment .uilt up .! .eing ingratiating
people/pleasing. It is ideal for the person &ho ta$es care of
e;er!.od! else in attempt to a;oid conict# &ho e;entuall!
comes to resent others. This resentment is often e;idenced as a
constricted feeling in the throat at the le;el of this point.
+atients often instincti;el! point to this area &hen the! sa!
the!";e had it up to here. This point ma! also empo&er a
person &ho is una.le to &elcome others into their process.
ST 11 Dater %ushing But
This is a ;er! strong point &ith .oth spirit and mental
connotations. The patient must reall! ha;e lost their
resignation .efore using this. )se &hen the focus has .een
turned in&ard. There is nothing coming in and the patient
has closed do&n.
It"s great &hen a person has .ecome paranoid a.out people
not lo;ing them# tal$ing a.out themH the!";e lost touch &ith
the realit! of life.
Delcome is a.out .eing there# gi;ing &hat !ou ha;e and
The patient can see that things can .e diKerent. This point
lets them ma$e a conscious decision to allo& change.
ST A +eople Delcome
1! " #
(ocation Bn the anterior .order of the sternocleidomastoid
2t the le;el of the cricoid cartilage
2ppro>imatel! 1 20I inferior to ST A
:idway between ST 2 and
At the le"el of the cricoid cartilage#
on the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
The cricoid cartilage is felt as the (rst broad band of
cartilage on the trachea from the sternal notch upwards
Note: the e8act origin of ST ; as ACI inferior to ST 2 is
<.=. >orsley6s location may be of <apanese origin.
Note: to display the sternocleidomastoid# raise the head
halfway o7 the couch. To
e8pose it on one side# place the 9at of the hand against
the cheek on the opposite
side and ask the patient to push towards and against the
Geedling ?1I insertion directed mediall! .:/1 cun
: To avoi3 puncturing the caroti3 artery, palpate it
an3 hel3 it laterally 3uring nee3ling :
Function ,ene-ts the throat and nec$
7isinhi.its the throat
7escends () qi
Game ,ater Pro*inence
%hui$ &ater
Tu$ 2.ruptl!# suddenl!. To rush
out# to run
againstH to oKend. 2 chimne!H
(lternate )a*es$ Dater 3ate#
Dater *ea;en
ST 11 Dater %ushing But
! " !
(ocation Superior to the cla;icle
,et&een the t&o heads of the sternocleidomastoid
2 20I lateral to the median line
Between the sternal and cla"icular heads of the
&n the superior border of the sternal end of the cla"icle
>here there is a palpable groo"e.
Note: This will lie more medial than the 0 ACI
measurement gi"en in :eridians and ?oints.
Geedling A1I insertion .3/.: cun
: Deep insertion *ay puncture the Lung :
Function ,ene-ts the throat and nec$
7escends qi
and courses qi
Game=F% Qi (2o3e
Qi$ qi# .reath
%he$ residence# to resideH to
.esto&# to gi;e a&a!
The functions of the ST channel points 11/15 and 18 are
primaril! associated &ith their location in relation to the
chest and lung. The point names reect these
associations through the metaphor of the chest as a
house. The house has a &indo&# roof# door and storeroom#
&hile ST 11 represents the a.ode itself.
This is a place for the reception of qi. F%
This point .rings a sense of securit! and comfort to the
.od!# mind and spirit. It"s a place &here someone is
there &aiting for !ou &ith food.
Bpen the Ji 7oor ST 13 to &al$ into the Ji cottage to
enrich the spirit or .arren earth
ST 11 Ji 0ottage
Reunion point ! " !
(ocation In the center of the supracla;icular fossa
4 20I lateral to the median line and on the paramedian
nipple line
Geedling A1I insertion .3/.: cun
: Deep or posterior insertion *ay in<ure the
su2clavian vessels or puncture the
Lung : Gote: Some sources contraindicate this point in
Function Reunion$ %T, %&, L&, /-, LR =%T, %&, L&, /-, TE acc5
to D>
7escends () qi
0lears heat from the chest
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Su.dues re.ellious qi
Frees the channels and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
Game E*pty -asin
Que$ empt!# ;acantH imperfect#
Pen$ .asin# .o&l
(lternate )a*es$ 0elestial
0o;er# 0u.it 0o;er
(C Cust as a .ro$en .o&l ma! .e una.le to contain one"s
meal# so too ma! an indi;idual fail to em.od! acquired
sources of nourishment. *is im.alance ma! e;idence as
an emotional spilling in the form of neediness# &orr! and
inappropriate .oundaries regarding the ful-llment of
one"s o&n needs and the needs of others.
)se this point &hen things ha;e .een shattered. )se
&hen there is a sense of loss.
)se &hen there is a need to let go of &hat is not
needed instead of mourningNit is time to change.
This is a ;er! po&erful point. It"s a description of an
energetic state &here the patient is not getting
nourishment and there is no containment.
@ou can get .ig pulse changes &ith this point.
It has a direct eKect on mil$ production
C3: This point reall! lifts de-cient qi depression sin$ing.
It"s for a deep# shattered depression &here the person
can"t imagine ho& to put things .ac$ together. The
ST 12 ,ro$en ,o&l
person can"t e;en .egin to as$ for &hat I need. It"s
a.out ta$ing in and mo;ing do&n. There ma! .e an
a.sence of mothering. It transforms hurt in irrepara.le
ST 13 Ji 7oor
! " .
(ocation Bn the inferior edge of the cla;icle
4 20I lateral to the median oline4 and on the paramedian
nipple line
+irectly inferior to ST 0 in a palpable notch
Geedling 619 21I insertion laterall! or mediall!# .:/.8 cun
629 1I insertion inferiorl! along the channel
: Deep or ?@A insertion B -&/ ris9 o8 in<uring
su2clavian vessels or the Lung :
Function )n.inds the chest
7escends re.ellious qi
0lears *eat
Game=F% Qi Door
Qi: ,reath# ;apor# air# steam.
DeatherH atmosphere. EannerH
temperH feelingsH inuenceH forceH
life/gi;ing principleH ;ital uid.
Hu: *alf of a .ig dou.le gate. The character Een
implies main entranceH *u implies the door inside the
house# e.g. .et&een t&o rooms. Dhen Een and *u are
used together# Een means *ea;en and *u means Farth.
For e>ample on the outer ,ladder line# *un &hich .elongs
to *ea;en is called *un Een# .ut +o# &hich .elongs to
Farth# is called +o *u. 2 doorH an indi;idualH a famil!.
,ecause *u implies that &hich .elongs to the Farth# this
refers to the descending mo;ement of the ST. 2 door to
let the qi mo;e do&n&ard. 2lso# .! the use of *u# it
connotes &hat is coming from the Farth# i.e. food that the
ST &or$s on.
Bne of the -rst s!mptoms telling !ou this door is
closed is digesti;e disorder after F=F .loc$s are clear.
@ou must ma$e sure the doors and gates are open
&hen a person is stuc$ e.g. re'ecting s!mpath!.
C3: This is a point &hich opens to let qi come do&n.
)se &hen a person is una.le to gi;e or recei;e
ST 14 Storehouse
! " .
(ocation In the -rst intercostal space
4 20I lateral to the median line and on the paramedian
nipple line
Geedling 619 21I insertion laterall! or mediall! along the intercostal
space .:/.8 cun
629 1I insertion superiorl! or inferiorl! along the channel
: Deep or ?@A insertion B -&/ ris9 o8 puncturing the
Lung :
Function 7escends re.ellious qi
)n.inds the chest
Game=F% %toreroo*
Ku: This character contains
ideograms for .uilding and chariot.
0hariots &ere originall! used for
&ar. So# Ou means a sort of armor!
Na house for the chariots or a
place to store useful things. 2
treasur!H a storehouseH a granar!H an armor! &hich is 'ust
outside of the central cit!.
Fang: 2 lateral room in a house. 2 room# a .uilding.
Similar idea to storeroom or pantr!. ,ranches of a famil!.
2 &ife or concu.ine. BPce or .ureau in a !amen. The
seed/case of a o&er.
*ere is &here @ang Eing .egins to descend into the chest.
This is &here the richness of the &or$ of the ST and S+
sho& up. 2ll that is needed for the protection of the center
is here.
This is a reser;oir or reser;e of energ!. )sing this point
is li$e ta$ing someone to the larder and letting them
choose &hat the! &ould li$e.
It"s a storehouse for the spirit.
It"s a good point &hen !ou"re not quite sure the patient
is .eginning to ta$e in e.g. reser;es of se>ual energ!
on a ph!sical le;el.
C3: )se this &hen a patient can"t access energ! due to
long term depri;ation. The person is gi;en out too
much and ma! need to -ll up his=her o&n storehouse.
ST 1: %oom Screen
! " .
(ocation In the second intercostal space
4 20I lateral to the median line and on the paramedian
nipple line
Geedling 619 21I insertion laterall! or mediall! along the intercostal
space .:/.8 cun
629 1I insertion superiorl! or inferiorl! along the channel
: Deep or ?@A insertion B -&/ ris9 o8 puncturing the
Lung :
Function 7escends re.ellious qi
)n.inds the chest
,ene-ts the .reasts
2lle;iates pain and itching of the s$in
Game=F% Roo* %creen
Wu: *ouse# room. *ere is the
idea of a &ell/protected placeH a
room for resting. The room to put
a corpse in &hile &aiting for a
ritual. Got a central room. 2 room
that is quiet and protected.
Yi: FeathersN.ig feathers to ma$e a fan# to protect or
co;er. This is the idea of something co;ering and
protecting. In patholog!# this character is used for the
&hite -lm that co;ers the e!es possi.l! cataracts. The
ancient meaning is a structure !ou &ould hide .ehind
during .attle# e.g. armor# .reast plate.
So# on the @ang Eing# ST 1: is &here the .reast starts
coming do&n the meridian. 2 sense of the .reast
co;ering and protecting the chest and *eartNa
;ulnera.le area. This point functions as a .reastplate of
armor protecting this area. It is a !ang meridian on the
!in part of the .od!# facilitating the do&n&ard mo;ement
so that the protection descri.ed a.o;e does not .ecome
e>cessi;e# stiing# stuc$. This reects the a.ilit! of the ST
to descend &ell for circulation and to free .loc$ages that
create heat# &hich aKects the ST liquids. The function
here is protecting and circulating at the same time.
Thin$ of the partial pri;ac! a screen aKords. De need
to ha;e empath! and ma$e the person feel at ease
ST 14 Storehouse
and secure. Br use it for someone &ho needs partial
ST 1: %oom Screen
! " .
(ocation In the third intercostal space
4 20I lateral to the median line and on the paramedian
nipple line
Geedling 619 21I insertion laterall! or mediall! along the intercostal
space .:/.8 cun
629 1I insertion superiorl! or inferiorl! along the channel
: Deep or ?@A insertion B -&/ ris9 o8 puncturing the
Lung :
Function 2lle;iates cough and &hee<ing
,ene-ts the .reasts
0lears *eat
%esol;es depression
%elie;es pain and disperses s&elling
Game=F% -reast ,in3ow
Ying: (ateralH &ings of a .uilding.
The .reast. Brnaments on the
.reast of a horse. To .earH to
sustain. To recei;e. To oppose.
Chuang: *ole# ca;e# opening# &indo&# shutter. 0ommon
name for acupuncture point.
*ere is an opening for the o&ing do&n of mil$. Eil$ is a
special transformation of .odil! uids made .! the chest.
It is at the le;el of the *eart# so if the *eart is at the
&indo&# it ma! see &hat happens. It can mean
cle;ernessH opening of the mind. *ere there is a
circulation of liquids so the *eart is not .loc$ed. The
point name is directed to&ards liquids. The function of
the point is to nourish the presence of the Spirits .!
calming the @ang Eing. 2n opening to maintain
This point is good for the person &ho is
uns!mpathetic# 'udgmental and has a lac$ of empath!.
This point helps one to hold people to our hearts &hen
&e feel for them. It .rings in compassion.
This point has a direct eKect on mil$ production.
ST 15 ,reast Dindo&
# " #
(ocation In the fourth intercostal space
In the center of the nipple
Geedling This point is contraindicated for .oth needling and mo>aN
it is used as a reference.
Function This point is used as a reference point.
Game=F% -reast Center
Ru: ,reast# mil$. %u is the image
of a s&allo& co;ering her chic$.
The s&allo& image is used for an!
$ind of mothering. So %u implies
mother"s mil$.
Zhong: 2nterior middleH center
For.idden to needle or mo>a. %esuscitation point .!
pinching. 2 lot is said a.out this point in the te>ts# e;en
though it is for.idden to needle or mo>a. 2n important
point on the .od!.
This point is at the root of the .reasts. 3ood &hen the
energ! is stuc$# e.g. mastitis or &hen a person isn"t
a.le to gi;e mil$ or nourishment.
ST 1? 0enter of the ,reasts
! " !.
(ocation In the -fth intercostal space
4 20I lateral to the median line and on the paramedian
nipple line
Geedling 619 21I insertion laterall! or mediall! along the intercostal
space .:/1 cun
629 1I insertion superiorl! or inferiorl! along the channel
: Deep or ?@A insertion B -&/ ris9 o8 puncturing the
Lung :
Function ,ene-ts the .reasts and reduces s&elling
%egulates the .reasts and lactation
)n.inds the chest and alle;iates cough and &hee<ing
7iKuses the connecting ;essels of the .reast
Juic$ens the .lood and transforms depression
%egulates ST qi
7ispels stagnation
Game=F% -reast Root
Ru: ,reast. %u is the image of a
s&allo& co;ering her chic$. The
s&allo& image is used for an! $ind
of mothering. So %u implies
mother"s mil$.
Gen: %oot
This point ensures that all circulation is properH nothing is
.loc$ing the ma$ing of mil$. Got onl! used for lactation#
.ut this point also eKects the descending mo;ement of qi
in the chest.
This is a local point for mastitis. It is not a;aila.le on
all &omen.
ST 18 %oot of the ,reasts
. " !6
(ocation Bn the thora>
3 20I lateral to the median line
5 20I superior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion .:/1 cun
: Deep insertion *ay in<ure the heart or the liver i8
either organ is enlarge3 :
Function *armoni<es the middle 'iao
(o&er re.ellion
7escends qi and alle;iates cough and &hee<ing
%egulates the center and harmoni<es the ST
Game=F% )ot Containe3
Bu: GotH a negati;e
Rong: 2ppearance# manner#
.earing# demeanor. To allo&H to
.earH to endureH to forgi;eH to &ait
forH to attend uponH to containH to admitH capacit!. Fas!.
0ontinence. The a.ilit! to containH to .ear &hat is
The meaning is not to accept to contain too much. 2
refusal of .earing or enduring something. To refuse the
coming of the food. This point lets us $no& &hether it is
time to eat or time not to eat. %egulates appetite.
)se &hen a person is not at ease in an Farth &a!. The
.asic rh!thms of life are out of .alance e.g. eating#
sleeping# periods. 2 person"s mind might also .e
restless. It"s a good point for internal agitation.
(ife is ne;er processed=digested. There is discomfort#
stuc$ ideas and the person can"t ta$e an!thing from it.
It"s good for o.sessions# ideas &hich should nourish
are stuc$ or rush through the mind. 2n Farth 0F might
ha;e .ad ne&s and go on a.out it all da! as the! can"t
digest it further and process it.
Then name sa!s it all: insecurit!# insta.ilit!# uneas!
.ecause the person isn"t grounded. The person is tied
up &ith &orr! &hich .ecomes endless mental che&ing.
This plus ST 24 and S+ 15 are a ;er! practical
application &hen the stomach is .loc$ed.
ST 1A Got at Fase
C3: This is for the child that can"t -nd its mom and
feels insecure# unsta.le and panic$ed. It puts Farth at
east in a person. )se &hen there"s a need to .e
comforted# held and secure.
ST 21 %ecei;ing Fullness
. " !6
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
: 20I superior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion .:/1 cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
: Deep nee3ling, on the right *ay penetrate an
enlarge3 Liver :
Function *armoni<es the middle 'iao
and stomach
7escends re.ellion of the () and ST
Game=F% (ssu*ing +ullness
Cheng: To recei;eH to inheritH to
holdH to containH to support. To
contract forH to underta$e. To
continue a gi;en line of thought in
composition and
enlarge upon itH to carr! on. To confessH to ac$no&ledge.
The image is t&o hands# .oth oKering and recei;ing. In
&orship &e oKer sacri-ce# music# etc. and recei;e the
.lessings of *ea;en.
Man: Full# satis-ed# self/suPcient. The &hole of.
0omplete. The fullness of the -;e <ang &hen the! are full
of essences. There is a &hole diKerent character that
indicates the fullness of the Fu. This can .e a pathological
fullnessNtoo much fullness# stagnationNor it can .e a
health! fullness.
This is the -rst point in the line of points that are the
gates for descending and circulating. ST 21 recei;es and
creates the essences# then sends them do&n to the doors
(C This point ma! empo&er someone to e>perience
a.undance in life rather than &allo&ing in feelings of
This point helps a person recei;e appropriate please.
*elps a person reap the har;est# the fullness in
ST 1A Got at Fase
It"s for patients &hich no 'o!# a sense of emptiness on
a deep le;el.
It gi;es the patient the feeling of BO# &or$ has .een
done no& it"s time to pause.
It"s a good point for anore>ics &ho re'ect fullness i.e.
food and nourishment.
C3: This point is a.out &anting. I can"t get &hat I need
and I"m not a.le to -ll m!self. Sometimes there"s a not
letting in# not recei;ing fullness. This point opens the
person up and helps to recei;e the fullness that is
there for him=her. This point also mo;es .loated#
epigastric distention through the middleNmo;es qi.
ST 21 %ecei;ing Fullness
6 " .1.
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
4 20I superior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
: Deep nee3ling, on the right *ay penetrate an
enlarge3 Liver :
Function *armoni<es the middle 'iao
%egulates center qi
*armoni<es the stomach and intestines
Transforms stagnation and accumulations
Forti-es the S+# strengthening its function of mo;ing and
%aises qi and stops diarrhea
%egulates qi
2lle;iates pain
Game -ea* /ate
Liang$ cross.eam# .eam
Men$ gate# door
ST 21 ma! ha;e acquired its name from one of the -;e
accumulations &u 'i mentioned in the 0lassic of 7iPcult
Issues. Ono&n as fu liang# deep/l!ing .eam# this
condition is descri.ed as a condition in &hich a palpa.le
mass the si<e of an arm located in the upper a.domen
causes irrita.ilit! and insomnia. Since ST 21 ma! .e used
in the treatment of this condition# it is a gate&a! to the
2dditionall!# liang men is a place name.
)se this point &hen fullness is stic$ing. This gate ma!
need to .e opened.
2fter mo;ing through the gate !ou -nd unit!# harmon!
and peace.
This is a &onderful point for someone &ho is mo;ing
for&ard &ith his=her mind !et his=her .od! or emotions
is stuc$. There is a sense of dis'ointedness or fracture.
ST 21 ,ridge 3ate
It"s good &ith ST 22 and ST 24H it"s good for people
&ith funn! tumm!s.
ST 22 ,order 3ate
C " .1.
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
3 20I superior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
Function %egulates qi and alle;iates pain
%egulates the intestines and .ene-ts urination
%egulates the ST and intestines
Game=F% Pass /ate
Guan: 3ateH customH frontier
passH 'uncture. To connectH to
in;ol;eH to inform. To closeH to
shutH to fasten.
Men: 7oor# gate&a!# opening# entrance# duct. Famil!H
professionH sectH a school or part!.
*ere is the idea of con;e!ing essences through passages
throughout the .od!. This point has to do &ith passage.
There are lots of points &ith the character for door# gate#
or passage in the name. There is a concentration of these
ST 21# 22# 24 in the middle heater. This point is lin$ed
&ith the good functioning of the OI. )se ST 22 to help the
OI in controlling the lo&er a.domen qi# liquids and &ith
edema e;en general edema. The ST and OI help each
other# and 04 in the middle .urner ma$es sure all is
organi<ed and &ell/founded.
ST 23 3reat Bneness
C " .1@
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
2 20I superior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04 11
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
Function Transforms phlegm
*armoni<es the middle 'iao
*armoni<es the center
Forti-es the Spleen
0lears the *eart and quiets the Spirit
0alms the Spirit
Game %upre*e Dnity
Tai$ supreme# most# e>cessi;e
Yi$ one# the intestines of a -shH second
of the ten
hea;enl! stems
,ecause# as (ao T<u sa!s in the Tao Te 0hing# the ten thousand
things spring from one# the point name Supreme )nit! is a
metaphor for the stomach or middle .urner# &hich is the source
of post natal qi. 2lso# as one thing i.e.# the supreme unit! splits
to .ecome hea;en and earth# so the tur.id and the clear are
di;ided at ST 23.
Tai !i is the name of a star that is related to the a.domen in
0hinese astrological theor!.
The name of this point relates to the function of the stomach in
.rea$ing do&n all things into a meaningful and integrated
&hole. For someone &hose life appears as a conglomeration of
unrelated and fragmented e>periences# the function of this
point ma! help that person integrate the e>periences and mo;e
on in life.
This is a .eautifull! named point .ecause if !ou loo$ at a
child .eing fed .! its mother# !ou don"t ha;e t&o separate
entities. @ou ha;e the one &here the t&o are 'oined together
.! the mother"s arms holding and lo;ing the child and the
child .eing connected to her .reast.
Ean! patients do feel ;er! insecure. The! feel as though
the! ha;en"t reall! got their feet on the ground. The! feel
unlo;edH there is no richness or har;est.
This point .rings the person .ac$ to the .reastsNit"s a
har;est for the spirit# mind and .od!. De come through the
ST 22 ,order 3ate
gates ST 21 and 22 to achie;e unit!# harmon! and peace. It
restores the 3reat Bneness.
This point can .e used after .alance in achie;ed so that
oneness is equall! distri.uted.
The .od! and mind ma! .e mo;ing at one pace and there
spirit &ill .e .ehind or aheadNthe three are not tra;eling as
one. 2nd !ou ma! ha;e a good pulse picture .ut the patient
is in dire straights. Dith this point !ou cement the ,od!
Eind and Spirit together. @ou &ill get a true pulse picture
after using it# &hich ma! .e terri.le.
ST 23 3reat Bneness
C " .1.
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
1 20I superior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
Function %egulates and harmoni<es the Stomach
and intestines
0alms the Spirit
2lle;iates ;omiting
Transforms phlegm
Game %lippery +lesh /ate
0ua$ slipper!# gloss!
Rou$ esh# meat# muscle
Men$ gate# door
(lternate )a*es$
Slipper! 7ar$
The point is located near the opening of 3ate#
Slipper! Flesh# 0elestial
The Small Intestine the p!lorus# &hich is Eanager
2 gate of slipper! esh. 2n alternate name for this point
is hua !ou men# &hich is the 0hinese name for the p!lorus
literall!# slipper! dar$ gate.
This point is for those &ho feel .loated and full. Food
lies in the stomach li$e a .ric$.
This point helps in processing and digestion. The
(u.rication Food 3ate can help to .ring greater
secretion here.
This point lu.ricates the nourishment of the ,od!#
Eind and Spirit right in the center.
)se if someone sa!s the! can"t stomach something
on an! le;el. It generall! .rings greater energ!
throughout the .od!.
C3: This point is a.out transformation not getting out of
the mind into the .od!. B.session &ith rehashing.
There is eating .ut not getting the nourishment. This
point mo;es qi through the middle.
ST 24 (u.rication Food 3ate
L& (lar* point, &D point . " .E@
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
2t the le;el of the center of the um.ilicus
Bn the lateral .order of the rectus a.dominis muscle
Geedling 619 A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
629 4:I inferior insertion to&ards the uterus for diseases of the
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
Function L& (lar* point &D point
%egulates the intestines
%egulates the S+ and ST
H supports Farth
0lears *eat
%esol;es dampness and damp/heat
%egulates qi and
%elie;es retention of food
Game Celestial Pivot
Tian$ celestial# of the hea;ensH s$!H
GatureH hea;en
%hu$ pi;ot# a>is
Fssential Juestions
states: The area a.o;e the celestial pi;ot is ruled .! celestial
qiH the area .elo& the celestial pi;ot is ruled .! the earthl! qi.
The place &here the qi intersect is the origin of man"s qi and
the ten thousand things. This quote sho&s that the 'unction of
celestial and earthl! qi in the .od! is the 0elestial +i;ot. The
point name refers to the point"s importance as a 'uncture of
celestial and earthl! qi.
Tian Shu is the ancient name of the central star in the Gorthern
7ipperH the other si> stars in that constellation rotate around it.
The Fssential Juestions states that the upper .od! has three
qis# this is the celestial part and is ruled .! celestial qiH the
lo&er .od! has three qis and is ruled .! earthl! qi. The three
stars a.o;e and .elo& the 0elestial +i;ot are representati;e of
the three qis a.o;e and .elo& ST 2:.
(C (ocated on .oth sides of the na;el# ST 2: addresses the nature
of the hara as a ->ed reference point that ma! empo&er
sta.ilit! during transitions. This point empo&ers the ;irtue of
.eing a.le to mo;e d!namicall! in an! direction &ithout
e>cessi;e deli.eration. Tian Shu is a name for the central star in
the ,ig 7ipper constellation# the residence of the gods shen
&ho preside o;er one" destin!.
(lternate )a*es$ (ong 3rain# (ong
%a;ine# (ong 0hic$en# (ong (in$#
4alle! 3ate# 0!cle ,order#
ST 2: *ea;enl! +i;ot
)se &hen a person"s center is not holding. It"s good &hen a
person is going through a gro&th period. The! ha;e
impro;ed and ha;e lots of ne&# good# e>citing ideas .ut !ou
nee dot ma$e sure the! are coming from a stead! center.
This point is on the .order of the t&o 'iao. It"s a.out
anchoring# sta.ilit! and is often used &ith S+ 1:.
This point is ;er! good for rh!thmic disorders. )se &hen
there are lots of ups and do&ns# mood s&ings and insta.ilit!.
It"s good for grounding &hen the earth is mo;ing from under
a person"s feet.
This point can help *T 1 .e more eKecti;e.
ST 25 Butside Eound
C1@ " .
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
1 20I inferior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04 ?
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
Function %egulates and recti-es qi
2lle;iates pain
7issipates cold
Game 7uter Moun3
,ai$ outside# outer
Ling$ tom.# .urial mound
This point is good for .ringing attention to the lo&er
ST 2? 3reat Eight
C1@ " .1@
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
2 20I inferior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04 :
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity5
Function ,ene-ts the OI and -rms 'ing
Supplements the OI and .oosts qi
%egulates qi and promotes urination
In;igorates !ang
%egulates ST qi
Game /reat /igantic
Da$ .ig# great
1u$ large# .ig# great
(lternate )a*es$ *umor 3ate#
2rmpit 3ate#
2t the Spring
The po&er of this element is to decrease. It has to do
&ith c!clesNletting go. )se &hen the mind or spirit is
not letting go# &hen it is den!ing the po&er of return
and har;est.
It"s a good point for re;itali<ing# similar to OI 12. It lifts
depression and supplements energ!.
ST 28 Dater +ath
C " .1@
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
3 20I inferior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04 4
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity, or a 8ull 2la33er5
(s9 the patient to e*pty hisFher 2la33er 2e8ore
nee3ling :
Function %egulates the lo&er 'iao
0lears damp/heat and disinhi.its the lo&er 'iao
7ispels stagnation
,ene-ts the ,( and the uterus
,ene-ts urination
Bpens the Dater passages
%egulates menstruation
Stops pain
Game ,aterway
%hui$ &ater
Dao$ path
The three organs most intimatel! connected &ith &ater
meta.olism are the ,ladder# Oidne! and Triple ,urner. ST
28 clears damp/heat from the lo&er .urner# disinhi.its the
lo&er .urner and clear TF heat .ind. It ma! also .e
emplo!ed in treating urinar! inhi.ition and cold .ladder.
,ecause of its a.ilit! to aKect the .od!"s &ater
meta.olism freeing the &ater&a!s# ST 28 is called
If there is dr!ing up in the lo&er 'iao# there &ill .e no
mo;ement# acti;it! or uidit!. The patient &ill .e
una.le to concei;e on a ph!sical or mental le;el.
This point is good for the processes of elimination and
This helps mo;e an!thing that"s stuc$# li$e o.sessions.
It helps the person let go.
ST 2A The %eturn
. " .1@
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
4 20I inferior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04 3
&n the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling *ay penetrate the
peritoneal cavity, or a 8ull 2la33er5
(s9 the patient to e*pty hisFher 2la33er 2e8ore
nee3ling :
Function Darms and recti-es the lo&er 'iao
%egulates menstruation and .ene-ts the genital region
Darms the &om.
%elie;es .lood stagnation
Game Return
/ui$ to returnH to restore
Lai$ to come# to arri;e
(lternate )a*es$ %a;ine *ole#
%a;ine 4alle!
2 .ranch of the ST channel that di;erges from the main
channel at ST 12 passes do&n&ard through the stomach
and re'oins the main channel at ST 31.
)se this &hen a person is .ecoming .arren .ecause of
not .eing a.le to har;est the fruits of life. It"s for the
patient &ho is undernourished# anore>ic or .arren.
ST 31 Ji %ushing
%ea o8 )ourish*ent, +irst (i3, Reunion, Chong
Mo ! " 6
(ocation Bn the a.domen
3 20I lateral to the median line
: 20I inferior to the le;el of the um.ilicus# le;el &ith 04 2
2t the le;el of the superior edge of the pu.ic s!mph!sis
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
: &n thin su2<ects, 3eep nee3ling in a superior
3irection *ay penetrate the
: peritoneal cavity or a 8ull 2la33er5 (s9 the patient
to e*pty hisFher 2la33er
: 2e8ore nee3ling
: Deep insertion in an in8erior 3irection in a *ale
*ay penetrate the sper*atic cor3
Function %ea o8 )ourish*ent
+irst (i3$ +oo3 poisoning
Reunion$ /-, %T
%egulates qi in the lo&er 'iao
%egulates 0hong Eo
Su.dues running piglet qi
Soothes the sine& gathering
7issipates in;ersion qi
%egulates the .ladder
*armoni<es construction and the .lood
+romotes Cing
%egulates ST qi
Game %urging Qi
Qi$ qi# .reath
Chong$ to ush# surgeH a
thoroughfareH an important
placeH to rush against
(lternate )a*es$ Ji
Sheep"s 7roppings
The name Surging Ji reects this point"s location at the
.eginning of 0hong Eo and its a.ilit! to treat disorders
related to that ;essel. ST 31 also treats disorders
characteri<ed .! surging qi# such as running piglet and
up&ard surge of qi attac$ing the heart.
ST 2A The %eturn
Sheep"s 7roppings ma! .e ta$en as a reference to the
lumps in the inguinal region formed .! tendons and l!mph
)se this &hen !ou need to get something rushing. It"s
the -rst aid for food poisoning.
ST 31 Ji %ushing
G " !6
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the thigh
13 20I pro>imal to eh e>ure of the $nee
,et&een the ;astus lateralis and the rectus femoris
$ cun pro8imal to the knee 9e8ure
+irectly inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine
!e"el with a line drawn bet. the pubic symphysis6 lower
border @ the gluteal groo"e.
In the seam between the rectus femoris and the "astus
lateralis muscles
&n the lateral border of the sartorius muscle
To e8pose this seam# 9e8 and e8tend the knee
Note: CTA# along with many other sources# uses $ cun
as the accepted
measurement from the popliteal crease to the gluteal
groo"e. <=> uses % cun.
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/2 cun
Function 2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
7ispels &ind/damp
Darms the channels and quic$ens the connecting
0ourses Dind and dissipates cold
Game Thigh 1oint
-i$ thighH the lateral aspect of the
/uan$ gateH 'oint# hingeH pass
ST 31 Thigh ,order
&D point G " !6
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the thigh
? 20I pro>imal to the e>ure of the $nee
,et&een the ;astus lateralis and the rectus femoris
) cun /7.$ ACI3 pro8imal to the knee 9e8ure
In the belly of the rectus femoris muscle
Note: CTA# along with many other sources# uses $ cun
as the accepted
measurement from the popliteal crease to the gluteal
groo"e. <= uses % cun.
Note: :any te8ts gi"e the cun for ST %0# %%# %$ as ,/%/0
abo"e the
laterosuperior border of the patella. There is no
discrepancy with CTA6s locationsA the distance from the
lateral end of the popliteal crease to the laterosuperior
border of the patella 1 0 cun
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/2 cun
Function &D point
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Darms the channels and dissipates cold
7ispels Dind/7amp
F>pels Dind/*eat
0ourses Dind and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
Game Crouching Ra22it
+u$ to .end o;erH lie prostrateH to
Tu$ ra..it
(lternate )a*es$ Buter *ill#
Buter *oo$
This point dissipates &ind and cold and dampness in
the lo&er .ac$.
ST 32 +rostrate *are
H " !.
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the thigh
: 20I pro>imal to the e>ure of the $nee
,et&een the ;astus lateralis and the rectus femoris
. cun /$.,. ACI3 pro8imal to the knee 9e8ure
Between the rectus femoris and "astus lateralis muscles
Note: CTA# along with many other sources# uses $ cun
as the accepted
measurement from the popliteal crease to the gluteal
groo"e. <= uses % cun.
Note: :any te8ts gi"e the cun for ST %0# %%# %$ as ,/%/0
abo"e the
laterosuperior border of the patella. There is no
discrepancy with CTA6s locationsA the distance from the
lateral end of the popliteal crease to the laterosuperior
border of the patella 1 0 cun
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/1.: cun
Function 7ispels Dind/7amp
0ourses Dind and dissipates 0old
7isinhi.its the 'oints
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Frees the channels and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
Game Yin Mar9et
Yin$ !in# the complement of !ang
%hi$ cit!# mar$et
(lternate )a*e$ @in Tripod
2lthough the stomach channel is a !ang channel# it
tra;erses the front of the .od!# &hich is considered !in.
ST 33 is a point &here qi and .lood are gathered and
dispersed# li$e goods at a mar$etplace. In addition# the
&ord mar$et ma! .e ta$en as a reference to the stomach#
&hich recei;es and distri.utes the -;e grains.
ST 33 @in Ear$et
#i Cle8t point H " !.
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the thigh
4 20I pro>imal to the e>ure of the $nee
,et&een the ;astus lateralis and the rectus femoris
$ cun pro8imal to the knee 9e8ure 1 %.) ACI using <=6s
Between the rectus femoris and "astus lateralis muscles
Note: CTA# along with many other sources# uses $ cun
as the accepted
measurement from the popliteal crease to the gluteal
groo"e. <= uses % cun.
Note: :any te8ts gi"e the cun for ST %0# %%# %$ as ,/%/0
abo"e the
laterosuperior border of the patella. There is no
discrepancy with CTA6s locationsA the distance from the
lateral end of the popliteal crease to the laterosuperior
border of the patella 1 0 cun
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/1.: cun
Function #i Cle8t point
*armoni<es the ST
%ecti-es qi
*armoni<es the center and do&n.ears countero&
F>pels 7ampness and Dind
Eoderates acute conditions
Frees the channels and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Game -ea* 0ill
Liang$ cross.eam# .eam
Qiu$ mound# hill
(lternate )a*es$ *ip ,one#
0hic$en Top# 0rane
ST 34 ,eam Eound
! " !
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the $nee
,et&een the patella and the ti.ia
(ateral to the patellar tendon.
Dhen the $nee is e>ed# a depression appears at this
At the inferolateral corner of the patella
&n the lateral border of the patellar ligament
Geedling 619 Dith the $nee e>ed and supported# A1I insertion
to&ards ,( :4 1/2 cun
629 4:I insertion in a medial and superior direction .ehind
the patella 1/2 cun
639 ,ehind the patellar ligament to 'oin &ith medial Qi!an
Function %educes s&elling 7#,#E
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain 7#,#E
7ispels Dind/7amp 7
0ourses Dind and dissipates 0old ,
Frees the channels and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
Game Cal8;s )ose
Du$ calf
-i$ nose
ST 35 (eg Three Eiles
Earth, 0orary, %ea, %ea o8 )ourish*ent, +irst (i3,
.C " 6E@
-lac9out, Region, Lower Dniting +or2i33en
Months C4
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the leg
13 20I pro>imal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
(ateral to the edge of the ti.ia
Appro8imately % cun pro8imal to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus
Appro8imately % cun below ST %.
&n the medial border of the tibialis anterior muscle
To e8pose the tibialis anterior# 9e8 the foot and rotate it
ST %, is lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
<ust inferior to the inferior border of the tibial tuberosity
cun inferior to the le"el of 4B %$
Note: ?lace your emphasis on the anatomical
Geedling A1I insertion 1/1.: cun
Function Earth point
0orary point 6?a*, C1@a* D%T
%ea point
%ea o8 )ourish*ent
+irst (i3$ +ainting, &n3igestion
-lac9out point 8or upper 2o3y
Region point$ (23o*en
Lower Dniting point 8or the %to*ach
7ne o8 Ma Dan Yang;s 1E 0eavenly %tar points
,ene-ts the ST and S+
F>pels 7amp
and Dind

Toni-es qi and .lood
and !in
Frees and regulates the qi and .lood of the channels
%egulates @ing and Dei qi
%aises !ang
and restores consciousness
%egulates 0entral qi
Strengthens the .od!
H dispels pathogens and pre;ents
Supports the correct and .an$s up !uan qi
7ispels 0old
,rea$s thoracic .lood stasis
%egulates the intestines
and disperses stagnation
,rightens the e!es
%esol;es edema
ST 35 (eg Three Eiles
0lears Fire
0alms the Spirit
ST 35 (eg Three Eiles
Game Leg Three Li
Iu$ foot
%an$ three
Li$ measurement of
(lternate )a*es$
(o&er *ollo&
In ancient times# &hen the primar! mode of Three (i#
3host F;il# (o&er Eound#
Transportation &as &al$ing# stimulation of (o&er Sea of
Ji# Three (i# (o&er
ST 35 could relie;e fatigue suPcient to Three (i
2llo& one to tra;el another three li.
(C This is one of the strongest points for sta.ili<ing and
grounding someone at the source of their .eing. I often
com.ine this &ith other points# depending on the eKect I
am see$ing. 2 particularl! good com.ination for
strengthening resol;es# structure# and one"s spiritual
.ac$.one consists of ST 35# ,( :4# 34 3# and ,( 11. I
ha;e successfull! used this or a similar com.ination for
empo&ering &omen to summon the courage to confront
famil! mem.ers &ho had se>uall! a.used them.
@ou can gain a lot of ground and co;er great distances
&hen this point is used &ith (I 13 2rm : miles or each
is used indi;iduall!.
This point pro;ides the means for a patient to mo;e
on# &hether ph!sical# mental or spiritual. It sha$es up
and re;itali<es the energ!.
)se &here there is la<iness or apath!.
This point .rings great strength and richness to the
soil. It feeds the Farth in order that things can gro&
more richl!. It .rings sta.ilit! and securit! to the
Bne of the points for the Sea of Gourishment# it
.esto&s longe;it! and endurance# $eeps !ou free from
disease# conser;es ;italit! and re;itali<es the energ!#
the BPcial and the entire s!stem.
)sed &ith mo>a# this point steps up the &hite .lood
cell count.
ST 3? )pper 3reat 4oid
%ea o8 -loo3, Lower Dniting point . " !6
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the leg
11 20I pro>imal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
(ateral to the edge of the ti.ia
!ateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
&n the medial border of the tibialis anterior muscle
; cun pro8imal tot eh prominence of the !: % cun below
ST %,
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/1.: cun
Function %ea o8 -loo3
Lower Dniting point o8 the Large &ntestine
%egulates the intestines and transforms stagnation
0lears damp heat and alle;iates diarrhea and d!senteric
%egulates the S+
and ST
7ispels food retention
0alms asthma
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
0ourses the channels and regulates qi
Game Dpper /reat 0ollow
%hang$ upper
1u$ great# large
#u$ ;acuous# empt!H
2necdotall!# there &as a t!pe of &ild horse in ancient
0hina called 'u >u. This t!pe of horse &as particularl!
quic$ and could roam far and &ide. The point name# if
ta$en to .e deri;ed from the horse name# is a reference to
the point"s eKecti;eness in treating leg disorders and to
the tra;eling nature of qi here. 2s ST 3? is the lo&er
uniting point of the (I# qi tra;els form here up to the (I.
This point relates to the upper .od!. )se on someone
sta.le .ut not connected. The! are solid on the
ground# .ut there is still some emptiness. Eost of the
seas are empt! or o;ero& together.
If !ou tonif! one sea# !ou should also tonif! the related
ones i.e. all of the Seas of ,lood in this case# if the!
need it. @ou &ould ne;er replenish the Sea of
Gourishment if the Sea of ,lood is de-cient.
For Farth 0Fs &ith shoulder pro.lems# ST 3? and 3A
are $e! points to the small and large intestines.
ST 35 (eg Three Eiles
It"s also good for the mental le;el.
C3: Dhen used as a Sea of ,lood it allo&s someone to
-ll a ;oid that has .een empt! for a long time. It -lls
and mo;es at the same time.
ST 3? )pper 3reat 4oid
. " !6
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the leg
8 20I pro>imal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
(ateral to the edge of the ti.ia
!ateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
&n the medial border of the tibialis anterior muscle
) cun pro8imal tot eh prominence of the !: 0 cun below
ST %7
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/1.: cun
Function ,ene-ts the shoulder
F>pels Dind/7amp
2lle;iates pain
%emo;es channel o.structions
Soothes the sine&s and quic$ens the connecting ;essels
Darms the channels and dissipates cold
Game Ri22on 7pening
Tiao$ a long and narro& item#
Jou$ mouth# opening
Bne &a! to interpret the meaning of the point name is to
;isuali<e the qi o&ing from the )pper 3reat *ollo& to
the (o&er 3reat *ollo&. It must go through a narro&
passage at ST 38.
)sed as a non/speci-c command point# this enriches
all le;els if not certain of the le;el.
It"s good for shoulder trou.le.
It"s also good for malfunctions of qi in the ST caused
.! .ranch opening .eing closed manifesting as a
.loc$age on the ST pulse. In this case# the pulse &ill
come straight up &hen !ou use this point.
ST 38 ,ranch Bpening
%ea o8 -loo3, Lower Dniting Point . " !6
(ocation Bn the anterior surface of the leg
? 20I pro>imal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
(ateral to the edge of the ti.ia
!ateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
&n the medial border of the tibialis anterior muscle
7 cun pro8imal to the prominence of the !: cun below
ST %)
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/1.: cun
Function %ea o8 -loo3
Lower Dniting point o8 the %&
Eo;es SI qi and transforms stagnation
%egulates and harmoni<es the intestines and clears
0lears *eat and disinhi.its damp
0lears the .o&els and transforms stasis
%egulates the function of the ST
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Game Lower /reat 0ollow
#ia$ lo&er
1u$ great# large
#u$ hollo&# de-cienc!#
)se &hen the patient feels empt! inside# insecure#
unsta.le# has no contact &ith the earth. This point
opens up a .loc$age inside li$e a gutter or a ditch.
It energi<es the lo&er 'iao.
It"s good &hen a person is frigid and=or has poor
Some people need .oth of the ;oids together
C3: Dhen used as a Sea of ,lood it allo&s someone to
-ll a ;oid that has .een empt! for a long time. It -lls
and mo;es at the same time.
ST 3A (o&er 3reat 4oid
Luo point ! " !.
(ocation Bn the antero/lateral surface of the leg
8 20I pro>imal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
Bn the lateral edge of the ti.ialis anterior
2t the le;el of ST 38
) cun pro8imal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus
About cun lateral to ST %)
&n the lateral border of the tibialis anterior muscle
Traditionally 0 (nger widths from the anterior crest of the
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion 1/1.: cun
Function Luo point
Transforms phlegm and damp
0alms the Spirit
,ene-ts the chest
Bpens the chest
0lears phlegm from the () and alle;iates cough and &hee<ing
0alms asthma
0lears phlegm from the *eart
*armoni<es the Stomach
0lears *eat
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Game -ounti8ul -ulge
+eng$ a.undant# great# .ountiful
Long$ prosperousH s&ell# .ulge
The point name is the name of a cloud spirit and an e>pression
descri.ing the sound of thunder.
(C 2s the luo point# ST 41 harmoni<es the relationship .et&een the
spleen and the stomach oPcials. +h!siologicall!# this point is
said to transform phlegm and dampness# and to calm the spirit.
In this conte>t# phlegm and dampness represent the
accumulation of one"s unintegrated e>periences in life.
Insatia.le appetite and feelings of neediness ma! result if the
past pre;ents one from .ecoming nourished in the present. This
point is ideal for the person that feels .urdened .! t!pical
sources of nourishment such as famil!# friends# and career. Feng
long ma! assist in transforming .urdensome feeling so that one
ma!# once again# recei;e a.undance.
In order to recei;e a har;est &e need to &or$ and toil. Ean!
people struggle through life and the! get no har;est at all.
This point allo&s a person to get a glimpse of the har;est
&hich is a;aila.le.
)se for the spirit &hen a person doesn"t feel satis-ed.
ST 41 2.undant Splendor
This point is good for the mental side of Farth pro.lems i.e.#
ghosts# o.sessions# lac$ of contact &ith the earth.
This point pro;ides a plentiful suppl! of energ!. It"s ;er!
rarel! empt!. It .rings up the general energ! of a person. It
almost has the same eKect as a Source point .ecause of its
reser;oir/li$e qualities.
ST 41 %eleased Stream
+ire, ToniKcation, River, &D point . " !6
(ocation 2t the middle of the anterior e>ure of the an$le
,et&een the tendons of the e>tensor digitorum longus
and e>tensor hallucis longus
To e8pose the tendons# acti"ely e8tend the toes
remembering that the
most medial and prominent tendon of the three tendons
is the endon
of the tibialis anterior muscle.
Geedling 619 A1I insertion .: cun
629 4:I insertion .eneath the tendons to 'oin &ith S+ :
mediall! or 3, 41 laterall!
: The anterior ti2ial vessels an3 nerve lie 3eep to
this point :
Function +ire point
ToniKcation point
River point
&D point
0lears ST heat
0alms the Spirit
Transforms damp and stagnation
Supports S+ qi
Fliminates Dind
,rightens the e!es
2cti;ates the channel and alle;iates pain
Game Ravine Divi3e
1ie$ separate# di;ide# untie# undo
#i$ .roo$# stream# gorge# ra;ine
(lternate )a*e$ Shoelace
This point .rea$s a lot of .loc$s on the ST meridian. It
gets qi to o& to the ends of the meridian feet and
Fire .rings &armth to the earth. It releases the streams
that come from the sea.
C3: This point .rings 'o! to the har;est. )se &hen a
person is collapsed &ithin to reengage them &ith the
outer &orld. It"s no good to ha;e a full plate if !ou are
not getting an! spirit out of it. This point relishes in
a.undance# ignites appetite# remo;es self/a.sorption.
)se if a person is sad or lac$ of 'o! or mold!# stagnant
and damp.
ST 42 %ushing @ang
%ource point, ELit point ! " !.
(ocation Bn the dorsal surface of the foot
In the conca;it! at the meeting of the na;icular# lateral
cuneiform and intermediate
cuneiform .ones
*aig: 2ppro>imatel! M the distance .et&een ST 43 and
ST 41
&n the dorsum of the foot# between the e8tensor
digitorum longus @ hallucis longus
The point lies on a line drawn between the 0nd and %rd
digits to ST $#
in a hollow e8posed when the foot and digits are
This will be in the indentation between the medial and
lateral cuneiform bones
Note: Acupuncture te8ts "ary enormously as to where
this point is drawn. It is said
that ST $0 is on the dome of the instep of the foot# where
the pulsation of the
dorsalis pedis artery is palpable. Also# that it is % cun
pro8imal to ST $%A .. distal
ST $ is also gi"en which would put it appro8imately at
the meeting of the na"icular
and cuneiform bones. &ther te8ts refer to it being in a
depression between the
bases of the second and third metatarsal bones and the
cuneiform bones. This is
further complicated by the fact that there are B8tra points
on the line between ST $
and $%.
Geedling 4:I or A1I insertion .3/.: cun
: Don;t puncture the 3orsalis pe3is artery which
lies 2eneath this point :
Function %ource point
ELit point
0alms the Spirit
*armoni<es the Stomach
0lears heat from the ST channel
Supports Farth
Toni-es the ST and S+
Transforms 7amp
%emo;es channel o.structions
Game %urging Yang
ST 41 %eleased Stream
Chong$ to ush# rinse# dashH
Yang$ !ang# the complement of !in
(lternate )a*es$ Eeeting ,ones#
Eeeting ,end#
Eeeting 3ush# Eeeting Source#
)nrestrained @ang
This point li$e a po&erful shot in the arm. It"s
especiall! good for insta.ilit! on a mental le;el.
C3: This is a ;er! grounding point. It"s good for
someone &ho is o;er the top# spinning out of controlH
someone &ho li$es to stand up on a ta.le and sing
na$ed or pins !ou to the ground. It"s good for circular
thin$ing on a mental le;el &hen nothing is getting
ST 42 %ushing @ang
,oo3 point, %trea* point ! " !
(ocation Bn the dorsal surface of the foot
In the angle .et&een the 2
and 3
metatarsal .ones
At the 'unction of the 0nd and %rd metatarsal bones
<ust distal to the 9are at the base of the 0nd metatarsal
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion .:/1 cun
Function ,oo3 point
%trea* point
7isinhi.its 7amp
*armoni<es the Stomach

*armoni<es the intestines

Toni-es the S+
%egulates the S+
7o&n.ears countero&
0lears Dind and *eat
%emo;es channel o.structions
Game %un9en 'alley
#ian$ to sin$
/u$ a ;alle!
C3: )se &hen someone needs to set do&n ne& roots in
the earth. This point is a.out mo;ement. It .rea$s
things up and helps a person -nd ne& direction. )se
&hen someone can"t get out of a spin. The releases
force of the earth &hen it has .een entrapped in a pit.
ST 43 Sin$ing 4alle!
,ater point, %pring point ! " !
(ocation Bn the dorsal surface of the foot
,et&een the 2
and 3
Cust distal to the .ase of the pro>imal phalan> of the
second toe
+istal to the metacarpoCphalangeal 'oint of the 0nd digit#
<ust distal to the 9are of the base of the pro8imal phalan8
Traditionally pro8imal to the web margin bet. the 0nd @
%rd digits
Geedling 619 A1I insertion to .: cun
629 4:I insertion directed pro>imall! .:/1 cun
Function ,ater point
%pring point
7ne o8 Ma Danyang;s 1E 0eavenly %tar points
0lears *eat from the ST channel
*armoni<es intestines
and clears 7amp/*eat
Fliminates fullness
Transforms stagnation
Stops pain
+romotes free do&n&ard mo;ement of ST qi
+romotes digestion
Fliminates Dind from the face
0alms the Spirit
%egulates qi
Game &nner Court
)ei$ inside# inner
Ting$ court!ard# court
This is pro.a.l! the .est point on the Stomach
meridian for a.dominal disorders# especiall! &hen
the! are accompanied .! pain and fearNDhat is itR
Dhat is causing itR Is it going to come .ac$ againR
There is fear out of proportion to the pain.
)se &hen Farth 0Fs ha;e fears=nightmares.
It"s good for people &ho cannot stand the human
;oice# &ho do not &ish to communicate.
C3: This is a -lling and settling point. It helps a person
-ll their o&n inner space# their o&n center from &ithin.
If a person e>hi.its &orr! and fear and an>iet! all at
once agitation. This point allo&s the person to go
some&here peaceful and comforta.le.
ST 44 Inner 0ourt!ard
Metal, %e3ation, ,ell, +irst (i3 point 1 " !
+or2i33en Months G4
(ocation (ateral nail point of the second toe
About . cun pro8imal to the corner of the nail
<ust distal to the 9are of the distal phalan8
Geedling A1I or 4:I insertion directed pro>imall! .1/.2 cun# or pric$
to .leed
Function ,ater point
%e3ation point
,ell point
+irst (i3$ hangover, in3igestion, toothache
0alms the Spirit
and restores consciousness
*armoni<es the Stomach
0ourses and discharges !ang ming pathogenic heat
0lears *eat from the ST channel
,rightens the e!es
0lears the *eart
%elie;es food retention
Frees the channels
Game %evere Mouth
Li$ harsh# se;ere# -erceH to
oppressH quic$# rapid
Dui$ e>change# con;ertH mouth# a
(C This point is e>cellent for the person &ho feels his needs
are ne;er metH consequentl! he continuall! &hines#
complains# and demands s!mpath!. If the metal &ithin
earth .ecomes cold# rigid and inert# then ph!sical and
emotional digestion ma! .ecome sluggish. Fmotionall!#
this coldness ma! manifest as a lac$ of s!mpath! to&ard
self and others.
This is good for the person &ho feels cold mentall!.
There is no tolerance# understanding or compassion.
Eetal gi;es richness to the Farth# so this is good for a
.arren Farth e.g. menstrual diPculties.

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