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Rodriguez 1

Ryanna Rodriguez
Mr. Munoz
English IV, 3
20 October 2014
Medieval Period
During the medieval times, the social life was divided into a feudal system. A feudal
system is the division of an upper, middle, and lower class. Nobles were a part of the upper class
while peasants and serfs made up the lower class. You were classified by how wealthy you were,
who you were related to, and your community. Many people lived in villages and castles that
were built on or near farm land. The King played favoritism when it came to who would be
granted land. He would grant land to the nobles who he felt were much more important. He
would also protect the peasants since they would live and work on the land he owned.
When the nobles were granted land they would share with those who were lesser value to
the feudal system. They would share it with their servants also known as vassals. Over time, the
vassals would become powerful causing the king to fear and have problems controlling those
who were too powerful. In 1215, King John signed the Magna Carta. This would reduce the
kings power of taxation on anyone and protect the rights of the accused. They would be tried
before being punished. This way they could be judged fairly before being punished for
something they did not do.
Peasants were treated badly. For anything that they had harvested they had to give it up to
those were of higher authority. They were taxed incredibly high. They had the job to produce the
goods that their master needed for him and his family. Even then, women had to fight for a role
in society. Some were given the duties of staying home and cleaning, cooking, and sewing. Soon
enough, women were able to hunt and fight in battles among men. While some women chose that
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way of life others had a more different approach on life. Some were merchants, blacksmiths and
some had a creative side whether it had to do with writing, painting or playing an instrument.
The political system of the medieval time was feudalism. Women were not necessarily
acknowledge in councils. Many women who decided to be a part of the politics were usually
wealthy, from the upper-class, and from the clergy. Many women had no rights since in a sense
they belonged to their father because they were not married off yet. When women were married
off land would come along. Peasants normally had a choice in marriage, women in the upper-
class normally did not have a choice.
During the medieval times, the Catholic Church played a huge role in that time period.
The church was the only church in Europe that was being practiced. Church leaders usually
bishops and archbishops were in charge of the government. They came from rich and noble
families who were then appointed to rule over parishes also known as a "diocese." Unlike
archbishops, parish priests were much more humble and had little to no education if anything.
Monasteries were built according to St. Benedict and his rules. The Benedictines took the vows
of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They were forbidden to leave their monastery, be involved in
society, and own property. Monasteries and convents were used to keep pilgrims and others safe
from the evils of the world. Monks were often educated and were eager to learn. Pilgrimages
were important to the people of that time because they would go and visit holy places like
Jerusalem. They also visited holy shrines. Just like the Canterbury Tales they went to visit holy
shrines in England.

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