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Unit 2: Origins of American Government Quiz

1. What was the significance of the following documents? (What ideas are contained
in each)
a. Magna Carta- This document was written to protect the people from
federal abuse.

b. English Bill of Rights- The Bill creates separation of powers, limits the
powers of the king and queen, and enhances the democratic election and
bolsters freedom of speech.

c. Mayflower Compact- It was the first governing document of Plymouth

d. Declaration of Independence- the fundamental document establishing the
United States as a nation, adopted on July 4, 1776. The declaration was
ordered and approved by the Continental Congress and written largely by
Thomas Jefferson.

2. Who were the main philosophers who influenced the Constitution and American
Government? List each we discussed and what their main ideas were below.
a. Thomas Hobbs: believed that religion and government
should be separate
b. John Locke: He was against the divine right of kings
c. Voltaire: One of the first philosophers to champion civil
d. Rousseau: Believed in majority rule, the government
should do whatever the majority of people wanted.
e. Montesquieu: Believed people should have individual

3. How were the Articles of Confederation set up?
a. Unicameral
b. No executive or judicial branches
c. Congress had the power to make laws
d. States had the power to make war and peace, send and
receive ambassadors, enter into treaties, raise and equip an Army/Navy,
fix standard measurements, regulate Indian affairs, establish postal offices,
decide disputes among states.
e. Weaknesses are could not levy taxes, could not regulate
trade, could not enforce laws, all 13 states had to agree to amend the
articles, No executive branch, and no national courts

4. Who had the majority of the power under the articles?
a. Congress

5. What were some of the many problems with the Articles?
a. Could not pay the revolutionary war veterans
b. Shays Rebellion

6. Who is the Father of the Constitution?
a. James Madison

7. What was the big debate about how the Constitution should be organized?
Explain the two plans.
How the should be representative was the big debate.
Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan
1. Strong Government
2. Federalism- two governments. One
state and national, from which the
people receive their power.
3. National government would have
the power to make its own laws
and to collect taxes.
4. Three branches: Legislative,
Executive, Judicial
5. Bicameral
6. Representative would be

1. Weak Government
2. Unicameral
3. Equal representation
4. Congress would have the power to
collect taxes on product and stamps
and levy fines and collect money
from states if they refused to pay
their taxes.
5. Congress would have the power to
regulate trade among states and
foreign nations
6. Three branches: congress would
appoint people to the executive
branch; the executive branch would
appoint members of the U.S.
Supreme Court.

8. What was the compromise they arrived at? (We did not get to it in the notes, so
go to Constitutional Convention Notes under Modules and use them to help you

The Connecticut Compromise. The Virginia plan was chosen.
Representation: Smaller states: each state would have equal votes in the senate. Larger
states: House of Representatives are by population.

9. Who elects the President?
a. Electoral College

10. 3/5ths Compromise (explain what it was and how representation was figured
under this compromise).
a. It was a compromise that selected who was counted into the
representation. 3/5
of the slave population for the purpose of taxes and
would count towards representation.

11. Explain the Federalists vs. Antifederalists (we did not get to this either, s look it
up on-line. Just know which side supported the constitution and which side was
against it. Also try to find out who was the main people in each group)
a. Federalist support the constitution, antifederalists are
against the constitution. Federalists: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison.
Antifederalists: George Mason, Patrick Henry, and Edmund Randolph

12. What role did the Bill of Rights play in the ratification of the Constitution?
(You will need to look this one up as well).

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