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Ulfah Nasti Wiliastuti

Mother must in the relaxed conditions before give milk to
baby. For the first weeks, baby needs mothers milk every
2-3 hours.

The position when giving milk
The right steps to give milk
1. washing the hands
2. Make mother at relax position or lying relaxed
3. ask and help mother to take off her upper clothes
4. Take out mothers milk a little, after that put it on the
5. Teach mother to put baby on one arm, babys head in the
elbows curve and babys ass on mothers lower arm

6. stick mothers stomach to babys stomach, put one of babys hand to the
back of mothers body and another hand in the front, baby head facing

7. Positioning the nippl to babys mouth side
8. After baby open this mouth sugest mother to get close
quickly the nippl to babys mouth

9. sugest mother to give attention to baby
10. To take off babys figment,little finger get into babys
mouth from side and press babys chin
After that, take out a little milk and put it on the nippl and let it
drya it self
The consequence if mother have a fault position when give the milk

1. nippl will become damaged
2. Mothers milk will not appear optimally and
influence the mothers milk production.
3. Baby will not suckle on breast
4. Baby will puffed up

Ambarwati, 2008. Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas.
Yogyakarta: Mitra Cendikia.
Saryono, 2008; h. 35

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