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I sent this mail after attending an event and talking to Dave

Smith (Chief Executive); Cllr Melville Speding; Cllr Barry

Curran; Cllr Paul Watson
From: Leonard Lowther [mailto:lowther27@gmail.com] Sent: 03
December 2013 22:22 To: Dave Smith (Chief Executive); Cllr Melville
Speding; Cllr Barry Curran; Cllr Paul Watson
Subject: The Shocking Reality

David Smith Chief Executive Quote: I have made my decision take me

to court.

Councillor Mel Speeding Quote: The Law is just opinion.

Councillor Barry Curran Quote: What do I know Im not an expert.

Council Leader Paul Watson Quote: I dont understand but I will
have another look and ask why the Delegated Decision Report
argues the case, not to provide a lift to the first floor offices as it
is less than100 sq meters but later approves 240 sq meters of
office space.

Delegated Decision Report Page 12

In general, there are provisions to incorporate a lift I lifting platform to
non- residential properties. However, in this instance it is not
required. LABC Services have national agreements , that non-
residential units under 100m sq & incorporate no unique facilities,
do not require the provision of a lift I lifting platform. Such small
commercial units, as in this instance cannot justify the cost I
maintenance costs for such a small facility.

In light of the above, as the proposed scheme fully complies with the
requirements of App Doc M, there are no access related issues that
would prevent Building Regulation approval being granted. As the
scheme raises no concerns from a Building Regulation perspective,
there is no material planning justification to refuse the application
based on the provision of disabled access.

Delegated Decision Report Page 14
5 Notwithstanding the submitted plans, no more than 240 square
metres of the available 450 square metres of internal floor space
at first floor level shall be used for the purposes of use class B1

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