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Supervising Teacher Feedback Form Observation # __1__

Lesson Plan and Observation ! "#1

Student Name: Stephanie Gordon Date: 4/11/11
Supervising Teacher: Scott Lawrence School: Manitoba Grade/Subect: !rd/Mathematics
"ooperating Teacher: Lisa Studer Number o# Students: 4

The statements below are drawn #rom the $isconsin Standards #or Teacher Development and Licensure and the %lverno %dvanced
%bilities #or &ducation' This #eedbac( is intended to support )ou as )ou re#lect on this teaching e*perience and re#ine )our practice #or
#uture lessons'
PL$%%&%' $%! P(P$($T&O%
$isconsin Teaching Standards 1+, -"onceptuali.ation+ Diagnosis/
Teacher 0nowledge+ S(ills+ Dispositions 1bserved &vidence -"andidate/
23N45T T64&786ou used teaching resources and curriculum materials and made some
evaluations about
their use#ulness'
23N45T T64&786ou engaged students in learning'
23N45T T64&786ou understand the importance o# connecting instruction to students9 e*periences'
23N45T T64&786ou believe that plans must alwa)s be open to adustment and revision based on
23N45T T64&786ou value the importance o# planning as an integral part o# teaching'
23N45T T64&786ou selected and created learning e*periences that were appropriate and relevant
A creative and well prepared lesson plan! You
utilized technology very effectively to engage
students in the learning (power point with
multiplying strategies, Smart Board game).
Your learning eperiences were
developmentally appropriate for the students.
Your learning activities connected to students!
prior eperiences.
"t might have #enefitted students to focus on
fewer tric$s that covered a #roader category
of num#er facts li$e your strategy for nines.
____ Inadequate ____Emerging __x_ Proficient ____Distinctive
Copyright 2009. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions.
"eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
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)L$SS(OO* %+&(O%*%T
$isconsin Teaching Standards >+!+? -"oordination+ 3ntegrative 3nteraction/
Teacher 0nowledge+ S(ills+ Dispositions 1bserved &vidence -"andidate and Student/
23N45T T64&786ou encouraged discussion+ listened and responded to group interaction'
6ou elicited
samples o# student thin(ing orall) and in writing'
23N45T T64&786ou respected students as diverse individuals'
23N45T T64&786ou were sensitive to communit) and cultural norms'
23N45T T64&786ou recogni.ed opportunities to demonstrate multiple perspectives'
23N45T T64&786ou monitored independent and group wor( in #ield settings'
You interacted in a very enthusiastic manner
and had a positive rapport with the students.
You promoted discussion and got them to
share varied perspectives. Students were
interested and involved throughout the lesson.
You were encouraging and supportive as you
monitored their participation. As a result, the
students were eager to share their responses
with you.
____ Inadequate ____ Emerging __x__ Proficient + ____Distinctive
$isconsin Teaching Standards 4+ @+ , -"ommunication+ "oordination+ Diagnosis+ 3ntegrative 3nteraction/
Teacher 0nowledge+ S(ills+ Dispositions 1bserved &vidence -"andidate and Student/
23N45T T64&786ou evaluated learning goals and considered alternative strategies and materials
to meet
student needs'
23N45T T64&786ou used some teaching and learning strategies to engage students in active
23N45T T64&786ou presented concepts clearl) and accuratel)'
23N45T T64&786ou were a thought#ul and responsive listener'
23N45T T64&786ou modeled appropriate communication strategies in conve)ing ideas and
and in as(ing Auestions'
23N45T T64&786ou communicated in wa)s that demonstrated sensitivit) to cultural and gender
23N45T T64&786ou connected instruction to students9 e*periences'
23N45T T64&786ou adusted and revised the lesson plan based on student needs'
You clearly stated the learning goals at the #eginning
of the lesson. %he Smart Board allowed students to
#e actively involved in learning new multiplying
strategies. You used your &uestioning s$ills
effectively during the lesson to encourage student
thin$ing. Your personal enthusiasm was contagious
and stimulated students to act out the cheers and
related tric$s you were demonstrating. Your teaching
eamples related to their personal eperiences. %he
game allowed students to physically manipulate
answers on the Smart Board.
'nemonic devices are a great strategy for
reinforcing memory retention of $ey information.
(id your pro#lems in the game give students practice
with the )tric$s* you modeled for them+ Should you
have them orally repeat the tric$ used+ ,ere they
relating the tric$ to learning the num#er fact+
____ Inadequate ____ Emerging __x__ Proficient ____Distinctive
Copyright 2009. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions.
"eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
:1;M N1' ,1!
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$isconsin Teaching Standards =+B -Diagnosis+ 3ntegrative 3nteraction/
Teacher 0nowledge+ S(ills+ Dispositions 1bserved &vidence -"andidate and Student/
23N45T T64&786ou used some assessment techniAues to enhance )our
(nowledge o#
learners and modi#) )our teaching and learning strategies'
23N45T T64&786ou evaluated the e##ect o# class activities+ collecting
through observation o# classroom interactions and Auestioning'
23N45T T64&786ou show a commitment to re#lection+ assessment+ and
learning as an
ongoing process'
23N45T T64&786ou were willing to give and receive help'
23N45T T64&786ou used classroom observation #rom the #ield to re#lect on
and revise
)our practice'
%he Smart Board provided you with a very
concrete way to assess student performance.
Students had to demonstrate a strategy to
show how they solved a pro#lem. "t also allowed
you to provide them with immediate feed#ac$.
-aving students share at the end of the lesson
what tric$s wor$ed for them would have
provided you with further information on your
learning outcome. You were very self.reflective
during our conference and open to instructional
feed#ac$ to improve your performance.
____ Inadequate ____ Emerging __x__ Proficient ____Distinctive
$isconsin Teaching Standard 1< -"ommunication+ 3ntegrative 3nteraction/
Teacher 0nowledge+ S(ills+ Dispositions 1bserved &vidence -"andidate and Student/
23N45T T64&786ou related pro#essionall) and e##ectivel) with the
cooperating teacher
and #acult)'
23N45T T64&786ou dressed pro#essionall) and consistentl) portra)ed a
You dressed and acted in a professional manner
in relation to your students and cooperating
You are enthusiastic and positive in meeting your
____ Inadequate ____Emerging __x__ Proficient + ____Distinctive
Summar. Statement and $reas to )oncentrate on &mproving/ % #ine beginning+ StephanieC 6our lesson was creative and well
preparedC 6ou utili.ed technolog) ver) e##ectivel) to provide students with an engaging learning activit)' 6ou interacted in an
enthusiastic and supportive manner with the students' 6ou provided students with a motivating approach #or learning their multipl)ing
#acts' :or #uture instruction+ ma(e sure )our learning outcomes re#lect )our learning goals'
Copyright 2009. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions.
"eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
:1;M N1' ,1!
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Overall Per0ormance ____ Inadequate ____ Emerging __x__ Proficient ____Distinctive
Copyright 2009. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.., !nternational and Universal Copyright Conventions.
"eproduction in part or whole #y any $ethod is prohi#ited #y law.
:1;M N1' ,1!
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