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Samsung Group (Hangul: ; hanja: ; Korean pronunciation: [s ams up] ) is a South

Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Ton! Seoul" #t comprises

numerous su$sidiaries and a%%iliated $usinesses! most o% them united under the Samsung $rand! and is
the largest South Korean chaebol ($usiness conglomerate)"
Samsung as %ounded $y &ee 'yung(chul in )*+, as a trading company" -.er the ne/t three decades
the group di.ersi%ied into areas including %ood processing! te/tiles! insurance! securities and retail"
Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late )*01s and the construction and ship$uilding
industries in the mid()*21s; these areas ould dri.e its su$sequent groth" 3olloing &ee4s death in
)*,2! Samsung as separated into %our $usiness groups 5 Samsung 6roup! Shinsegae 6roup! 78
6roup and Hansol 6roup" Since the )**1s Samsung has increasingly glo$ali9ed its acti.ities! and
electronics! particularly mo$ile phones and semiconductors! ha.e $ecome its most important source o%
:ota$le Samsung industrial su$sidiaries include Samsung ;lectronics (the orld4s largest in%ormation
technology company measured $y <1)< re.enues! and =th in mar>et .alue)!
Samsung Hea.y
#ndustries (the orld4s <nd(largest ship$uilder measured $y <1)1 re.enues)!
and Samsung
;ngineering and Samsung 7?T (respecti.ely the orld4s )+th and +0th(largest construction
-ther nota$le su$sidiaries includeSamsung &i%e #nsurance (the orld4s )=th(largest li%e
insurance company)!
Samsung ;.erland (operator o% ;.erland Aesort! the oldest theme par> in South
Samsung Techin (an aerospace! sur.eillance and de%ense company) and 7heil
Borldide (the orld4s )@th(largest ad.ertising agency measured $y <1)< re.enues)"
Samsung has a poer%ul in%luence on South Korea4s economic de.elopment! politics! media and
culture! and has $een a major dri.ing %orce $ehind the CDiracle on the Han Ai.erC"
#ts a%%iliate
companies produce around a %i%th o% South Korea4s total e/ports"
Samsung4s re.enue as equal to
)2E o% South Korea4s F)!1,< $illion 6GH"
#n <1)+! Samsung $egan construction on $uilding the orld4s largest mo$ile phone %actory in the Thai
:guyen pro.ince o% Iietnam"
Samsung has $een a$le to achie.e the largest mar>et share o% nearly
+)E in the glo$al smartphone segment! as o% <1)+"

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