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grade notes on Chapter 4 Section 2
Structure of State Government
3 branches of government
1. Executive
2. Legisative
3. !udicia
"here is a separation of po#ers among the branches
"his 3 branch arrangement eads to chec$s and baances among the branches.
Chec$s% contros that stop the other branches from misusing its po#ers
Each branch has the primar& responsibiit& for some function of government' but
a branches share the po#er and no branch can function #ithout the other
Exampe of Chec$s and (aances) "he governor *executive branch+ can veto
*refuse to approve+ bis passed b& the house or senate *egisative branch+. "he
egisative branch can override a governor,s veto but on& #ith a t#o%thirds vote.
"he !udicia branch can imit the po#er of the other 2 branches. -f the egisature
passes a a# that some citi.ens fee is unconstitutiona' the La Supreme Court
must decide if the a# foo#s both the /S and L0 constitutions. -f it does not
the& can stri$e it do#n1this is caed !udicia 2evie#.
The Executive Branch
% impements the a#s passed b& the egisative branch
% operates the state government
% oversees state services
"he Governor
0t east 23 &ears od
Citi.en of Louisiana for 3 &ears
Serves a 4 &ear term
Can serve 2 consecutive terms *8 &ears+
4a$es the state budget *must be approved b& egisature+
(udget% ho# the state #i get and use mone&
0ppoints citi.ens to boards and commissions
0dministrative bis% a#s the governor #ants passed5 egisators #ho bac$ the
governor #i introduce these bis in the egisative session
Can ca specia egisative sessions #hen he6she fees the state has a need that
cannot #ait
Lieutenant Governor
7ubic 2eations 8fficer *tries to ma$e our state oo$ good in the media+
9eads the State :ept. of Cuture' 2ecreation' and "ourism
-f the governor is out of the state' the L". Governor acts as governor
-f the governor has to eave office' the L". Governor becomes governor
0ttorne& Genera
9eads the states ega office' #hich is the :ept. of !ustice
7rovides opinions on a# ;uestions that state agencies ma& have
:efends the a#s of Louisiana if chaenged b& federa government
Secretar& of State
Chief eections officer% a duties connected #ith eections are supervised b& the
secretar& of state
<eeps Louisiana,s officia records
7ubishes the acts of the egisature
<eepers of the Great Sea of Louisiana1this sea *#hich is a stamp+ gives officia
approva of document
Louisiana,s records are $ept in the State 0rchives (uiding in (aton 2ouge
-n charge of state mone&
4one& that is not needed immediate& must be invested and the treasurer is
responsibe for investing the state,s mone&
4a$es financia reports
2eturns uncaimed propert& to the citi.ens of La.
Commissioner of 0gricuture
7romotes La,s agricuture and forestr&
Commissioner of -nsurance
Enforces insurance a#s
7ubic Service Commission
2eguates pubic utiities *teephones' eectricit&' #ater' and natura gas+
4a$es sure these businesses charge fair rates and that the citi.ens get good
"he (oard of Secondar& and Eementar& Education *(ESE+
Supervises education
0ppoints the state superintendant of education

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