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Jasdeep Singh

Passionate Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Co!eeScript Developer based out of Toronto.
Installing Redis on Mac OS X
May 22, 2012
This post explains how you can install Redis on your Mac OS X system. The instructions will stay pretty much same for
any Linux/Unix based system.
If you have Homebrew:
If you dont have Homebrew:
Grab the latest copy of Redis from this link. At the time of this writing the latest stable release is 2.4.14. Follow the in-
structions below now.
Download Redis. I downloaded redis to my Downloads folder on Mac.
First execute the make test command to make sure Redis can complete a clean install on your computer.
If no problems were found, continue by executing make on your terminal
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Next, move these 2 directories into your /usr/bin directory. Youll need to do this as the sudo user.
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installing-redis2.sh hosted with ! by GitHub
Now, make a hidden redis directory in your home folder and add a config file called redis.conf into this folder.
You can consult the Redis Documentation on what options/parameters you can configure using this conf file.
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Start up the redis server using:
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installing-redis4.sh hosted with ! by GitHub
installing-redis4.sh hosted with ! by GitHub
Jasdeep Singh
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