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Ms Noor S Pasha

Tel: 050 2566700 (MOBILE); email: noor1!"ahoo#$o#%&

A UK national with over 15 years of EFL and ESL teaching experience at college and high school.
Taght English to UAE high school and niversity stdents and also taght T!EFL and "ELTS.
"ELTS exa#iner. Experienced in pro#oting and delivering co##nity otreach progra##es for
wo#en. Self$directed% enthsiastic edcator with a passionate co##it#ent to stdent
develop#ent and learning experience. S&illed in the design of challenging% enriching and
innovative activities that address the diverse interests and needs of stdents. Active tea#
#e#'er who effectively colla'orates with all levels of staff #e#'ers. (rrently researching
English langage teaching and its relation to stdent progress with a focs on Ara' stdents
stdying at tertiary level.
Experience in)
(rricl# design and develop#ent (ooperative learning
"nteractive learning *lticltral awareness
Technology enhanced lessons +ifferentiated instrction
Stdent #otivation Stdent$centred learning
Stdent assess#ent
Ins-i-%-e o. 'lie/ Te$hnolo0" '%0 2011 2 -o /a-e
"ELTS to gr11
Shar3ah 4ni5ersi-" (6-ime) Se- 2012 7 8e$ 2012
Taght English s&ills
"ELTS interview s&ills
(ana/ian 4ni5ersi-" o. 8%9ai: Ins-r%$-or Se- 200: 7;%n 2012
Taght acade#ic English ,credit corses-
Taght research s&ills
Taght .siness English
/repared and ad#inister place#ent tests% sylla'i and exa#s
(onseled stdents
In-erna-ional )o%se< Polan/: Ins-r%$-or (-em) ;%l 200: 7 '%0 200:
Teach inter#ediate and advanced English to adlts
Minis-r" o. E/%$a-ion (4'E): Tea$her Men-or Se- 200= 7 ;%n 200:
*entored grade 0 teachers
/repared lesson plans and assess#ents
Taght English
"ncorporated stdent$centred classroo#s
(onseled stdents
(ana/ian 4ni5ersi-" o. 8%9ai: Ins-r%$-or Se- 20062 ;%ne 200=
Taght English as a Second Langage in English for Acade#ic /rposes /rogra#.
Taght acade#ic English ,(redit corses-
Taght "ELTS for acade#ic stdy
Taght Acade#ic Life S&ills
Taght /rofessional (o##nication S&ills
/repared and ad#inistered place#ent tests
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Noor Pasha, 2014
/repared exa#s% sylla'i% wee&ly teaching plans% writing r'ric
Ad#inistered T!EFL exa#s% organi1ed T!EFL invigilation schedle
+eveloped stdents2 research s&ills
Acade#ic Advisor
(oached stdents to i#prove in presentation s&ills ,for co#petitions-
8%9ai 4ni5ersi-" (olle0e: Ins-r%$-or Se- 20012 ;%n 2006
Tea# Leader for Acade#ic English and "ntensive English
Taght English as a Second Langage to UAE 3ationals enrolled in "ntensive and
Acade#ic English progra#.
Taght 'siness English at "nter#ediate level
Taght corporate English corses to spervisors4#anagers fro# +'ai /orts Athority
/repared sylla'i and wee&ly teaching plans
Speciali1ed in teaching inter#ediate to pper inter#ediate level stdents
'l I--iha/ Pri5a-e S$hool< (4'E): Ins-r%$-or Se- 20002 ;%ne 200>
/repared and taght history% English and geography sylla's and exa#s
for 5rades 16 to 17.
8%9ai Na-ional S$hool: Ins-r%$-or ? (oor/ina-or Se- 1::=2 ;%ne 2000
Taght English to national stdents in 5rades 8 to 9.
/repared A#erican sylla's ,Scotts Fores#an- and exa#s.
(oordinated the progra# and spervised six instrctors.
In-erna-ional S$hool o. (ho%ei.a-< ,'@: Ins-r%$-or Se- 1::72 ;%ne 1::=
Taght English and history to international stdents in 5rades 8 to 17.

B%rnle" (olle0e< 4@ Se- 1::22 ;%ne 1::7
Ins-r%$-or an/ (omm%ni-" '$$ess Team Lea/er
*anaged an adlt edcation progra# for wo#en fro# disadvantaged co##nities.
+elivered English training in ho#es and schools as part of a co##nity otreach
:ecrited and trained volnteers to wor& as ESL assistants in langage wor&shops
and in the co##nity.
*ran0e S$hool< Ol/ham< 4@: Ins-r%$-or (En0lish ? )is-or") Se- 1::12 ;%ne 1::2
Taght English and ;istory to high school stdents
<or&ed with the #ath teacher in the classroo# to help with English as Second
Langage stdents.

M,es (Mas-er o. ,esear$h)6 Ph8 sccessflly co#pleted = #odles% will co#plete
dissertation in applied lingistics 'y >an 7615 and will contine /h+ thereafter.
>an 761? ongoing
Pos- *ra/%a-e (er-i.i$a-e in E/%$a-ion (P*(E) in A%r-her E/%$a-ion (olle0es
;ddersfield /olytechnic% UK% 1996$1991
(o#pleted teacher training in English as a Foreign Langage% @AA level ;istory% and
(o##nications S&ills at the college level.
B' ()ono%rs) in )%mani-ies (Li-era-%re an/ )is-or")
University of .olton% UK% 19=5$1996
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Noor Pasha, 2014
"ELTS Exa#iner 7668
Teaching (ertificate in Adlt Edcation ,T+L. +?7 B .TE(-% 1995$1990
:oyal Society of Arts (ertificate in Teaching English as a Second Langage to Adlts ,:SA in
TESLA-% 1997$199?
TES!L A:A."A *e#'er
!rgani1ed fashion shows
For#ed and #anaged a sccessfl dra#a cl'
<or&ed in residential ho#es
*icrosoft word% excel% /ower/oint
First Aid (ertificate
"nterview co##ittee
Text 'oo& co##ittee
(rricl# co##ittee
native English spea&er with good &nowledge of Urd and so#e Ara'ic
good organi1ational and co##nication s&ills
the a'ility to wor& well in a tea#
the a'ility to wor& with people fro# different 'ac&gronds and cltres
the a'ility to #otivate #yself and others
confidence% enthsias# and energy
cheerflness% charis#a and good sense of h#or
UK national
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Noor Pasha, 2014

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