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 Result Cheat Code

Display most cheats Επίδειξη οι περισσότεροι

testingCheatsenabled [true or false]
1,000 more Simoleons Kaching
50,000 more Simoleons Motherlode
1,000 more Simoleons babyboom
View career outfits and service uniforms [Note 2]
Εξαρτήσεις σταδιοδρομίας άποψης και στολές unlockOutfits [on or off]
υπηρεσιών [σημείωση 2]
Εξαρτήσεις σταδιοδρομίας άποψης και στολές
moveObjects [on or off]
υπηρεσιών [σημείωση 2]
Return Sims to safe and nuetral state at home resetSim [first name] [last name]
Reset lifetime happiness of all Sims in active household resetlifetimehappiness
Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, constrainFloorElevation [true or
and other structures false]
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on
Objects will not snap to slots while holding [Alt]
or off]
Objects fade when camera gets close to them fadeObjects [on or off]
Show talk/thought balloons above Sim's head hideHeadlineEffects [on or off]
Print random joke to console jokePlease
displaylotpackagefilename [on or
Toggle lot tooltips
Toggle "Llamas" warning icons [Note 3] enablellamas [on or off]
Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest slowMotionViz [0-8]
Toggle framerate display at top right fps [on or off]
Full screen fullscreen [on or off]
Quit the game quit

Note 1: This code allows additional cheat codes to be used and unlocks various testing
options, as described below.

Note 2: This code must be enabled before entering Create-A-Sim mode.

Note 3: "Llamas" are the triangular warning signs that appear with some messages.
 Testing cheats

Enable the "testingCheatsenabled true" code, then type one of the following codes at the
console window to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code

Make toddler that grows to child become an NPC ageuptonpc
Set Simoleon total for indicated family familyfunds "[last name]" [number]
Set game speed speed [0 to 4]
Toggle map tags maptags [on or off]
Toggle all audio playsounds [on or off]
Record video with specified size and quality recordvideo

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