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Chain of Friendship

Goal: To have students create a chain with positive features of a

good friend on each link
multiple sheets of colored construction paper
markers for writing
class list of students names
1. Cut colored paper into thin strips
2. Students write their name on one strip of paper to begin
3. Glue the ends of the strip together to make a loop
4. Students will then write one positive feature of each
classmate that makes them a good friend on individual
paper strips
5. Once all students have finished writing their features, the
teacher will then choose one student from class to be the
listening friend while classmates are then chosen to read
what they have written on their individual strips for that
particular classmate
6. Continue step 5 until all students in the class have read and
heard what feature makes them a good friend
7. Students can then thread each strip that they have been
given to their name loop created in step 3 until all strips
have been added creating their chain of friendship

Extra: Each students complete friendship chain can be
connected to another students chain and then hung around
the room to show classroom friendship and unity.

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