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Number and Place Value

A unit of work about number, arithmetic and problem

Term: 3 2014

Year level 5/6

Updated:28/10/2014 1

Length of Unit: 7 lessons

AUSVELS Learning Focus:

-Identify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problems(ACMNA098)
-Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations(ACMNA099)
-Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit numbers using efficient mental, written strategies and appropriate digital
technologies (ACMNA100)
-Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder(ACMNA101)
-Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems (ACMNA291)
-Number and place value
-Identify and describe properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers(ACMNA122)
-Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole number
-Investigate everyday situations that use integers. Locate and represent these numbers on a number line (ACMNA124)

ILP Statement

Success Criteria

Vocabulary Development:
Lesson 1
- Establishing
- Factors
Lesson 2
- Factors
- Multiples
- Prime

Lesson 3
- Prime

Lesson 4 & 5
of large numbers

Lesson 5
of large numbers

Lesson 6
- Division
Lesson 7
- Establishing
what students
have learnt

Number and Place Value
A unit of work about number, arithmetic and problem

Term: 3 2014

Year level 5/6

Updated:28/10/2014 2
Required Prior Knowledge

Arithmetic and number skills from Foundation to Year 4

Common Assessment Tasks
Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning


Worksheets/Questions on the Board


Other Resources:
- See Paul Menta for resource provision

Number and Place Value
A unit of work about number, arithmetic and problem

Term: 3 2014

Year level 5/6

Updated:28/10/2014 3
Teaching and Learning Sequence
Number and
Topic Title
Lesson Sequence and Focus Keying In Possible activities
Share /
Reflection /
nt of
and Place
Learning Focus:
To gain an understanding of what we know
and remember regarding numbers and place

Success Criteria:
I have tried my best to answer questions
and/or identify words/parts of the question that
make it difficult for me to answer questions.
Give 2 table groups 20 MAB
blocks. Give another 2 table
groups 24 MAB blocks. Give
the final remaining table
groups 22 MAB blocks.

In groups, students are to
break down their MAB blocks
into equal parts and attempt
to find every possible
combination of equal parts
they can. Students are to
record these combinations -
i.e: 6 lots of 4, or 11 lots of 2

Students Complete Pre-Test after a short
discussion on what it is and why we do it.

Give a worded explanation of your answers.

Students only answer what they can.

Reflect on why it is
we do Pre-Tests.
Tests to be
collected and data
inputted onto
o Factors/Pri

Learning Intention:
To identify factors of 2 digit numbers and
develop a process for finding all possible

Success Criteria:
I can identify all factors of common 2 digit
Cubirocks GO -

As a class work through
some of these problems
and explore possible
Factor bricks used to give a visual representation of
what factors are. Hopefully students are familiar
with fraction bricks. Students can cut and paste
these into their books. (10min)

Students then work through problems from sample
sheet 1 to find as many factors as possible (10min)

Explanation of list method to identify all possible
factors. Students work though as many problems as
possible from sample sheet 2. (10min)

Students work though problems, these problems
scale in difficulty

Students may use number strips, matchsticks,
What are prime
numbers? Use
matchsticks to
physically prove
which numbers are
prime from 2 to
15. (10min)

Number and Place Value
A unit of work about number, arithmetic and problem

Term: 3 2014

Year level 5/6

Updated:28/10/2014 4
counters etc. to support understanding.
o Prime

Learning Focus:
Investigate how all composite numbers can be
reduced to their prime factors.

Success Criteria:
I can reduce any composite number to a
multiple of prime powers.
As a class watch the
recognizing divisibility video:

Please summarize the
various rules for divisibility
at the end and the video can
be a little complex so pause
and discuss at various points
should students seem

What would we expect to find
with prime numbers in
regards to their divisibility?
Examples on board regarding prime power
factorization trees. Students to watch first and
discuss, copy into their books later. Complete
example numbers in their book.

Students finding this easy can find the greatest
common denominator (GCD) between sample 1&2,
3&4, 5&6 etc.

Students can use counters, matchsticks, number
strips etc. Questions scale in difficulty
How can we correct
our answers? By
multiplying out our
prime numbers.
Correct your first 3
or 4
answers/Correct a
friends first 3 or 4
o Multiplicati
on of large

Learning Focus:
To investigate the distributive law of number
and how it allows us to multiply large numbers
in our head.

Success Criteria:
I can multiply large numbers on using my first
5 number facts (1,2,3,4 & 5 times tables).

Class to complete in groups
of 4 or 5:

A teacher is planning a
treasure hunt for 5/6
students. There are 48
Grade 5 students and 60
Grade 6 students. Each and
every team must have an
equal number of students in
it. Team members must be
from the same Year level.
What are all the possible
team sizes that can
participate in the treasure
hunt? What is the largest
possible team size?
Discussion of 3 methods for multiplying large
numbers: distributive law, box model and long
multiplication. Students are to rule their page up
into 2 columns. One column is to consist of
numbers and the other to consist of words
explaining what they are doing and why they are
doing it.

Students can try a different method and see if they
get the same answer. What if they try all 3

Students to use number strips
Reflection: Do we
need to know any
number facts
higher than 5? Why
not? Why would
we learn them

Number and Place Value
A unit of work about number, arithmetic and problem

Term: 3 2014

Year level 5/6

Updated:28/10/2014 5

Division and
Learning Focus:
To identify when large numbers can be divided
by smaller numbers. To support our
understanding of how this is done.

Success Criteria:
I can divide large numbers and recognize
small factors.
Table groups are to match up
the cards with each similar
card. Table teams are to
decide when they feel they
are finished and the first
team to correctly identify the
correct groupings win.
Discuss the difference between divisibility and
division. Demonstrate on the board how we divide
numbers. Students to complete problems on the

Problems scale with difficulty so students will work
through at their own pace. Convert their answers
with a remainder into mixed numbers

Students can make use of manipulatives to help
support their understanding

Reflect on how
division relates to
fractions. Use
factor bricks to help
illustrate this point

Demonstrate how a
remainder can be
converted to a
number answer.
Post Test for
Learning Focus:
To demonstrate and reflect on everything I
have learnt about numbers.

Success Criteria:
I can answer these questions to the best of my
ability and identify areas in the topic I am
having trouble with
In groups of 4 or 5: How
many whole numbers can
you make between 1 and
20 only using operators
and the number 4? You
can use as many operators
and as many number 4s as
you like

Students to complete Post-Test
Reflect as a class
on why we do tests
like this. What was
challenging about
that test? What do
students feel they
dont know very
welll regarding
number and place

Please identify the number of lessons required to cover the topic adequately do not plan according to number of weeks in a term
Add or delete lessons from the template as needed

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