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Summarize ideas:

A) Explain how liberalism affected Russias domestic policy.

Political parties were forbidden; the secret police made arbitrary arrests, as well as censored speech and
the press and rejected all demands for a constitution.
B) Describe two features of Russias foreign policy.
Pan-Slavism the union of all Slavic people under the Russian leadership.
Continue expansion, begun under first czars, east into Asia and south toward Ottoman Empire.
Expansion southward, however, was halted with a defeat in the Crimean war in the 1850s. Russia lost
boarder territory.

Organizing ideas:
A) List the liberal reforms that alexander II accomplished in Russia.
Issued the emancipation edict. Which freed all serfs.
Councils that levy taxes and health programs education, assistance for poor, local crafts, and some
public work programs.
Also he reformed the courts, civil and criminal courts were modeled after their European counterparts,
and appeals courts were instituted and local justices.

B) What did he do with regard to the serfs?
Most of the serfs that were free could not afford to live anywhere nor enough for food. They did not
have efficient funds to buy land and make a living. They then had to rent land from their former owners
which made rent very expensive.
Analyzing ideas:
A) Why did the revolution of 1905 fail to overthrow the monarchy?
Failed for 3 reasons:
-The army remained loyal and thus would not end the czars regime.
-The French, bound to Russia by military alliance, lent money to the government.
-The many revolutionary groups were divided in their goals. Moderates feared radical demands and
radicals disagreed among themselves.
B) How did Nicolas II respond to the revolution of 1905?
Nicholas II created the October manifest which promised individual liberties and provided for the
election of parliament which is called Duma.
Key Terms:
Liberal Those who wants some change to come legally.
Radical want change any way possible even if it is illegal.
Conservative- those in power who want to keep power
Domestic vs. Foreign matters domestic is how they deal with issues in Russia. Foreign is how they deal
with issues in other reigns.
Autocratic relating to a ruler who has absolute power.
Divine Right theory history concept that the right to rule derives from god and that kings are
answerable for their actions to god alone.
Russification is a form of a cultural assimilation process during which non-Russian communicates
voluntarily or not, give up their culture and language in favor of the Russian one.
Pan-Slavism political and cultural movement originally emphasizing the cultural ties between the Slavic
peoples but later associated with Russian expansionism.
Emancipation Edict- Edict of Emancipation, 1861, the mechanism by which Czar Alexander II freed all
Russian serfs. All personal serfdom was abolished, and the peasants were to receive land from the
landlords and pay them for it.
Peoples Will violent action, splitting of a movement.
Pogroms organized massacre of an ethnic group, in particular that of Jews in Russia or Eastern Europe.
Nihilists Intellectual thinkers who believed that the only way to solve Russias problem was to scrap
the existing structure.
Social Democratic Labor Party any of several European political parties advocating a gradual transition
to socialism or a modified form of socialism by and under democratic processes.
Duma October manifest which promised individual liberties and provided for the election of

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