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7 essential tools you must have when making a

realistic drawing:

1. Pencils - I use Derwent Graphic pencils. Pencils are available in a variety of tones
ranging from 9B to 9H. 9B being the softest (darkest) and 9H being the hardest (lightest).
If you buy a box like the one on the second picture, you will have every pencil you need!

2. Blending Stumps- are a must! I use mine all the time. When the tips become dull, they
can easily be sharpened again with a special sharpener or some fine grade sand paper.
Q-tips (ear buds) - work great for inexpensive blenders. When you need to blend very
small spots q-tips works even better than regular blending stumps.

3. When you need to make a very smooth light shading, i.e. skin tones, some kind of
fabric cloth like Kleenex can be very helpful.

4. Mechanical pencils or Clutch pencils- These are very nice because they are always
sharp, no need for sharpening. Great for detail work!

5. Erasers and sharpeners of course. A kneaded
eraser is also great for removing graphite. You can easily control how much graphite you
would like or remove, just by shaping the eraser. Google it for more information. A brush
is great when you have smudge on your hand, and need to remove eraser pieces and
some graphite that is lying on the drawing. Its easy to smudge or drag a little excess
piece of lead over the drawing If you use you hand.

6. There are also mechanical pencils that have size 0.3
lead, and they are very tiny and excellent for those tiny details. You can also buy lead for
mechanical pencils with different tones, i.e. HB, B, 2B, 3H. Some of them are also colour-
coded so you could easily separate them.

7. A kneadable eraser is also great for removing graphite. You can easily control how
much graphite you would like to remove, just by shaping the eraser.

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