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Alverno College School of Education

Special/General Education Programs

Course: SPE/LTM __612_____ Candidates ame: Enri!ue Camacho
"all ___ Spring ___ Summer ___ #ear $%&'____
(asic Professional (ehavior for Educators
The following are basic expectations for professional behavior in the School of Education at Alverno. The are based on the !e dispositions of
respect" responsibilit" co##unication" and collaboration. $f consistentl practiced" the provide a base for growth toward the deeper dispositions
necessar to be effective with all learners %see the reverse side&. $f violated" the are cause for concern and appropriate intervention. 'ou will be
as!ed to reflect on our de#onstration of these basic expectations in our classes and a for# based upon the# will be used to docu#ent an issues
with our perfor#ance and the subse(uent intervention.
1. The educator)candidate effectivel de#onstrates discipline and responsibilit for attending all class sessions and for being present at the start of each class.
$ was able to attend all classes and be on ti#e.
2. The educator)candidate co#es prepared with class" fieldwor!" or #eeting #aterials. $n classes" s)he finishes and turns in on the dates re(uested
assign#ents that are co#plete and have been proofread.
Evidence: At the beginning of the se#ester there were proble#s due to various fa#il e#ergencies but was able to catch up and get bac! on tas! towards
the end of the se#ester.
*. The educator)candidate ta!es the initiative to co##unicate with ca#pus facult and field+based #entors if there are attendance or perfor#ance concerns.
Each ti#e there was a perfor#ance issue with the facult $ had no proble# bringing it to the attention of the people involved. Though" there have been
disagree#ents $ have wor!ed hard to find a co##on ground and wor! as best as possible with the facult.
,. The educator)candidate consistentl uses appropriate language" interacts in a professional #anner and shows respect for others.
All interactions were appropriate and with the up#ost respect.
-. The educator)candidate accepts e(ual responsibilit for group tas!s or assign#ents and supports others in doing so.
Evidence: .or all group tas!s and assign#ents $ have been a tea# plaer to all #e#bers of # class.
6. The educator)candidate honors professional ethics" including appropriate use of (uotations" recognition)citation of sources" respect for confidentialit and
privac" etc.
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Alverno College School of Education
Evidence: All assign#ents were co#pleted with the respect and recognition of all authors and privac was #aintained throughout the class.
3. The educator)candidate welco#es feedbac! fro# instructors and peers and uses feedbac! to support her)his own growth.
The candidate learned a lot and was open to all feedbac! given b instructors and peers. All feedbac! given was fixed to align with what the professor was
4. The educator)candidate #aintains openness and a positive outloo!" interpreting challenges as opportunities and see!ing assistance when needed.
$ was able to interpret challenges throughout the class b searching for answers fro# not onl professor but other students as well as proven through the
video assign#ent see!ing additional help fro# colleagues.
5. $n field and professional settings" the educator)candidate co#es to the site in appropriate attire and conves trustworthiness" co#petence" and enthusias#.
As stated b # cooperating teacher and observing teacher $ was appropriatel dressed and was able to show all aspects of trustworthiness" co#petence
and enthusias# to students and teachers of the school.
11. The educator)candidate provides consistent support for learners and colleagues in nonverbal and verbal interaction.
Evidence: $ was able to provide a positive attitude in the classroo# to all people within the classroo# setting and $ #aintained an approachable attitude to
all colleagues and facult.
The Educator as Professional
Alverno Education candidates and graduates wor! to build professional dispositions across their coursewor!" through self assess#ent and reflection"
collaboration" and sste#atic in(uir. Course content engages the# in stud of education as a #oral practice" along with a strong focus on supporting
learners and colleagues in continuous develop#ent and growth. Candidates are as!ed periodicall to reflect on and give exa#ples of evidence of their
growth in these beliefs and co##it#ents" especiall in their wor! to build school cultures that reflect the#.
&) The educator believes that all students can learn" holds high expectations for all students" and persists in helping all students achieve success
through effective design of learning experiences" thoughtful assess#ent" and #eaningful feedbac!.
Evidence: Through the children $ taught in # field experience $ believe that all students can learn even in the #ost difficult of settings.
6hile teaching # lessons $ found that students in the #iddle school had difficult ho#e situations and as $ learned $ wor!ed hard to find a
wa to #a!e lessons relevant to the#. The students see#ed to be engaged in the lessons $ provided through the different #ethods of teaching
such as video" audio and independent wor!.
$) The educator believes in the inherent dignit of all people" respects the custo#s and beliefs of diverse groups" and provides a culturall
responsive learning environ#ent to support the learning of all students.
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Alverno College School of Education
Evidence: 6ithin the school environ#ent $ taught there was a diverse population and $ was able to e#brace the culture through extensive
research before lessons and discussions with students to trul understand the#.
*) The educator establishes environ#ents of respect and collaborates in building a culture for learning.
Evidence: 7earning in the classroo# while $ taught was
') The educator is a flexible and responsive advocate for learners" see!ing out and using a variet of strategies and resources to #eet their
cognitive" social" e#otional" phsical and character develop#ent needs.
+) The educator believes in her)his power to #a!e a difference in the lives of learners" especiall through the #odeling and scaffolding
integrative s!ills of co##unication" collaboration" creativit" and critical thin!ing.
,) The educator is a continuous learner" who !eeps abreast of professional discourse and resources and who contributes to i#proved practice
through individual and collaborative in(uir.
-) The educator collaborates with students" fa#ilies" co##unities" and other professionals to support student learning" contributing to efforts that
i#prove the school" the district" and the co##unit.
.) The educator #aintains her)his philosoph of education as a living docu#ent" using it to guide ethical practice and advocac for learners.
"acult/ Comments:
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