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5th Grade Weekly Newsletter
November 3-6, 2014



Social Studies- We will be taking a
break from Social Studies this week to do
Reading / LA: Each child should be
reading nightly as part of homework.
Students need to take 8 Reading Counts
Quizzes for part of their reading grade.
Story: Paul Reveres Ride by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow (Poem)
Story Skills- Sequence
Strategy- Word Structure
Vocabulary words for the week: somber,
fate, steed, fearless, magnified, glimmers,
and lingers.
Each student will be part of a Literature
Circle Group, which is basically a
childrens book club. This is where we
work on the higher level comprehension.
The students read a certain number of
pages a week and do one page out of their
folder. I will meet with the groups each
week to discuss the book. This week I
will meet with both Racing the Sun
Groups on Tuesday, The Long Walk on
Wednesday, and The Girl who Chased
Away Sorrow Group on Thursday. They
should come with their assignments

Happenings this week
Second quarter begins this week!!!
I will be discussing a new homework
policy with the students and sending
home the information to the parents.
Conferences will be on Friday, November
and Monday, November 10
. I look
forward to seeing all of you. Students are
welcome to come to conferences.
Please set aside November 24
to have
lunch with us. We will be having a
potluck and parents are invited. More
information will follow.

Math We will finish Topic 5, which deals
with more complicated, including double digit
dividends. We did long division today and
most of them did well. It is essential that you
have your child practice their multiplication
facts, which will assist them with the math.
Please see Student Resources in the Weebly
for math sites to practice multiplication. We
are working with our time tests and I have
told the students that once they pass their
multiplication facts, they get to have a special
lunch with me!!!

Science-We will begin the chapter on
Ecosystems. This is a very interesting unit
that looks at the effects of producers,
consumers, decomposers, and scavengers on
an ecosystem. We will also be studying about
food pyramids.

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