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Syria is currently fighting to save their cultural diversity.

Syria is home to
some of the worlds richest and most diverse cultural treasures: pre-historic cities,
Roman temples, Byzantine churches, medieval mosques, Crusader Castles, Ottoman
souks, and countless monuments.(1) Syria is one country that holds cultural
diversity since its beginning. It is sad to see it all slowly fading away and the country
losing how culturally diverse it used to be. Since the start of unrest in 2011 this
heritage has fallen into grave danger from looting, gunfire, aerial bombardments
and deliberate partisan destruction. (1) Because of what Syria has been undergoing
it is causing a loss of cultural diversity in the country.
As mentioned Syria, has held cultural diversity for most of its time. Syrias
history extends over thousands of years. A succession of cultures has left a wealth of
archaeological sites, cultural landscapes, monuments and works of art that
represent the evolution of human ingenuity. (3) In Syria there are monuments and
sites that are origins or hold great importance to some cultures especially the ones
in Syria. It is shame to see them being destroyed. The sad this about Syria losing its
cultural diversity is that most of it, it out of their control. The rampant destruction
of Syrias cultural heritage including ancient cities, houses and temples is
deepening hatred in the war-torn country and must stop, United Nations and Arab
League officials warned today, stressing that the protection of Syrias ancient history
is inseparable from the protection of its people. (4) In order for Syria to help them
and save their culture diversity is to make the war and destroying of their country
and landmarks stop. This causes changes to the lives of the people of Syria.

The citizens of Syria are experiencing changes all around them that affect
their lives as well Part of the humanitarian disaster in Syria is the threat to the
countrys cultural objects and sites. Few countries are as rich culturally, have had
such a glorious past, and are as important to human civilization as Syria. (3) It is
unfair to the citizens of Syria that they have to experience so much change because
of their living conditions. They are all affected by the rapid changes in the culture
that are happening.
One of the main targets of culturally diversity that is being threatened is
religion in Syria. One reason religion is being lost throughout cultural diversity in
Syria is because the government doesnt promote public practicing of different
religions. All layers of Syrian culture are now under attack -- including preChristian, Christian and Islamic. (4) Many of the monuments that are being torn
down are monuments related to religions.
Unfortunately the people in Syria are suffering and there isnt really a plan of
action to help gain back or save the loss of cultural diversity. As the people of Syria
continue to endure incalculable human suffering and loss, their countrys rich
tapestry of cultural heritage is being ripped to shreds.(2) Although there is a crisis
that needs to be dealt with. Our efforts to save Syrias cultural heritage must be
part of wider efforts to end violence and move to peace. Now is the time to stop the
destruction, build peace and protect our common heritage.(2) Syria needs to find
peace within itself, its country and others as well. To preserve what they have left of
the cultural diversity and save it for the future generations of Syria, so they can have
a cultural diversity in their country and for those generations to come.


1. ArchInternational. (2013). ARCH International. Retrieved from

2. The destruction of Syrias cultural heritage must stop | United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3. Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage | IIP Digital. (2013, September 24). Retrieved from
4. United Nations News Centre - Stop the destruction, UN officials urge in plea to save
Syrias cultural heritage. (2014, March 12). Retrieved from

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