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Title - make it interesting or at least informative
Purpose/ Hypothesis what is the aim of the investigation?
write the purpose in your own words (you
will only write a hypothesis if the lab is a true
experiment - in most cases you will be doing
investigations, not experiments)
Materials either write them down or refer to a specific
page in a lab manual where the materials can
be found you must always indicate any
changes in the lab materials in your report if
you are using the latter method diagrams
may be useful here
Methods/Procedures either write them down step by step
or refer to a specific page in a manual where
the methods can be found if you are using
the latter approach, you must indicate any
Results graphs, tables, etc (using correct numbers of
significant figures and correct units) include
examples of any calculations made
Discussion in this section the results are discussed in
many cases you will be asked to answer
specific questions in this section
Sources of Error what are some sources of error
associated with the specific equipment used or
methods used in this lab - alternate approaches
to the lab and ways to improve the methods
might be mentioned here

Conclusion what was done and observed in the lab what

can be concluded as a result of doing the lab

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