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Event Name: ClassRoom_3A (NKH420207)

Subject Name:
Raoul Izzard (Raoul Teacher)
Start Time:
4/30/14 8:00 pm

Table of Contents
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Welcome to Luzti speaking classes.pdf
VTraining LUZTI welcome presentation Classroom_3a English course.pptx
Welcome to Speaking Course 3A VTraining Students: 1.-Please run the Audio
Wizard 2.-Then give me a checkmark to indicate youre ready Course starts at
18:30 !
Who am I
Who are You?
Instructions to Remote Students
Classroom Language
What can you do when do dont understand?
No Slide Title 3
What`s the meaning of _______?
Can you repeat please?
Slow Down, please.
Hold on!!!!
One at a Time!!!
Don`t Shout
-Take one and pass them around - Hand them out
Im sorry, I left it behind
Copy of Slow Down, please.

Welcome to Luzti speaking classes.pdf

VTraining LUZTI welcome presentation Classroom_3a

English course.pptx

Welcome to Speaking Course 3A VTraining Students:

1.-Please run the Audio Wizard 2.-Then give me a
checkmark to indicate youre ready Course starts at
18:30 !

Who am I

Who are You?


Instructions to Remote Students


Classroom Language

What can you do when do dont understand?

No Slide Title 3

What`s the meaning of _______?

Can you repeat please?

Slow Down, please.

Hold on!!!!

One at a Time!!!

Don`t Shout

-Take one and pass them around - Hand them out

Im sorry, I left it behind

Copy of Slow Down, please.


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